diff --git a/com.oracle.truffle.r.nodes/src/com/oracle/truffle/r/nodes/qirinterface/QIRInterface.java b/com.oracle.truffle.r.nodes/src/com/oracle/truffle/r/nodes/qirinterface/QIRInterface.java
index df43310c74523980ba4d90e8568472323c41ebd5..66b3507413d878487fd6c5b3e4c496e0dddc5137 100644
--- a/com.oracle.truffle.r.nodes/src/com/oracle/truffle/r/nodes/qirinterface/QIRInterface.java
+++ b/com.oracle.truffle.r.nodes/src/com/oracle/truffle/r/nodes/qirinterface/QIRInterface.java
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ import com.oracle.truffle.r.nodes.function.FunctionExpressionNode;
 import com.oracle.truffle.r.runtime.RRuntime;
 import com.oracle.truffle.r.runtime.context.RContext;
 import com.oracle.truffle.r.runtime.data.RFunction;
+import com.oracle.truffle.r.runtime.data.RPromise;
 import com.oracle.truffle.r.runtime.env.REnvironment;
 import qir.ast.*;
@@ -98,17 +99,20 @@ public final class QIRInterface {
      * Resolves the free variables of a query.
      * @param arg The query to be executed in the targeted database
-     * @param frame The environment of execution
+     * @param argFrame The environment of execution
      * @return The closed query
-    public static final QIRNode normalize(final QIRNode arg, final Frame frame) {
+    public static final QIRNode normalize(final QIRNode arg, final Frame argFrame) {
         QIRNode query = arg;
         final SourceSection dummy = Source.newBuilder("").name("QIR interface").mimeType(RRuntime.R_APP_MIME).build().createUnavailableSection();
         for (Map<String, QIRVariable> fvs = QIRDriver.getFreeVars(query); !fvs.isEmpty(); fvs = QIRDriver.getFreeVars(query))
             for (final QIRVariable fv : fvs.values()) {
                 final String varName = fv.id;
-                final FrameSlot varSlot = frame.getFrameDescriptor().findFrameSlot(varName);
+                Frame frame = argFrame;
+                FrameSlot varSlot = frame.getFrameDescriptor().findFrameSlot(varName);
+                for (; varSlot == null && frame.getArguments()[4] instanceof Frame; frame = (Frame) frame.getArguments()[4])
+                    varSlot = ((Frame) frame.getArguments()[4]).getFrameDescriptor().findFrameSlot(varName);
                 query = new QIRApply(dummy, new QIRLambda(dummy, null, new QIRVariable(dummy, varName, varSlot), query, new FrameDescriptor()),
                                 RToQIRType(fv.sourceSection, varSlot != null ? frame.getValue(varSlot) : RContext.lookupBuiltin(varName)));
@@ -234,26 +238,38 @@ public final class QIRInterface {
         if (value instanceof RFunction) {
             final RFunction fun = (RFunction) value;
-            if (fun.isBuiltin())
-                switch (fun.getName()) {
-                    case "new.env":
-                        return new QIRLambda(src, "new.env", new QIRVariable(null, "_", null), QIRTnil.instance, new FrameDescriptor());
-                    case "return":
-                    case "(": {
-                        final QIRVariable x = new QIRVariable(null, "x", null);
-                        return new QIRLambda(src, "identity", x, x, new FrameDescriptor());
-                    }
-                    case "c": {
-                        // TODO: This works only for lists with one element
-                        final QIRVariable x = new QIRVariable(null, "x", null);
-                        return new QIRLambda(src, "lcons", x, new QIRLcons(null, x, QIRLnil.instance), new FrameDescriptor());
-                    }
-                    case "sum":
-                        return new QIRBuiltin(src, "sum");
-                    default:
-                        throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported value: " + value + " : " + value.getClass());
+            switch (fun.getName()) {
+                case "new.env":
+                    return new QIRLambda(src, "new.env", new QIRVariable(null, "_", null), QIRTnil.instance, new FrameDescriptor());
+                case "return":
+                case "(":
+                case "query.force": {
+                    final QIRVariable x = new QIRVariable(null, "x", null);
+                    return new QIRLambda(src, "identity", x, x, new FrameDescriptor());
-            return RFunctionToQIRType(src, fun.getName(), (FunctionDefinitionNode) fun.getRootNode());
+                case "c": {
+                    // TODO: This works only for lists with one element
+                    final QIRVariable x = new QIRVariable(null, "x", null);
+                    return new QIRLambda(src, "lcons", x, new QIRLcons(null, x, QIRLnil.instance), new FrameDescriptor());
+                }
+                case "sum":
+                    return new QIRBuiltin(src, "sum");
+                case "new.tableRef":
+                    final QIRVariable tableName = new QIRVariable(null, "__tmp__");
+                    final QIRVariable schemaName = new QIRVariable(null, "__tmp2__");
+                    final QIRVariable dummyVar = new QIRVariable(null, "__dummy__");
+                    return new QIRLambda(null, null, tableName,
+                                    new QIRLambda(null, null, dummyVar, new QIRLambda(null, null, dummyVar,
+                                                    new QIRLambda(null, null, schemaName, new QIRTable<>(null, tableName, schemaName, null), new FrameDescriptor()), new FrameDescriptor()),
+                                                    new FrameDescriptor()),
+                                    new FrameDescriptor());
+                default:
+                    return RFunctionToQIRType(src, fun.getName(), (FunctionDefinitionNode) fun.getRootNode());
+            }
+        }
+        if (value instanceof RPromise) {
+            final RPromise fun = (RPromise) value;
+            return RToQIRType(src, fun.getValue());
         throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported value: " + value);
@@ -265,7 +281,7 @@ public final class QIRInterface {
             if (args.length == 0)
                 return new QIRLambda(src, funName, null, res, new FrameDescriptor());
-            for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
+            for (int i = args.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                 res = new QIRLambda(src, funName, new QIRVariable(null, args[i], null), res, new FrameDescriptor());
             return res;
         } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
diff --git a/com.oracle.truffle.r.nodes/src/com/oracle/truffle/r/nodes/qirinterface/QIRTranslateVisitor.java b/com.oracle.truffle.r.nodes/src/com/oracle/truffle/r/nodes/qirinterface/QIRTranslateVisitor.java
index 3f65ed370b7e1c6ade125bfdecfffffa50bb4d3d..16a0667b4c0d5e9a43532dc602dcd8adc02adf26 100644
--- a/com.oracle.truffle.r.nodes/src/com/oracle/truffle/r/nodes/qirinterface/QIRTranslateVisitor.java
+++ b/com.oracle.truffle.r.nodes/src/com/oracle/truffle/r/nodes/qirinterface/QIRTranslateVisitor.java
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import com.oracle.truffle.r.runtime.nodes.RSyntaxNode;
 import qir.ast.*;
 import qir.ast.data.*;
 import qir.ast.expression.QIRNull;
+import qir.ast.expression.QIRString;
 import qir.ast.expression.arithmetic.*;
 import qir.ast.expression.logic.*;
 import qir.ast.expression.relational.*;
@@ -134,6 +135,12 @@ public final class QIRTranslateVisitor implements RSyntaxNodeVisitor<QIRNode> {
     public final QIRNode visit(final RCallNode call) {
+        // TODO: Remove this hack
+        try {
+            return visitBuiltin(call.getSourceSection(), ((ReadVariableNode) call.getFunction()).getIdentifier(),
+                            Arrays.stream(call.getArguments().getArguments()).map(arg -> arg.accept(this)).collect(Collectors.toList()));
+        } catch (final RuntimeException e) {
+        }
         final QIRNode fun = call.getFunction().asRSyntaxNode().accept(this);
         final RSyntaxNode[] args = call.getArguments().getArguments();
         final int nbArgs = args.length;
@@ -148,37 +155,39 @@ public final class QIRTranslateVisitor implements RSyntaxNodeVisitor<QIRNode> {
     public final QIRNode visit(final RCallSpecialNode dot) {
-        final String name = dot.expectedFunction.getName();
-        final List<QIRNode> nodes = Arrays.stream(dot.getSyntaxArguments()).map(arg -> ((RSyntaxNode) arg).accept(this)).collect(Collectors.toList());
+        return visitBuiltin(dot.getSourceSection(), dot.expectedFunction.getName(), Arrays.stream(dot.getSyntaxArguments()).map(arg -> ((RSyntaxNode) arg).accept(this)).collect(Collectors.toList()));
+    }
+    private static final QIRNode visitBuiltin(final SourceSection src, final String name, final List<QIRNode> args) {
         switch (name) {
             case "$":
-                return new QIRTdestr(dot.getSourceSection(), nodes.get(0), (String) ((ConstantNode) dot.getSyntaxArguments()[1]).getValue());
+                return new QIRTdestr(src, args.get(0), ((QIRString) args.get(1)).value);
             case "+":
-                return QIRPlusNodeGen.create(dot.getSourceSection(), nodes.get(0), nodes.get(1));
+                return QIRPlusNodeGen.create(src, args.get(0), args.get(1));
             case "-":
-                return QIRMinusNodeGen.create(dot.getSourceSection(), nodes.get(0), nodes.get(1));
+                return QIRMinusNodeGen.create(src, args.get(0), args.get(1));
             case "*":
-                return QIRStarNodeGen.create(dot.getSourceSection(), nodes.get(0), nodes.get(1));
+                return QIRStarNodeGen.create(src, args.get(0), args.get(1));
             case "/":
-                return QIRDivNodeGen.create(dot.getSourceSection(), nodes.get(0), nodes.get(1));
+                return QIRDivNodeGen.create(src, args.get(0), args.get(1));
             case "==":
-                return QIREqualNodeGen.create(dot.getSourceSection(), nodes.get(0), nodes.get(1));
+                return QIREqualNodeGen.create(src, args.get(0), args.get(1));
             case "&":
             case "&&":
-                return QIRAndNodeGen.create(dot.getSourceSection(), nodes.get(0), nodes.get(1));
+                return QIRAndNodeGen.create(src, args.get(0), args.get(1));
             case "|":
             case "||":
-                return QIROrNodeGen.create(dot.getSourceSection(), nodes.get(0), nodes.get(1));
+                return QIROrNodeGen.create(src, args.get(0), args.get(1));
             case "<=":
-                return QIRLowerOrEqualNodeGen.create(dot.getSourceSection(), nodes.get(0), nodes.get(1));
+                return QIRLowerOrEqualNodeGen.create(src, args.get(0), args.get(1));
             case "<":
-                return QIRLowerThanNodeGen.create(dot.getSourceSection(), nodes.get(0), nodes.get(1));
+                return QIRLowerThanNodeGen.create(src, args.get(0), args.get(1));
             case ">=":
-                return QIRNotNodeGen.create(dot.getSourceSection(), QIRLowerThanNodeGen.create(dot.getSourceSection(), nodes.get(0), nodes.get(1)));
+                return QIRNotNodeGen.create(src, QIRLowerThanNodeGen.create(src, args.get(0), args.get(1)));
             case ">":
-                return QIRNotNodeGen.create(dot.getSourceSection(), QIRLowerOrEqualNodeGen.create(dot.getSourceSection(), nodes.get(0), nodes.get(1)));
+                return QIRNotNodeGen.create(src, QIRLowerOrEqualNodeGen.create(src, args.get(0), args.get(1)));
             case "!":
-                return QIRNotNodeGen.create(dot.getSourceSection(), nodes.get(0));
+                return QIRNotNodeGen.create(src, args.get(0));
                 throw new RuntimeException("Unknown call special node: " + name);
diff --git a/com.oracle.truffle.r.nodes/src/com/oracle/truffle/r/nodes/query/RQIRWrapperNode.java b/com.oracle.truffle.r.nodes/src/com/oracle/truffle/r/nodes/query/RQIRWrapperNode.java
index bb96aeafc0b8c75d4ce0fb09dd4a5ee85b12308c..5644e696343ea5ff93c51aa75161ddfcbf5ff9b5 100644
--- a/com.oracle.truffle.r.nodes/src/com/oracle/truffle/r/nodes/query/RQIRWrapperNode.java
+++ b/com.oracle.truffle.r.nodes/src/com/oracle/truffle/r/nodes/query/RQIRWrapperNode.java
@@ -26,14 +26,17 @@ import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives.*;
 import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.*;
 import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.*;
 import com.oracle.truffle.api.source.SourceSection;
+import com.oracle.truffle.r.runtime.ArgumentsSignature;
 import com.oracle.truffle.r.runtime.context.RContext;
 import com.oracle.truffle.r.runtime.data.RDataFactory;
 import com.oracle.truffle.r.runtime.env.REnvironment;
 import com.oracle.truffle.r.runtime.env.REnvironment.PutException;
 import com.oracle.truffle.r.runtime.nodes.RSourceSectionNode;
+import com.oracle.truffle.r.runtime.nodes.RSyntaxElement;
+import com.oracle.truffle.r.runtime.nodes.RSyntaxFunction;
 @NodeInfo(shortName = "query", description = "The node representing a query")
-public final class RQIRWrapperNode extends RSourceSectionNode {
+public final class RQIRWrapperNode extends RSourceSectionNode implements RSyntaxFunction {
     // The unique identifier of the query
     public final int id;
@@ -60,4 +63,24 @@ public final class RQIRWrapperNode extends RSourceSectionNode {
         return res;
+    @Override
+    public ArgumentsSignature getSyntaxSignature() {
+        return null;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public RSyntaxElement[] getSyntaxArgumentDefaults() {
+        return null;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public RSyntaxElement getSyntaxBody() {
+        return null;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public String getSyntaxDebugName() {
+        return null;
+    }
diff --git a/com.oracle.truffle.r.nodes/src/com/oracle/truffle/r/nodes/query/RQueryNode.java b/com.oracle.truffle.r.nodes/src/com/oracle/truffle/r/nodes/query/RQueryNode.java
index c3324c32837b8778b838282b4058af4758f24d30..fdcc9ab41b1abd3ce04cd6e09d6a1b94a13305f7 100644
--- a/com.oracle.truffle.r.nodes/src/com/oracle/truffle/r/nodes/query/RQueryNode.java
+++ b/com.oracle.truffle.r.nodes/src/com/oracle/truffle/r/nodes/query/RQueryNode.java
@@ -26,11 +26,14 @@ import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.VirtualFrame;
 import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.NodeInfo;
 import com.oracle.truffle.api.object.DynamicObject;
 import com.oracle.truffle.api.source.SourceSection;
+import com.oracle.truffle.r.runtime.ArgumentsSignature;
 import com.oracle.truffle.r.runtime.nodes.RSourceSectionNode;
+import com.oracle.truffle.r.runtime.nodes.RSyntaxElement;
+import com.oracle.truffle.r.runtime.nodes.RSyntaxFunction;
 import com.oracle.truffle.r.runtime.nodes.RSyntaxNode;
 @NodeInfo(shortName = "Query")
-public abstract class RQueryNode extends RSourceSectionNode implements RSyntaxNode {
+public abstract class RQueryNode extends RSourceSectionNode implements RSyntaxNode, RSyntaxFunction {
     public RQueryNode(final SourceSection src) {
@@ -39,4 +42,24 @@ public abstract class RQueryNode extends RSourceSectionNode implements RSyntaxNo
     public final DynamicObject execute(final VirtualFrame frame) {
         throw new RuntimeException("We should not execute a RQueryNode directly.");
+    @Override
+    public ArgumentsSignature getSyntaxSignature() {
+        return null;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public RSyntaxElement[] getSyntaxArgumentDefaults() {
+        return null;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public RSyntaxElement getSyntaxBody() {
+        return null;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public String getSyntaxDebugName() {
+        return null;
+    }
diff --git a/com.oracle.truffle.r.nodes/src/com/oracle/truffle/r/nodes/query/RQueryVisitor.java b/com.oracle.truffle.r.nodes/src/com/oracle/truffle/r/nodes/query/RQueryVisitor.java
index 1eb02abccfe7c295dd4749a7c44cbd72ccf2b28a..cfe15724b76fe74c28bf3856a902f0cd0e6eb56a 100644
--- a/com.oracle.truffle.r.nodes/src/com/oracle/truffle/r/nodes/query/RQueryVisitor.java
+++ b/com.oracle.truffle.r.nodes/src/com/oracle/truffle/r/nodes/query/RQueryVisitor.java
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ public final class RQueryVisitor implements RSyntaxNodeVisitor<RSyntaxNode> {
     public final RSyntaxNode visit(final FunctionExpressionNode fun) {
-        return FunctionExpressionNode.create(fun.getSourceSection(), fun.getCallTarget());
+        return fun;
diff --git a/com.oracle.truffle.r.parser/src/com/oracle/truffle/r/parser/R.g b/com.oracle.truffle.r.parser/src/com/oracle/truffle/r/parser/R.g
index 81db5e22707262ebf2481653a7d0237039483d6f..ab20ce2a422a7f45914ec0230a19ec3f3f77d21d 100644
--- a/com.oracle.truffle.r.parser/src/com/oracle/truffle/r/parser/R.g
+++ b/com.oracle.truffle.r.parser/src/com/oracle/truffle/r/parser/R.g
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ root_function [String name] returns [RootCallTarget v]
         	throw RInternalError.shouldNotReachHere("not at EOF after parsing deserialized function"); 
-    : n_ op=FUNCTION n_ LPAR  n_ (par_decl[params] (n_ COMMA n_ par_decl[params])* n_)? RPAR n_ body=expr_or_assign { $v = builder.rootFunction(src($op, last()), params, $body.v, name); }
+    : n_ op=FUNCTION n_ LPAR  n_ (par_decl[params] (n_ COMMA n_ par_decl[params])* n_)? RPAR n_ body=expr_or_assign { $v = builder.rootFunction(src($op, last()), params, builder.handleQueries($body.v), name); }
 statement returns [T v]
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ repeat_expr returns [T v]
 function [T assignedTo] returns [T v]
     @init { List<Argument<T>> params = new ArrayList<>(); }
-    : op=FUNCTION n_ LPAR  n_ (par_decl[params] (n_ COMMA n_ par_decl[params])* n_)? RPAR n_ body=expr_or_assign { $v = builder.function(src($op, last()), params, $body.v, assignedTo); }
+    : op=FUNCTION n_ LPAR  n_ (par_decl[params] (n_ COMMA n_ par_decl[params])* n_)? RPAR n_ body=expr_or_assign { $v = builder.function(src($op, last()), params, builder.handleQueries($body.v), assignedTo); }
 par_decl [List<Argument<T>> l]
diff --git a/com.oracle.truffle.r.test/tests/pgsql/QueryNested.R b/com.oracle.truffle.r.test/tests/pgsql/QueryNested.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..27e8b7aaaf37ca9bbb58728102821838023c81ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com.oracle.truffle.r.test/tests/pgsql/QueryNested.R
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# Returns the exchange rate between rfrom and rto
+getRate = function(rfrom, rto)
+  change = new.tableRef("change", "PostgreSQL", "postgre.config", "public")
+  rate = query.force(where(function (r) r$cfrom == rfrom && r$cto == rto,
+                     from(change)))
+  if (rfrom == rto) 1 else rate$change
+# Returns the names of employees earning at least minSalary in the curr
+# currency
+atLeast = function(minSalary, curr)
+  emp = new.tableRef("emp", "PostgreSQL", "postgre.config", "public")
+  select(function (e) { r = new.env()
+                        r$name = e$ename
+                        r },
+  where(function (e) e$sal >= minSalary * getRate("USD", curr),
+  from(emp)))
+richUSPeople = atLeast(2000, "USD")
+richEURPeople = atLeast(2000, "EUR")
diff --git a/com.oracle.truffle.r.test/tests/pgsql/QueryNested.out b/com.oracle.truffle.r.test/tests/pgsql/QueryNested.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..53da7150c82f6978dfcb1dec73b98d72aa03d3cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com.oracle.truffle.r.test/tests/pgsql/QueryNested.out
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+    name
+3   WARD
+    name
+3   WARD
+7   FORD