# SPDX-License-Identifier: CECILL-2.1 """ abstract type AbstractAudioSource end Base class for all audio source. Possible audio sources are: * `FileAudioSource` * `URLAudioSource` * `CmdAudioSource` You can load the data of an audio source with the internal function loadsoce(s::AbstractAudioSource, subrange) """ abstract type AbstractAudioSource end struct FileAudioSource <: AbstractAudioSource path::AbstractString end struct URLAudioSource <: AbstractAudioSource url::AbstractString end struct CmdAudioSource <: AbstractAudioSource cmd end CmdAudioSource(c::String) = CmdAudioSource(Cmd(String.(split(c)))) loadsource(s::FileAudioSource, subrange) = wavread(s.path; subrange) loadsource(s::URLAudioSource, subrange) = wavread(IOBuffer(HTTP.get(s.url).body); subrange) loadsource(s::CmdAudioSource, subrange) = wavread(IOBuffer(read(pipeline(s.cmd))); subrange) """ abstract type ManifestItem end Base class for all manifest item. Every manifest item should have an `id` attribute. """ abstract type ManifestItem end """ struct Recording{Ts<:AbstractAudioSource} <: ManifestItem id::AbstractString source::Ts channels::Vector{Int} samplerate::Int end A recording is an audio source associated with and id. # Constructors Recording(id, source, channels, samplerate) Recording(id, souce[; channels = missing, samplerate = missing]) If the channels or the sample rate are not provided then they will be read from `source`. !!! warn When preparing large corpus, not providing the channes and/or the sample rate can drastically reduce the speed as it forces to read source. """ struct Recording{Ts<:AbstractAudioSource} <: ManifestItem id::AbstractString source::Ts channels::Vector{Int} samplerate::Int end function Recording(uttid, s::AbstractAudioSource; channels = missing, samplerate = missing) if ismissing(channels) || ismissing(samplerate) x, sr = load(s) samplerate = ismissing(samplerate) ? Int(sr) : samplerate channels = ismissing(channels) ? collect(1:size(x,2)) : channels end Recording(uttid, s, channels, samplerate) end """ struct Supervision <: ManifestItem id::AbstractString recording_id::AbstractString start::Float64 duration::Float64 channel::Int data::Dict end A "supervision" defines a segment of a recording on a single channel. The `data` field is an arbitrary dictionary holdin the nature of the supervision. # Constructor Supervision(id, recording_id, start, duration, channel, data) Supervision(id, recording_id[; channel = missing, start = -1, duration = -1, data = missing) If `start` and/or `duration` are negative, the segment is considered to be the whole sequence length of the recording. """ struct Supervision <: ManifestItem id::AbstractString recording_id::AbstractString start::Float64 duration::Float64 channel::Int data::Dict end Supervision(id, recid; channel = missing, start = -1, duration = -1, data = missing) = Supervision(id, recid, start, duration, channel, data) """ load(recording[; start = -1, duration = -1, channels = recording.channels]) load(recording, supervision) Load the signal from a recording. `start`, `duration` (in seconds) can be used to load only a segment. If a `supervision` is given, function will return on the portion of the signal corresponding to the supervision segment. The function returns a tuple `(x, sr)` where `x` is a ``NxC`` array - ``N`` is the length of the signal and ``C`` is the number of channels - and `sr` is the sampling rate of the signal. """ function load(r::Recording; start = -1, duration = -1, channels = r.channels) if start >= 0 && duration >= 0 s = Int(floor(start * r.samplerate + 1)) e = Int(ceil(duration * r.samplerate)) subrange = (s:e) else subrange = (:) end x, sr, _, _ = loadsource(r.source, subrange) x[:,channels], sr end load(r::Recording, s::Supervision) = load(r; start = s.start, duration = s.duration, channels = [s.channel]) """ play(recording[; start = -1, duration = -1, channels = recording.channels]) play(recording, supervision) Play the recording on the default audio device. See [`load`](@ref) for details on the function arguments. """ function play(r::Recording; start = -1, duration = -1, channels = r.channels) x, _ = load(r; start, duration, channels) PortAudioStream(0, length(channels); r.samplerate) do stream write(stream, x) end end play(r::Recording, s::Supervision) = play(r; start = s.start, duration = s.duration, channels = [s.channel])