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Competition Auto-Run Submissions

Placeholder Ihsan Ullah requested to merge auto_run_submissions into develop

@ mention of reviewers`


A brief description of the purpose of the changes contained in this PR.

Organizers can enable or disable auto_run_submissions feature from competition setting to allow participant's submissions to auto-run (the default way) or to require an organizer to run the submission manually (the new feature)

How to set auto_run_submissions

  1. You can set it in the competition settings:
Screenshot 2024-01-23 at 11 07 12 AM
  1. You can set it in the yaml file:
Screenshot 2024-01-23 at 11 07 37 AM

Note: default value is True so that the

How do participants know their submission are not auto-run?

Participants see a question mark with a message to tell them that organizers will run their submissions: Screenshot 2024-01-23 at 11 10 38 AM

How can organizer run the submission?

Organizer can see a play button for submissions which should be executed manually. By clicking this button, the submission will run as a normal submission Screenshot 2024-01-23 at 11 11 19 AM

Issues this PR resolves

A checklist for hand testing

  • Create a competition and disable auto_run_submissions either from competition setting or from competition yaml
  • Submit a submission and check if you see a message that the submission will be run by organizer
  • As an organizer, check that you see the play button in front of the submission and submission runs when you click it
  • upload two competitions one with auto_run_submission set to true and other with false In the yaml file to see they are correctly shown in the competition setting
  • Enable/Disable auto_run_submissions from the setting to check that uploaded submissions follow the setting


  • Code review by me
  • Hand tested by me
  • I'm proud of my work
  • Code review by reviewer
  • Hand tested by reviewer
  • CircleCi tests are passing
  • Ready to merge

Merge request reports
