Move submission log storage from temp dir to Redis
To improve end user experience and not drop logs between deployments, we should store logs in Redis.
Relevant sections of code:
This websocket endpoint takes a list of submission IDs and returns their data from temp file storage. This needs to be changed to use redis instead of temp file storage.
async def receive(self, text_data=None, bytes_data=None):
"""We expect to receive a message at this endpoint containing the ID(s) of submissions to get
details about; typically on page load, looking up the previous submission details"""
data = json.loads(text_data)
submission_ids = data.get("submission_ids", [])
if submission_ids:
# Filter out submissions not by this user
submissions = Submission.objects.filter(id__in=submission_ids, owner=self.scope["user"])
for sub in submissions:
text_path = os.path.join(settings.TEMP_SUBMISSION_STORAGE, f"{}.txt")
if os.path.exists(text_path):
with open(text_path) as f:
text =
await self.group_send(text,, full_text=True)
Make websocket endpoint read from redis -
Make websocket endpoint write to redis -
Ensure redis on Heroku is configured to dump the oldest data when we go over data limits