using DataFrames using Semirings using TensorFSTs using CSV using BenchmarkTools using OpenFst using Glob using IterTools using NaNStatistics include("../../TensorFSTs.jl/lib/OpenFstConvert.jl") pairs = [("dense","topology"), ("dense","charlm"), ("dense","random"), ("topology","dense")] function compbench(compfunc, machineA, machineB, seconds) b = @benchmarkable $compfunc($machineA, $machineB) # tune!(b) t = run(b, samples=100, seconds=seconds, evals=1) t.times end function compbench2(compfunc, machineA, machineB, seconds) AM, Aa, Aw = tensorFST2SparseArray(machineA) BM, Ba, Bw = tensorFST2SparseArray(machineB) min_cd = min(AM.dims[4], BM.dims[3]) AM = AM[:,:,:,1:min_cd] BM = BM[:,:,1:min_cd,:] b = @benchmarkable $compfunc($AM, $BM, $Aa, $Aw, $Ba, $Bw) # tune!(b) t = run(b, samples=100, seconds=seconds, evals=1) t.times end function renamepath(path) type = splitpath(path)[2] name = replace(splitpath(path)[3],".fst"=>"") type * "-" * name end function main() machinezoo_path = "../../MachineZoo.jl/" if !isdir(joinpath(machinezoo_path, "machines", "composition")) mkdir(joinpath(machinezoo_path, "machines", "composition")) end tseconds = 4 oseconds = 1 dfs = [] for path in glob(joinpath(machinezoo_path,"machines/*/*/fstinfo.csv")) df = DataFrame(CSV.File(path)); push!(dfs, df) end df = vcat(dfs...) df[!,"type"] = map(x -> splitpath(x)[2] ,df[!,"file"]) if size(df)[1] == 0 println("No machines found") exit() end # filter # df = df[ ((df[!,"# of arcs"].<=1000) .& (df[!,"type"].=="dense")) .| (df[!,"type"].=="charlm") ,:] df = df[ .!((df[!,"# of arcs"].>1000) .& (df[!,"type"].=="dense")),:] # println(df) # exit() results = [] num = 0 for pair in pairs dfx = df[df.type.==pair[1],:] dfy = df[df.type.==pair[2],:] for (p,types) in zip(product(dfx.file, dfy.file),product(dfx[!,"arc type"], dfy[!,"arc type"]) ) if types[1] != types[2] continue end ofstA =, p[1])) ofstB =, p[2])) println(p) ofstC = OF.compose(ofstA, ofstB) if OF.numstates(ofstC) == 0 println("skipping") continue end p1 = renamepath(p[1]) p2 = renamepath(p[2]) num=num+1 fileC = joinpath( "machines", "composition", "$(num)-$(p1)-x-$(p2).fst") OF.write(ofstC, joinpath(machinezoo_path,fileC)) # otimes = compbench(OF.compose, ofstA, ofstB, oseconds) # println(" of: ",mean(otimes)) times = Dict() times["ofst"] = compbench(OF.compose, ofstA, ofstB, oseconds) try times["tfst"] = compbench(TF.fsmcompose, TF.SparseTensorFSM(ofstA), TF.SparseTensorFSM(ofstB), oseconds) catch println("tf failed") times["tfst"] = [NaN] end stats = Dict() stats[Symbol("fileA")] = p[1] stats[Symbol("fileB")] = p[2] stats[Symbol("fileC")] = fileC for (k,v) in times stats[Symbol("$(k)_min")] = nanminimum(v) stats[Symbol("$(k)_max")] = nanmaximum(v) stats[Symbol("$(k)_mean")] = nanmean(v) stats[Symbol("$(k)_std")] = nanstd(v) stats[Symbol("$(k)_len")] = length(filter(!isnan, v)) end push!(results, NamedTuple(stats)) end end if length(results) != 0 CSV.write("composition_benchmark.csv", DataFrame(results)) else println("No results") end end main()