diff --git a/U2~coding~oefprogramC.fr/Exauthors b/U2~coding~oefprogramC.fr/Exauthors
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9014600a02e6580562bf6dd452c41f6d1520393c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/U2~coding~oefprogramC.fr/Exauthors
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+boucle:Mathieu Clément-Ziza
+etat_civil:Mathieu Clément-Ziza
+tab1d:Mathieu Clément-Ziza
+tab2d:Mathieu Clément-Ziza
+test_cond:Mathieu Clément-Ziza
diff --git a/U2~coding~oefprogramC.fr/Exindex b/U2~coding~oefprogramC.fr/Exindex
index b387e8e56afba1451fa234e03cd6dab9349799b9..8437d2e971637fc06227100337413bfdb187dfda 100644
--- a/U2~coding~oefprogramC.fr/Exindex
+++ b/U2~coding~oefprogramC.fr/Exindex
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-!set exolist  =!char 1 to -2 of boucle,etat_civil,tab1d,tab2d,test_cond,
-!set titlelist=!char 1 to -2 of Boucle,Etat civil,Tableau 1D,Tableau 2D,Tests,
+!set exolist  =!char 1 to -2 of boucle,tab1d,tab2d,test_cond,etat_civil,
+!set titlelist=!char 1 to -2 of Boucle,Tableau 1D,Tableau 2D,Tests,État civil,
 !set exototal =!itemcnt $exolist
diff --git a/U2~coding~oefprogramC.fr/Extitles b/U2~coding~oefprogramC.fr/Extitles
index 3e347f3b74eddebadfb6ae22123830a8a0f7b0d7..640fdf81e32387de8895e6a4ba50e1a7f03a36a7 100644
--- a/U2~coding~oefprogramC.fr/Extitles
+++ b/U2~coding~oefprogramC.fr/Extitles
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-etat_civil:Etat civil
+etat_civil:État civil
 tab1d:Tableau 1D
 tab2d:Tableau 2D
diff --git a/U2~coding~oefprogramC.fr/INDEX b/U2~coding~oefprogramC.fr/INDEX
index 31d0f18ecbfacbebdf3cc77e542755577ccbd1c0..d028184faa63d3d93f7fa0a99197b6b0d63a1b86 100644
--- a/U2~coding~oefprogramC.fr/INDEX
+++ b/U2~coding~oefprogramC.fr/INDEX
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# This file is automatically generated by Modtool 4.00.
+# This file is automatically generated by Modtool 4.05.
 # Do not edit by hand.
 title=OEF Petits tests de programmation
@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ language=fr
 category=exercise, oef
-keywords=C, programme,boucle,tableau,biology,biologie,program
-copyright=&copy; 2008 (<a href="COPYING">GNU GPL</a>) 2010 2011
-author=Mathieu Clément-Ziza
+copyright=&copy; 2008 (<a href="COPYING">GNU GPL</a>) 2010 2011 2014
+author=Mathieu, Clément-Ziza
@@ -22,4 +22,3 @@ data=
 maintainer=Bernadette Perrin-Riou
diff --git a/U2~coding~oefprogramC.fr/def/etat_civil.def b/U2~coding~oefprogramC.fr/def/etat_civil.def
index 550c2633dcd323a7b40eeed4cbebd122ab0da3e9..0b9e8bd3cc898284a173b9300c95381d49f99790 100644
--- a/U2~coding~oefprogramC.fr/def/etat_civil.def
+++ b/U2~coding~oefprogramC.fr/def/etat_civil.def
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-!set title=Etat civil
+!set title=État civil
 !if $wims_read_parm!=$empty
  !goto $wims_read_parm
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ author=Mathieu Cl
@@ -37,13 +37,13 @@ tmp0=!randitem $tmp
 !ifval $val7 issametext celibataire 
+val8= Mademoiselle 
 val8= Madame
 !ifval $val7 issametext celibataire 
+val9= Madame 
 val9= Mademoiselle
@@ -65,89 +65,94 @@ tmp=!nonempty items Trucmuche,Trucmachin
 tmp0=!randitem $tmp
-val14=<pre style="background-color:#F0FFFF; color:red;">	#include&#60;stdio.h>	#include&#60;string.h>		int main(void)	{	   char reponse1[4];	   char reponse2[4];	   char etat[14];	   char nom[30];	   printf("Etes vous de sexe masculin ? ");	   scanf("%s",reponse1);	   if (strcmp(reponse1,"oui") == 0 || strcmp(reponse1,"$val10") == 0)	      strcpy(etat,"Monsieur");	   else	   {	      printf("Etes-vous $val7 ? ");	      scanf("%s",reponse2);	      if (strcmp(reponse2,"oui")==0 || strcmp(reponse2,"$val12")==0) 	         strcpy(etat,"$val8");	      else 	         strcpy(etat,"$val9");	   }	   printf("Bonjour %s\n",etat);	   printf("Quel est votre nom ? ");	   scanf("%s",nom);	   printf("Au revoir %s ",etat);	   puts(nom);	   return 0;	}	</pre>	
-val15=<pre style="background-color:#F0FFFF; color:red">		<b>DEBUT DE PROGRAMME</b>		     Afficher ("etes vous de sexe masculin")	   <b>SI</b> reponse est "oui" OU "$val10"	     Copier la chaîne "Monsieur" dans etat	   <b>SINON</b>	       Afficher ("Etes-vous $val7 ? ")	       <b>SI</b> reponse est "oui" OU "$val12"	         Copier la chaîne "$val8" dans etat 	       <b>SINON </b>	         Copier la chaîne "$val9" dans etat	   <b>Fin SINON</b>	    	   Afficher ("Bonjour [etat]")	   Afficher ("Quel est votre nom ?")	   Afficher ("Au revoir [etat] [nom]")   	   	<b>FIN DE PROGRAMME</b>	</pre>	
+val14=<pre style="background-color:#F0FFFF; color:red;">	#include&#60;stdio.h>	#include&#60;string.h>		int main(void)	{	   char reponse1[4];	   char reponse2[4];	   char etat[14];	   char nom[30];	   printf("Êtes vous de sexe masculin ? ");	   scanf("%s",reponse1);	   if (strcmp(reponse1,"oui") == 0 || strcmp(reponse1,"$val10") == 0)	      strcpy(etat,"Monsieur");	   else	   {	      printf("Êtes-vous $val7 ? ");	      scanf("%s",reponse2);	      if (strcmp(reponse2,"oui")==0 || strcmp(reponse2,"$val12")==0)	         strcpy(etat,"$val8");	      else	         strcpy(etat,"$val9");	   }	   printf("Bonjour %s\n",etat);	   printf("Quel est votre nom ? ");	   scanf("%s",nom);	   printf("Au revoir %s ",etat);	   puts(nom);	   return 0;	}	</pre>	
+val15=<pre style="background-color:#F0FFFF; color:red;">	#include&#60;iostream>	#include&#60;string>	using namespace std;		int main(void) {	    string reponse1;	    string reponse2;	    string etat;	    string nom;	    cout << "Êtes vous de sexe masculin ? ";	    cin >> reponse1;	    if (reponse1 == "oui" or reponse1 == "$val10") {	        etat = "Monsieur";	    } else {	        cout << "Êtes-vous $val7 ? ";	        cin >> reponse2;	        if ( reponse2 == "oui" or reponse2 == "$val12")	            etat = "$val8";	        else	            etat = "$val9";	    }	    cout << "Bonjour: " << etat << endl;	    cout << "Quel est votre nom ? ";	    cin >> nom;	    cout << "Au revoir " << etat << " " nom << endl;	    return 0;	}	</pre>	
+val16=<pre style="background-color:#F0FFFF; color:red">		<b>DEBUT DE PROGRAMME</b>		     Afficher ("Êtes vous de sexe masculin")	   <b>SI</b> reponse est "oui" OU "$val10"	     Copier la chaîne "Monsieur" dans etat	   <b>SINON</b>	       Afficher ("Êtes-vous $val7 ? ")	       <b>SI</b> réponse est "oui" OU "$val12"	         Copier la chaîne "$val8" dans etat	       <b>SINON </b>	         Copier la chaîne "$val9" dans etat	   <b>Fin SINON</b>		   Afficher ("Bonjour [etat]")	   Afficher ("Quel est votre nom ?")	   Afficher ("Au revoir [etat] [nom]")		<b>FIN DE PROGRAMME</b>	</pre>	
 tmp=!trim non,non,$val13	non,NON,$val13	non,oui,$val13	non,Oui,$val13	non,OUI,$val13	NON,non,$val13	NON,NON,$val13	NON,oui,$val13	NON,Oui,$val13	NON,OUI,$val13	$val10,$val13,0	oui,$val13,0	$val11,non,$val13	$val11,NON,$val13	$val11,oui,$val13	$val11,Oui,$val13	$val11,OUI,$val13
-val16=!translate internal $	\
+val17=!translate internal $	\
 $ to ;; in $tmp
-tmp=!translate internal $	$ to ; in $val16
+tmp=!translate internal $	$ to ; in $val17
 tmp0=!rowcnt $tmp
 tmp1=!shuffle $(tmp0)
-tmp=!trim $(val16[$(val17[1]);])
-val18=!translate internal $	\
+tmp=!trim $(val17[$(val18[1]);])
+val19=!translate internal $	\
 $ to ;; in $tmp
-tmp0=!exec bioinfo  $val6 $val10 $val12  $val8 $val9 $val7 $(val18[1;1]) $(val18[1;2]) $(val18[1;3]) 
+tmp0=!exec bioinfo  $val6 $val10 $val12  $val8 $val9 $val7 $(val19[1;1]) $(val19[1;2]) $(val19[1;3]) 
 tmp=!trim $(tmp0)
-val19=!translate internal $	\
+val20=!translate internal $	\
 $ to ;; in $tmp
-!while $val20 < 1 
-tmp=!trim $(val16[$(val17[$val21]);])
-val22=!translate internal $	\
+!while $val21 < 1 
+tmp=!trim $(val17[$(val18[$val22]);])
+val23=!translate internal $	\
 $ to ;; in $tmp
-tmp0=!exec bioinfo  $val6 $val10 $val12 $val8 $val9 $val7 $(val22[1;1]) $(val22[1;2]) $(val22[1;3]) 
+tmp0=!exec bioinfo  $val6 $val10 $val12 $val8 $val9 $val7 $(val23[1;1]) $(val23[1;2]) $(val23[1;3]) 
-!if $val23 notsametext $(val19[1;]) 
-tmp=!trim $(val19[1;]);$val23
-val19=!translate internal $	\
+!if $val24 notsametext $(val20[1;]) 
+tmp=!trim $(val20[1;]);$val24
+val20=!translate internal $	\
 $ to ;; in $tmp
-tmp=!trim $(val18[1;]);$(val22[1;])
-val18=!translate internal $	\
+tmp=!trim $(val19[1;]);$(val23[1;])
+val19=!translate internal $	\
 $ to ;; in $tmp
-!while $val20 < 1 
-tmp=!trim $(val16[$(val17[$val21]);])
-val22=!translate internal $	\
+!while $val21 < 1 
+tmp=!trim $(val17[$(val18[$val22]);])
+val23=!translate internal $	\
 $ to ;; in $tmp
-tmp0=!exec bioinfo  $val6 $val10 $val12 $val8 $val9 $val7 $(val22[1;1]) $(val22[1;2]) $(val22[1;3]) 
+tmp0=!exec bioinfo  $val6 $val10 $val12 $val8 $val9 $val7 $(val23[1;1]) $(val23[1;2]) $(val23[1;3]) 
-!if $val23 notsametext $(val19[1;]) and $val23 <> $(val19[2;]) 
-tmp=!trim $(val19[1;]);$(val19[2;]);$val23
-val19=!translate internal $	\
+!if $val24 notsametext $(val20[1;]) and $val24 <> $(val20[2;]) 
+tmp=!trim $(val20[1;]);$(val20[2;]);$val24
+val20=!translate internal $	\
 $ to ;; in $tmp
-tmp=!trim $(val18[1;]);$(val18[2;]);$(val22[1;])
-val18=!translate internal $	\
+tmp=!trim $(val19[1;]);$(val19[2;]);$(val23[1;])
+val19=!translate internal $	\
 $ to ;; in $tmp
 tmp0=!randint 1, 3
-val25=$val25 puis <b>$(val18[$val24;2])</b>
+val26=$val26 puis <b>$(val19[$val25;2])</b>
-!ifval $(val18[$val24;3])!=0 
-val25= $val25 et enfin <b>$(val18[$val24;3])</b>
+!ifval $(val19[$val25;3])!=0 
+val26= $val26 et enfin <b>$(val19[$val25;3])</b>
 !ifval $val3 issametext algo
-tmp=!nonempty items $val15,$val14
+tmp=!nonempty items $val16,$val14
 tmp0=!randitem $tmp
 !ifval $val3 issametext code
+!ifval $val3 issametext code_cpp
 !goto stat
@@ -155,15 +160,15 @@ question=__EXECUTED_1692754_EXERCISE__
-$()	<!-- Enoncé-->	<p>Lors de l'exécution de ce programme, par saisie clavier, 	l'utitlisateur a répondu successivement $val25. 	Quels seront les affichages à l'écran?		<!-- Tableau : à gauche le code C, à droite le QCM -->	</p>	 <table border="0" align="center">	  <tr>	   <td>	    <!-- Affichage du Code C -->	     
-!read oef/special.phtml expandlines $val26 
-$()	   </td>	    	    <!-- Mis en forme html du QCM -->	   <td>	    <table align="center" border="1">	     <tr>	      <td>	        
+$()	<!-- Enoncé-->	<p>Lors de l'exécution de ce programme, par saisie clavier,	l'utilisateur a répondu successivement $val26.	Quels seront les affichages à l'écran?		<!-- Tableau : à gauche le code C, à droite le QCM -->	</p>	 <table border="0" align="center">	  <tr>	   <td>	    <!-- Affichage du Code C -->	     
+!read oef/special.phtml expandlines $val27 
+$()	   </td>		    <!-- Mis en forme html du QCM -->	   <td>	    <table align="center" border="1">	     <tr>	      <td>	        
 !read oef/embed.phtml reply1,1 
-$()	      </td>	      <td>	       <pre>$(val19[1;])</pre>	      </td>	     </tr>	     	     <tr>	      <td>	        
+$()	      </td>	      <td>	       <pre>$(val20[1;])</pre>	      </td>	     </tr>		     <tr>	      <td>	        
 !read oef/embed.phtml reply1,2 
-$()	      </td>	      <td>	       <pre>$(val19[2;])</pre>	      </td>	     </tr>	     	     <tr>	      <td>	        
+$()	      </td>	      <td>	       <pre>$(val20[2;])</pre>	      </td>	     </tr>		     <tr>	      <td>	        
 !read oef/embed.phtml reply1,3 
-$()	      </td>	      <td>	       <pre>$(val19[3;])</pre>	      </td>	     </tr>	    </table> 	   </td> 	   	  </tr>	 </table>	
+$()	      </td>	      <td>	       <pre>$(val20[3;])</pre>	      </td>	     </tr>	    </table>	   </td>		  </tr>	 </table>	
@@ -196,5 +201,5 @@ $()