We need more information in job status page
Here is the interface:
And the old one in CodaLab Competitions:
The queue (custom queue name or * for default) and the hostname (container ID) are especially important.
Hostname of both ingestion and scoring jobs Solved by: #1126 -
Hostname Solved by: #861 -
Make competition names as clickable links Solved by: #897 -
Queue name Solved by: #1091 -
Have a way to differentiate and show/hide the "secondary submissions", which are hidden submissions made when there are multiple tasks Solved by: #1096 -
Add queue in submission Solved by: #1114
New feature - All users should be able to access the job status interface:
Admins should be able to see all queues (including the default queue) -
users should be able to see status page with their own submissions only Solved by: #1098 -
Users should be able to see only the queue they are administrating. This is indeed useful when debugging and monitoring a competition Solved by: #1098 -
When this is done, we should add a button in the Queue Management page that redirects to the job status page. Solved by: #1098
Other TODOs (less important):
Make usernames as clickable links Solved by #1092 -
Submission size Solved by #1093 - Run time (see also #610 (closed)) (abandoned)