From 87cf9452c809f832c3e48deed04d975411d26d25 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Lukas Stadler <>
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2017 10:30:55 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] complete implementation of cov/cor

 .../truffle/r/library/stats/       | 1200 ++++++++++-------
 .../oracle/truffle/r/runtime/nmath/ |    7 +
 .../truffle/r/test/ExpectedTestOutput.test    |  324 +++++
 .../library/stats/    |   13 +-
 4 files changed, 1021 insertions(+), 523 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 7e9d9c2c63..283a18303f 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -12,745 +12,901 @@
 import static;
-import static;
 import static;
-import java.util.Arrays;
  * Logic derived from GNU-R, library/stats/src/cov.c
 public abstract class Covcor extends RExternalBuiltinNode.Arg4 {
+    // Checkstyle: stop method name check
-    private final boolean isCor;
-    public Covcor(boolean isCor) {
-        this.isCor = isCor;
+    private static RuntimeException error(String message) {
+        CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreter();
+        throw RError.error(RError.SHOW_CALLER, Message.GENERIC, message);
-    static {
-        Casts casts = new Casts(Covcor.class);
-        casts.arg(0).mustNotBeMissing().mustBe(nullValue().not(), Message.IS_NULL, "x").asDoubleVector();
-        casts.arg(1).mustNotBeMissing().asDoubleVector();
-        casts.arg(2).asIntegerVector().findFirst().mustBe(eq(4), Message.NYI, "covcor: other method than 4 not implemented.");
-        casts.arg(3).asLogicalVector().findFirst().map(toBoolean());
+    private static double ANS(double[] ans, int ncx, int i, int j) {
+        return ans[i + j * ncx];
-    @Specialization
-    public Object call(RAbstractDoubleVector x, @SuppressWarnings("unused") RNull y, int method, boolean iskendall) {
-        return corcov(x.materialize(), null, method, iskendall, this);
+    private static void ANS(double[] ans, int ncx, int i, int j, double value) {
+        ans[i + j * ncx] = value;
-    @Specialization
-    public Object call(RAbstractDoubleVector x, RAbstractDoubleVector y, int method, boolean iskendall) {
-        return corcov(x.materialize(), y.materialize(), method, iskendall, this);
+    private static double CLAMP(double X) {
+        return (X >= 1 ? 1 : (X <= -1 ? -1 : X));
-    private final NACheck check = NACheck.create();
-    private final ConditionProfile noNAXProfile = ConditionProfile.createBinaryProfile();
-    private final ConditionProfile noNAYProfile = ConditionProfile.createBinaryProfile();
-    private final ConditionProfile xCompleteProfile = ConditionProfile.createBinaryProfile();
-    private final ConditionProfile yCompleteProfile = ConditionProfile.createBinaryProfile();
-    private final ConditionProfile bothZeroProfile = ConditionProfile.createBinaryProfile();
-    private final BranchProfile tooManyMissing = BranchProfile.create();
-    private final BranchProfile naInRes = BranchProfile.create();
-    private final BranchProfile error = BranchProfile.create();
-    private final BranchProfile warning = BranchProfile.create();
-    @Child private GetDimAttributeNode getDimsNode = GetDimAttributeNode.create();
-    private final LoopConditionProfile loopLength = LoopConditionProfile.createCountingProfile();
-    public RDoubleVector corcov(RDoubleVector x, RDoubleVector y, @SuppressWarnings("unused") int method, boolean iskendall, RBaseNode invokingNode) throws RError {
-        boolean ansmat = getDimsNode.isMatrix(x);
-        int n;
-        int ncx;
-        if (ansmat) {
-            n = nrows(x);
-            ncx = ncols(x);
-        } else {
-            n = x.getLength();
-            ncx = 1;
-        }
+    private static boolean ISNAN(double v) {
+        return Double.isNaN(v);
+    }
-        int ncy;
-        if (y == null) {
-            ncy = ncx;
-        } else if (getDimsNode.isMatrix(y)) {
-            if (nrows(y) != n) {
-                error.enter();
-                throw error("incompatible dimensions");
+    /*
+     * Note that "if (kendall)" and "if (cor)" are used inside a double for() loop; which makes the
+     * code better readable -- and is hopefully dealt with by a smartly optimizing compiler
+     */
+    /**
+     * Compute Cov(xx[], yy[]) or Cor(.,.) with n = length(xx)
+     */
+    private static void COV_PAIRWISE_BODY(double[] ans, int n, int ncx, int i, int j, double[] x, double[] y, int xx, int yy, boolean[] sd_0, boolean cor, boolean kendall) {
+        double xmean = 0, ymean = 0;
+        int nobs = 0;
+        if (!kendall) {
+            for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
+                if (!(ISNAN(x[xx + k]) || ISNAN(y[yy + k]))) {
+                    nobs++;
+                    xmean += x[xx + k];
+                    ymean += y[yy + k];
+                }
-            ncy = ncols(y);
-            ansmat = true;
-        } else {
-            if (y.getLength() != n) {
-                error.enter();
-                throw error("incompatible dimensions");
+        } else /* kendall */
+            for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
+                if (!(ISNAN(x[xx + k]) || ISNAN(y[yy + k]))) {
+                    nobs++;
+                }
-            ncy = 1;
-        }
-        // TODO adopt full use semantics
+        if (nobs >= 2) {
+            int n1 = -1;
+            double xsd = 0, ysd = 0, sum = 0;
+            if (!kendall) {
+                xmean /= nobs;
+                ymean /= nobs;
+                n1 = nobs - 1;
+            }
+            for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
+                if (!(ISNAN(x[xx + k]) || ISNAN(y[yy + k]))) {
+                    if (!kendall) {
+                        double xm = x[xx + k] - xmean;
+                        double ym = y[yy + k] - ymean;
+                        sum += xm * ym;
+                        if (cor) {
+                            xsd += xm * xm;
+                            ysd += ym * ym;
+                        }
+                    }
-        /* "default: complete" (easier for -Wall) */
-        boolean naFail = false;
-        boolean everything = false;
-        boolean emptyErr = true;
+                    else { /* Kendall's tau */
+                        for (n1 = 0; n1 < k; n1++) {
+                            if (!(ISNAN(x[xx + n1]) || ISNAN(y[yy + n1]))) {
+                                double xm = RMath.sign(x[xx + k] - x[xx + n1]);
+                                double ym = RMath.sign(y[yy + k] - y[yy + n1]);
-        // case 4: /* "everything": NAs are propagated */
-        everything = true;
-        emptyErr = false;
+                                sum += xm * ym;
+                                if (cor) {
+                                    xsd += xm * xm;
+                                    ysd += ym * ym;
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if (cor) {
+                if (xsd == 0 || ysd == 0) {
+                    sd_0[0] = true;
+                    sum = RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA;
+                } else {
+                    if (!kendall) {
+                        xsd /= n1;
+                        ysd /= n1;
+                        sum /= n1;
+                    }
+                    sum /= (Math.sqrt(xsd) * Math.sqrt(ysd));
+                    sum = CLAMP(sum);
+                }
+            } else if (!kendall) {
+                sum /= n1;
+            }
-        if (emptyErr && x.getLength() == 0) {
-            error.enter();
-            throw error("'x' is empty");
+            ANS(ans, ncx, i, j, sum);
+        } else {
+            ANS(ans, ncx, i, j, RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA);
+    }
-        double[] answerData = new double[ncx * ncy];
+    private static void cov_pairwise1(int n, int ncx, double[] x, double[] ans, boolean[] sd_0, boolean cor, boolean kendall) {
+        for (int i = 0; i < ncx; i++) {
+            int xx = i * n;
+            for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
+                int yy = j * n;
-        double[] xm = new double[ncx];
-        boolean sd0;
-        if (y == null) {
-            if (everything) {
-                sd0 = covNA1(n, ncx, x, xm, answerData, isCor, iskendall);
-            } else {
-                RIntVector ind = RDataFactory.createIntVector(n);
-                complete1(n, ncx, x, ind, naFail);
-                sd0 = covComplete1(n, ncx, x, xm, ind, answerData, isCor, iskendall);
-            }
-        } else {
-            double[] ym = new double[ncy];
-            if (everything) {
-                sd0 = covNA2(n, ncx, ncy, x, y, xm, ym, answerData, isCor, iskendall);
-            } else {
-                RIntVector ind = RDataFactory.createIntVector(n);
-                complete2(n, ncx, ncy, x, y, ind, naFail);
-                sd0 = covComplete2(n, ncx, ncy, x, y, xm, ym, ind, answerData, isCor, iskendall);
+                COV_PAIRWISE_BODY(ans, n, ncx, i, j, x, x, xx, yy, sd_0, cor, kendall);
+                ANS(ans, ncx, j, i, ANS(ans, ncx, i, j));
+    }
-        if (sd0) { /* only in cor() */
-            warning.enter();
-            RError.warning(invokingNode, RError.Message.SD_ZERO);
-        }
+    private static void cov_pairwise2(int n, int ncx, int ncy, double[] x, double[] y, double[] ans, boolean[] sd_0, boolean cor, boolean kendall) {
+        for (int i = 0; i < ncx; i++) {
+            int xx = i * n;
+            for (int j = 0; j < ncy; j++) {
+                int yy = j * n;
-        boolean seenNA = false;
-        for (int i = 0; i < answerData.length; i++) {
-            if (RRuntime.isNA(answerData[i])) {
-                naInRes.enter();
-                seenNA = true;
-                break;
+                COV_PAIRWISE_BODY(ans, n, ncx, i, j, x, y, xx, yy, sd_0, cor, kendall);
-        RDoubleVector ans = null;
-        if (getDimsNode.isMatrix(x)) {
-            ans = RDataFactory.createDoubleVector(answerData, !seenNA, new int[]{ncx, ncy});
-        } else {
-            ans = RDataFactory.createDoubleVector(answerData, !seenNA);
-        }
-        return ans;
-    private int ncols(RDoubleVector x) {
-        assert x.isMatrix();
-        return getDimsNode.getDimensions(x)[1];
-    }
-    private int nrows(RDoubleVector x) {
-        assert x.isMatrix();
-        return getDimsNode.getDimensions(x)[0];
-    }
+    /*
+     * method = "complete" or "all.obs" (only difference: na_fail): -------- -------
+     */
-    private void complete1(int n, int ncx, RDoubleVector x, RIntVector ind, boolean naFail) {
-        int i;
-        int j;
-        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
-            ind.updateDataAt(i, 1, check);
-        }
-        for (j = 0; j < ncx; j++) {
-            // z = &x[j * n];
-            for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
-                if (Double.isNaN(x.getDataAt(j * n + i))) {
-                    if (naFail) {
-                        throw error("missing observations in cov/cor");
-                    } else {
-                        ind.updateDataAt(i, 0, check);
-                    }
+    /* This uses two passes for better accuracy */
+    private static void MEAN(int n, int ncx, double[] x, double[] xm, boolean[] ind, int nobs) {
+        /* variable means */
+        for (int i = 0; i < ncx; i++) {
+            int xx = i * n;
+            double sum = 0;
+            for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
+                if (ind[k]) {
+                    sum += x[xx + k];
-        }
-    }
-    private void complete2(int n, int ncx, int ncy, RDoubleVector x, RDoubleVector y, RIntVector ind, boolean naFail) {
-        int i;
-        int j;
-        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
-            ind.updateDataAt(i, 1, check);
-        }
-        for (j = 0; j < ncx; j++) {
-            // z = &x[j * n];
-            for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
-                if (Double.isNaN(x.getDataAt(j * n + i))) {
-                    if (naFail) {
-                        throw error("missing observations in cov/cor");
-                    } else {
-                        ind.updateDataAt(i, 0, check);
+            double tmp = sum / nobs;
+            if (Double.isFinite(tmp)) {
+                sum = 0;
+                for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
+                    if (ind[k]) {
+                        sum += (x[xx + k] - tmp);
+                tmp = tmp + sum / nobs;
+            xm[i] = tmp;
+    }
-        for (j = 0; j < ncy; j++) {
-            // z = &y[j * n];
-            for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
-                if (Double.isNaN(y.getDataAt(j * n + i))) {
-                    if (naFail) {
-                        throw error("missing observations in cov/cor");
-                    } else {
-                        ind.updateDataAt(i, 0, check);
+    /* This uses two passes for better accuracy */
+    private static void MEAN_(int n, int ncx, double[] x, double[] xm, boolean[] has_na) {
+        /* variable means (has_na) */
+        for (int i = 0; i < ncx; i++) {
+            double tmp;
+            if (has_na[i]) {
+                tmp = RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA;
+            } else {
+                int xx = i * n;
+                double sum = 0;
+                for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
+                    sum += x[xx + k];
+                }
+                tmp = sum / n;
+                if (Double.isFinite(tmp)) {
+                    sum = 0;
+                    for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
+                        sum += (x[xx + k] - tmp);
+                    tmp = tmp + sum / n;
+            xm[i] = tmp;
-    private static boolean covComplete1(int n, int ncx, RDoubleVector x, double[] xm, RIntVector indInput, double[] ans, boolean cor, boolean kendall) {
+    private static void cov_complete1(int n, int ncx, double[] x, double[] xm, boolean[] ind, double[] ans, boolean[] sd_0, boolean cor, boolean kendall) {
         int n1 = -1;
-        int nobs;
-        boolean isSd0 = false;
         /* total number of complete observations */
-        nobs = 0;
+        int nobs = 0;
         for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
-            if (indInput.getDataAt(k) != 0) {
+            if (ind[k]) {
-        if (nobs <= 1) { /* too many missing */
-            for (int i = 0; i < ans.length; i++) {
-                ans[i] = RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA;
+        if (nobs <= 1) {/* too many missing */
+            for (int i = 0; i < ncx; i++) {
+                for (int j = 0; j < ncx; j++) {
+                    ANS(ans, ncx, i, j, RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA);
+                }
-            return isSd0;
-        }
-        RIntVector ind = indInput;
-        if (nobs == ind.getLength()) {
-            // No values of ind are zeroed.
-            ind = null;
+            return;
         if (!kendall) {
-            mean(x, xm, ind, n, ncx, nobs);
+            MEAN(n, ncx, x, xm, ind, nobs); /* -> xm[] */
             n1 = nobs - 1;
         for (int i = 0; i < ncx; i++) {
+            int xx = i * n;
             if (!kendall) {
                 double xxm = xm[i];
                 for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
+                    int yy = j * n;
                     double yym = xm[j];
-                    double sum = 0.0;
+                    double sum = 0;
                     for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
-                        if (ind == null || ind.getDataAt(k) != 0) {
-                            sum += (x.getDataAt(i * n + k) - xxm) * (x.getDataAt(j * n + k) - yym);
+                        if (ind[k]) {
+                            sum += (x[xx + k] - xxm) * (x[yy + k] - yym);
-                    double r = sum / n1;
-                    ans[i + j * ncx] = r;
-                    ans[j + i * ncx] = r;
+                    double result = sum / n1;
+                    ANS(ans, ncx, j, i, result);
+                    ANS(ans, ncx, i, j, result);
             } else { /* Kendall's tau */
-                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("kendall's unsupported");
+                for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
+                    int yy = j * n;
+                    double sum = 0;
+                    for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
+                        if (ind[k]) {
+                            for (n1 = 0; n1 < n; n1++) {
+                                if (ind[n1]) {
+                                    sum += RMath.sign(x[xx + k] - x[xx + n1]) * RMath.sign(x[yy + k] - x[yy + n1]);
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    ANS(ans, ncx, j, i, sum);
+                    ANS(ans, ncx, i, j, sum);
+                }
         if (cor) {
             for (int i = 0; i < ncx; i++) {
-                xm[i] = Math.sqrt(ans[i + i * ncx]);
+                xm[i] = Math.sqrt(ANS(ans, ncx, i, i));
             for (int i = 0; i < ncx; i++) {
                 for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
+                    double result;
                     if (xm[i] == 0 || xm[j] == 0) {
-                        isSd0 = true;
-                        ans[i + j * ncx] = RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA;
-                        ans[j + i * ncx] = RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA;
+                        sd_0[0] = true;
+                        result = RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA;
                     } else {
-                        double sum = ans[i + j * ncx] / (xm[i] * xm[j]);
-                        if (sum > 1.0) {
-                            sum = 1.0;
+                        double current = ANS(ans, ncx, i, j);
+                        if (RRuntime.isNA(current)) {
+                            result = RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA;
+                        } else {
+                            result = CLAMP(current / (xm[i] * xm[j]));
-                        ans[i + j * ncx] = sum;
-                        ans[j + i * ncx] = sum;
+                    ANS(ans, ncx, j, i, result);
+                    ANS(ans, ncx, i, j, result);
-                ans[i + i * ncx] = 1.0;
+                ANS(ans, ncx, i, i, 1);
-        return isSd0;
-    private static boolean covComplete2(int n, int ncx, int ncy, RDoubleVector x, RDoubleVector y, double[] xm, double[] ym, RIntVector indInput, double[] ans, boolean cor, boolean kendall) {
+    private static void cov_na_1(int n, int ncx, double[] x, double[] xm, boolean[] has_na, double[] ans, boolean[] sd_0, boolean cor, boolean kendall) {
         int n1 = -1;
-        int nobs;
-        boolean isSd0 = false;
-        /* total number of complete observations */
-        nobs = 0;
-        for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
-            if (indInput.getDataAt(k) != 0) {
-                nobs++;
-            }
-        }
-        if (nobs <= 1) { /* too many missing */
-            for (int i = 0; i < ans.length; i++) {
-                ans[i] = RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA;
+        if (n <= 1) { /* too many missing */
+            for (int i = 0; i < ncx; i++) {
+                for (int j = 0; j < ncx; j++) {
+                    ANS(ans, ncx, i, j, RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA);
+                }
-            return isSd0;
-        }
-        RIntVector ind = indInput;
-        if (nobs == ind.getLength()) {
-            // No values of ind are zeroed.
-            ind = null;
+            return;
         if (!kendall) {
-            mean(x, xm, ind, n, ncx, nobs);
-            mean(y, ym, ind, n, ncy, nobs);
-            n1 = nobs - 1;
+            MEAN_(n, ncx, x, xm, has_na);/* -> xm[] */
+            n1 = n - 1;
         for (int i = 0; i < ncx; i++) {
-            if (!kendall) {
-                double xxm = xm[i];
-                for (int j = 0; j < ncy; j++) {
-                    double yym = ym[j];
-                    double sum = 0;
-                    for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
-                        if (ind == null || ind.getDataAt(k) != 0) {
-                            sum += (x.getDataAt(i * n + k) - xxm) * (y.getDataAt(j * n + k) - yym);
+            if (has_na[i]) {
+                for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
+                    ANS(ans, ncx, j, i, RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA);
+                    ANS(ans, ncx, i, j, RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA);
+                }
+            } else {
+                int xx = i * n;
+                if (!kendall) {
+                    double xxm = xm[i];
+                    for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
+                        if (has_na[j]) {
+                            ANS(ans, ncx, j, i, RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA);
+                            ANS(ans, ncx, i, j, RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA);
+                        } else {
+                            int yy = j * n;
+                            double yym = xm[j];
+                            double sum = 0;
+                            for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
+                                sum += (x[xx + k] - xxm) * (x[yy + k] - yym);
+                            }
+                            double result = sum / n1;
+                            ANS(ans, ncx, j, i, result);
+                            ANS(ans, ncx, i, j, result);
+                        }
+                    }
+                } else { /* Kendall's tau */
+                    for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
+                        if (has_na[j]) {
+                            ANS(ans, ncx, j, i, RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA);
+                            ANS(ans, ncx, i, j, RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA);
+                        } else {
+                            int yy = j * n;
+                            double sum = 0;
+                            for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
+                                for (n1 = 0; n1 < n; n1++) {
+                                    sum += RMath.sign(x[xx + k] - x[xx + n1]) * RMath.sign(x[yy + k] - x[yy + n1]);
+                                }
+                            }
+                            ANS(ans, ncx, j, i, sum);
+                            ANS(ans, ncx, i, j, sum);
-                    ans[i + j * ncx] = (sum / n1);
-            } else { /* Kendall's tau */
-                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("kendall's unsupported");
         if (cor) {
-            covsdev(x, xm, ind, n, ncx, n1, kendall); /* -> xm[.] */
-            covsdev(y, ym, ind, n, ncy, n1, kendall); /* -> ym[.] */
             for (int i = 0; i < ncx; i++) {
-                for (int j = 0; j < ncy; j++) {
-                    double divisor = (xm[i] * ym[j]);
-                    if (divisor == 0.0) {
-                        isSd0 = true;
-                        ans[i + j * ncx] = RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA;
-                    } else {
-                        double value = ans[i + j * ncx] / divisor;
-                        if (value > 1) {
-                            value = 1;
+                if (!has_na[i]) {
+                    xm[i] = Math.sqrt(ANS(ans, ncx, i, i));
+                }
+            }
+            for (int i = 0; i < ncx; i++) {
+                if (!has_na[i]) {
+                    for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
+                        double result;
+                        if (xm[i] == 0 || xm[j] == 0) {
+                            sd_0[0] = true;
+                            result = RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA;
+                        } else {
+                            double current = ANS(ans, ncx, i, j);
+                            if (RRuntime.isNA(current)) {
+                                result = RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA;
+                            } else {
+                                result = CLAMP(current / (xm[i] * xm[j]));
+                            }
-                        ans[i + j * ncx] = value;
+                        ANS(ans, ncx, j, i, result);
+                        ANS(ans, ncx, i, j, result);
+                ANS(ans, ncx, i, i, 1);
-        return isSd0;
-    private static void covsdev(RDoubleVector vector, double[] vectorM, RIntVector ind, int n, int len, int n1, boolean kendall) {
-        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+    private static void COV_SDEV1(int n, int n1, int nc, double[] array, double[] m, boolean[] ind, boolean kendall) {
+        for (int i = 0; i < nc; i++) { /* Var(X[i]) */
+            int xx = i * n;
             double sum = 0;
             if (!kendall) {
-                double xxm = vectorM[i];
+                double xxm = m[i];
                 for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
-                    if (ind == null || ind.getDataAt(k) != 0) {
-                        double value = vector.getDataAt(i * n + k);
-                        sum += (value - xxm) * (value - xxm);
+                    if (ind[k]) {
+                        sum += (array[xx + k] - xxm) * (array[xx + k] - xxm);
                 sum /= n1;
             } else { /* Kendall's tau */
-                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("kendall's unsupported");
-            }
-            vectorM[i] = Math.sqrt(sum);
-        }
-    }
-    private static void mean(RDoubleVector vector, double[] vectorM, RIntVector ind, int n, int len, int nobs) {
-        /* variable means */
-        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
-            double sum = 0.0;
-            for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
-                if (ind == null || ind.getDataAt(k) != 0) {
-                    sum += vector.getDataAt(i * n + k);
-                }
-            }
-            double tmp = sum / nobs;
-            if (!Double.isInfinite(tmp)) {
-                sum = 0.0;
                 for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
-                    if (ind == null || ind.getDataAt(k) != 0) {
-                        sum += (vector.getDataAt(i * n + k) - tmp);
+                    if (ind[k]) {
+                        for (int n1_ = 0; n1_ < n; n1_++) {
+                            if (ind[n1_] && array[xx + k] != array[xx + n1_]) {
+                                sum++; /* = sign(. - .)^2 */
+                            }
+                        }
-                tmp = tmp + sum / nobs;
-            }
-            vectorM[i] = tmp;
-        }
-    }
-    private static boolean[] findNAs(int n, int nc, RDoubleVector v) {
-        boolean[] hasNA = new boolean[nc];
-        double[] data = v.getDataWithoutCopying();
-        for (int j = 0; j < nc; j++) {
-            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
-                if (Double.isNaN(data[j * n + i])) {
-                    hasNA[j] = true;
-                    break;
-                }
+            m[i] = Math.sqrt(sum);
-        return hasNA;
-    private boolean covNA1(int n, int ncx, RDoubleVector x, double[] xm, double[] ans, boolean cor, boolean iskendall) {
-        double sum;
-        double xxm;
-        double yym;
+    private static void cov_complete2(int n, int ncx, int ncy, double[] x, double[] y, double[] xm, double[] ym, boolean[] ind, double[] ans, boolean[] sd_0, boolean cor, boolean kendall) {
         int n1 = -1;
-        boolean sd0 = false;
-        double[] xData = x.getDataWithoutCopying();
-        boolean[] hasNAx = findNAs(n, ncx, x);
-        if (n <= 1) { /* too many missing */
-            tooManyMissing.enter();
-            Arrays.fill(ans, RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA);
-            return sd0;
+        /* total number of complete observations */
+        int nobs = 0;
+        for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
+            if (ind[k]) {
+                nobs++;
+            }
-        if (!iskendall) {
-            if (xCompleteProfile.profile(x.isComplete())) {
-                meanNoNA(n, ncx, xData, xm, hasNAx);
-            } else {
-                mean(n, ncx, xData, xm, hasNAx);
+        if (nobs <= 1) {/* too many missing */
+            for (int i = 0; i < ncx; i++) {
+                for (int j = 0; j < ncy; j++) {
+                    ANS(ans, ncx, i, j, RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA);
+                }
-            n1 = n - 1;
+            return;
+        if (!kendall) {
+            MEAN(n, ncx, x, xm, ind, nobs);/* -> xm[] */
+            MEAN(n, ncy, y, ym, ind, nobs);/* -> ym[] */
+            n1 = nobs - 1;
+        }
         for (int i = 0; i < ncx; i++) {
-            double[] temp = new double[n];
-            if (noNAXProfile.profile(!hasNAx[i])) {
-                if (!iskendall) {
-                    xxm = xm[i];
-                    for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
-                        double r;
-                        if (noNAXProfile.profile(!hasNAx[j])) {
-                            yym = xm[j];
-                            if (checkNAs(xxm, yym)) {
-                                r = RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA;
-                            } else {
-                                sum = 0.0;
-                                loopLength.profileCounted(n);
-                                for (int k = 0; loopLength.inject(k < n); k++) {
-                                    double u = xData[i * n + k];
-                                    double v = xData[j * n + k];
-                                    temp[k] = (u - xxm) * (v - yym);
-                                }
-                                for (int k = 0; loopLength.inject(k < n); k++) {
-                                    sum += temp[k];
+            int xx = i * n;
+            if (!kendall) {
+                double xxm = xm[i];
+                for (int j = 0; j < ncy; j++) {
+                    int yy = j * n;
+                    double yym = ym[j];
+                    double sum = 0;
+                    for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
+                        if (ind[k]) {
+                            sum += (x[xx + k] - xxm) * (y[yy + k] - yym);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    ANS(ans, ncx, i, j, sum / n1);
+                }
+            } else { /* Kendall's tau */
+                for (int j = 0; j < ncy; j++) {
+                    int yy = j * n;
+                    double sum = 0;
+                    for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
+                        if (ind[k]) {
+                            for (n1 = 0; n1 < n; n1++) {
+                                if (ind[n1]) {
+                                    sum += RMath.sign(x[xx + k] - x[xx + n1]) * RMath.sign(y[yy + k] - y[yy + n1]);
-                                r = checkNAs(sum) ? RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA : sum / n1;
-                        } else {
-                            r = RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA;
-                        ans[j + i * ncx] = r;
-                        ans[i + j * ncx] = r;
-                } else { /* Kendall's tau */
-                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("kendall's unsupported");
-                }
-            } else {
-                for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
-                    ans[j + i * ncx] = RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA;
-                    ans[i + j * ncx] = RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA;
+                    ANS(ans, ncx, i, j, sum);
         if (cor) {
+            COV_SDEV1(n, n1, ncx, x, xm, ind, kendall); /* -> xm[.] */
+            COV_SDEV1(n, n1, ncy, y, ym, ind, kendall); /* -> ym[.] */
             for (int i = 0; i < ncx; i++) {
-                if (noNAXProfile.profile(!hasNAx[i])) {
-                    double u = ans[i + i * ncx];
-                    xm[i] = checkNAs(u) ? RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA : Math.sqrt(u);
-                }
-            }
-            for (int i = 0; i < ncx; i++) {
-                if (noNAXProfile.profile(!hasNAx[i])) {
-                    for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
-                        if (bothZeroProfile.profile(xm[i] == 0 || xm[j] == 0)) {
-                            sd0 = true;
-                            ans[j + i * ncx] = RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA;
-                            ans[i + j * ncx] = RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA;
+                for (int j = 0; j < ncy; j++) {
+                    double result;
+                    if (xm[i] == 0 || ym[j] == 0) {
+                        sd_0[0] = true;
+                        result = RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA;
+                    } else {
+                        double current = ANS(ans, ncx, i, j);
+                        if (RRuntime.isNA(current)) {
+                            result = RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA;
                         } else {
-                            double u = ans[i + j * ncx];
-                            double v = xm[i];
-                            double w = xm[j];
-                            sum = checkNAs(u, v, w) ? RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA : u / (v * w);
-                            if (sum > 1.0) {
-                                sum = 1.0;
-                            }
-                            ans[j + i * ncx] = sum;
-                            ans[i + j * ncx] = sum;
+                            result = CLAMP(current / (xm[i] * ym[j]));
+                    ANS(ans, ncx, i, j, result);
-                ans[i + i * ncx] = 1.0;
-        return sd0;
-    private static void meanNoNA(int n, int ncx, double[] x, double[] xm, boolean[] hasNA) {
-        double sum;
-        double tmp;
-        /* variable means (has_na) */
-        for (int i = 0; i < ncx; i++) {
-            if (hasNA[i]) {
-                tmp = RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA;
-            } else {
-                sum = 0.0;
-                for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
-                    double u = x[i * n + k];
-                    sum += u;
-                }
-                tmp = sum / n;
-                if (RRuntime.isFinite(tmp)) {
-                    sum = 0.0;
+    private static void COV_SDEV2(int n, int n1, int nc, double[] array, double[] m, boolean[] has_na, boolean kendall) {
+        for (int i = 0; i < nc; i++) {
+            if (!has_na[i]) { /* Var(X[j]) */
+                int xx = i * n;
+                double sum = 0;
+                if (!kendall) {
+                    double xxm = m[i];
                     for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
-                        double u = x[i * n + k];
-                        sum += u - tmp;
+                        sum += (array[xx + k] - xxm) * (array[xx + k] - xxm);
-                    tmp += sum / n;
-                }
-            }
-            xm[i] = tmp;
-        }
-    }
-    private void mean(int n, int ncx, double[] x, double[] xm, boolean[] hasNA) {
-        double sum;
-        double tmp;
-        /* variable means (has_na) */
-        for (int i = 0; i < ncx; i++) {
-            if (hasNA[i]) {
-                tmp = RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA;
-            } else {
-                sum = 0.0;
-                for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
-                    double u = x[i * n + k];
-                    if (checkNAs(u)) {
-                        sum = RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA;
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    sum += u;
-                }
-                tmp = checkNAs(sum) ? RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA : sum / n;
-                if (RRuntime.isFinite(tmp)) {
-                    sum = 0.0;
+                    sum /= n1;
+                } else { /* Kendall's tau */
                     for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
-                        double u = x[i * n + k];
-                        if (checkNAs(u)) {
-                            sum = RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA;
-                            break;
+                        for (int n1_ = 0; n1_ < n; n1_++) {
+                            if (array[xx + k] != array[xx + n1_]) {
+                                sum++; /* = sign(. - .)^2 */
+                            }
-                        sum += u - tmp;
-                    }
-                    if (checkNAs(sum)) {
-                        tmp = RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA;
-                    } else {
-                        tmp += sum / n;
+                m[i] = Math.sqrt(sum);
-            xm[i] = tmp;
-    private boolean covNA2(int n, int ncx, int ncy, RDoubleVector x, RDoubleVector y, double[] xm, double[] ym, double[] ans, boolean cor, boolean iskendall) {
-        double sum;
-        double xxm;
-        double yym;
+    private static void cov_na_2(int n, int ncx, int ncy, double[] x, double[] y, double[] xm, double[] ym, boolean[] has_na_x, boolean[] has_na_y, double[] ans, boolean[] sd_0, boolean cor,
+                    boolean kendall) {
         int n1 = -1;
-        boolean sd0 = false;
-        double[] xData = x.getDataWithoutCopying();
-        double[] yData = y.getDataWithoutCopying();
-        boolean[] hasNAx = findNAs(n, ncx, x);
-        boolean[] hasNAy = findNAs(n, ncy, y);
-        if (n <= 1) { /* too many missing */
-            tooManyMissing.enter();
+        if (n <= 1) {/* too many missing */
             for (int i = 0; i < ncx; i++) {
                 for (int j = 0; j < ncy; j++) {
-                    ans[i + j * ncx] = RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA;
+                    ANS(ans, ncx, i, j, RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA);
-            return sd0;
+            return;
-        if (!iskendall) {
-            if (xCompleteProfile.profile(x.isComplete())) {
-                meanNoNA(n, ncx, xData, xm, hasNAx);
-            } else {
-                mean(n, ncx, xData, xm, hasNAx);
-            }
-            if (yCompleteProfile.profile(y.isComplete())) {
-                meanNoNA(n, ncy, yData, ym, hasNAy);
-            } else {
-                mean(n, ncy, yData, ym, hasNAy);
-            }
+        if (!kendall) {
+            MEAN_(n, ncx, x, xm, has_na_x);/* -> xm[] */
+            MEAN_(n, ncy, y, ym, has_na_y);/* -> ym[] */
             n1 = n - 1;
         for (int i = 0; i < ncx; i++) {
-            if (noNAXProfile.profile(!hasNAx[i])) {
-                if (!iskendall) {
-                    xxm = xm[i];
+            if (has_na_x[i]) {
+                for (int j = 0; j < ncy; j++) {
+                    ANS(ans, ncx, i, j, RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA);
+                }
+            } else {
+                int xx = i * n;
+                if (!kendall) {
+                    double xxm = xm[i];
                     for (int j = 0; j < ncy; j++) {
-                        double r;
-                        if (noNAYProfile.profile(!hasNAy[j])) {
-                            yym = ym[j];
-                            if (checkNAs(xxm, yym)) {
-                                r = RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA;
-                            } else {
-                                sum = 0.0;
-                                for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
-                                    double u = xData[i * n + k];
-                                    double v = yData[j * n + k];
-                                    sum += (u - xxm) * (v - yym);
-                                }
-                                r = checkNAs(sum) ? RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA : sum / n1;
-                            }
+                        if (has_na_y[j]) {
+                            ANS(ans, ncx, i, j, RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA);
                         } else {
-                            r = RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA;
+                            int yy = j * n;
+                            double yym = ym[j];
+                            double sum = 0;
+                            for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
+                                sum += (x[xx + k] - xxm) * (y[yy + k] - yym);
+                            }
+                            ANS(ans, ncx, i, j, sum / n1);
-                        ans[i + j * ncx] = r;
                 } else { /* Kendall's tau */
-                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("kendall's unsupported");
-                }
-            } else {
-                for (int j = 0; j < ncy; j++) {
-                    ans[i + j * ncx] = RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA;
+                    for (int j = 0; j < ncy; j++) {
+                        if (has_na_y[j]) {
+                            ANS(ans, ncx, i, j, RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA);
+                        } else {
+                            int yy = j * n;
+                            double sum = 0;
+                            for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
+                                for (n1 = 0; n1 < n; n1++) {
+                                    sum += RMath.sign(x[xx + k] - x[xx + n1]) * RMath.sign(y[yy + k] - y[yy + n1]);
+                                }
+                            }
+                            ANS(ans, ncx, i, j, sum);
+                        }
+                    }
         if (cor) {
-            covsdev(n, n1, ncx, x, hasNAx, xm, iskendall);
-            covsdev(n, n1, ncy, y, hasNAy, ym, iskendall);
+            COV_SDEV2(n, n1, ncx, x, xm, has_na_x, kendall); /* -> xm[.] */
+            COV_SDEV2(n, n1, ncy, y, ym, has_na_y, kendall); /* -> ym[.] */
             for (int i = 0; i < ncx; i++) {
-                if (noNAXProfile.profile(!hasNAx[i])) {
+                if (!has_na_x[i]) {
                     for (int j = 0; j < ncy; j++) {
-                        if (noNAYProfile.profile(!hasNAy[j])) {
-                            if (xm[i] == 0.0 || ym[j] == 0.0) {
-                                sd0 = true;
-                                ans[i + j * ncx] = RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA;
+                        if (!has_na_y[j]) {
+                            double result;
+                            if (xm[i] == 0 || ym[j] == 0) {
+                                sd_0[0] = true;
+                                result = RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA;
                             } else {
-                                double u = xm[i];
-                                double v = ym[j];
-                                if (checkNAs(u, v)) {
-                                    ans[i + j * ncx] = RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA;
+                                double current = ANS(ans, ncx, i, j);
+                                if (RRuntime.isNA(current)) {
+                                    result = RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA;
                                 } else {
-                                    ans[i + j * ncx] /= u * v;
-                                }
-                                if (ans[i + j * ncx] > 1.0) {
-                                    ans[i + j * ncx] = 1.0;
+                                    result = CLAMP(current / (xm[i] * ym[j]));
+                            ANS(ans, ncx, i, j, result);
+    }
+    /*
+     * complete[12]() returns indicator vector ind[] of complete.cases(), or --------------
+     * if(na_fail) signals error if any NA/NaN is encountered
+     */
+    /*
+     * This might look slightly inefficient, but it is designed to optimise paging in virtual memory
+     * systems ... (or at least that's my story, and I'm sticking to it.)
+     */
+    private static void NA_LOOP(int n, int z, double[] x, boolean[] ind, boolean na_fail) {
+        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+            if (ISNAN(x[z + i])) {
+                if (na_fail) {
+                    error("missing observations in cov/cor");
+                } else {
+                    ind[i] = false;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
-        return sd0;
+    private static void complete1(int n, int ncx, double[] x, boolean[] ind, boolean na_fail) {
+        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+            ind[i] = true;
+        }
+        for (int j = 0; j < ncx; j++) {
+            int z = j * n;
+            NA_LOOP(n, z, x, ind, na_fail);
+        }
-    private void covsdev(int n, int n1, int ncx, RDoubleVector x, boolean[] hasNA, double[] xm, boolean iskendall) {
-        for (int i = 0; i < ncx; i++) {
-            if (!hasNA[i]) { /* Var(X[j]) */
-                double sum = 0.0;
-                if (!iskendall) {
-                    double xxm = xm[i];
-                    if (checkNAs(xxm)) {
-                        sum = RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA;
-                    } else {
-                        for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
-                            double u = x.getDataAt(i * n + k);
-                            double v = x.getDataAt(i * n + k);
-                            if (checkNAs(u, v)) {
-                                sum = RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA;
-                                break;
-                            }
-                            sum += (u - xxm) * (v - xxm);
+    static void complete2(int n, int ncx, int ncy, double[] x, double[] y, boolean[] ind, boolean na_fail) {
+        complete1(n, ncx, x, ind, na_fail);
+        for (int j = 0; j < ncy; j++) {
+            int z = j * n;
+            NA_LOOP(n, z, y, ind, na_fail);
+        }
+    }
+    static void find_na_1(int n, int ncx, double[] x, boolean[] has_na) {
+        for (int j = 0; j < ncx; j++) {
+            int z = j * n;
+            has_na[j] = false;
+            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+                if (ISNAN(x[z + i])) {
+                    has_na[j] = true;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    static void find_na_2(int n, int ncx, int ncy, double[] x, double[] y, boolean[] has_na_x, boolean[] has_na_y) {
+        find_na_1(n, ncx, x, has_na_x);
+        find_na_1(n, ncy, y, has_na_y);
+    }
+    /*
+     * co[vr](x, y, use = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } "all.obs", "complete.obs", "pairwise.complete",
+     * "everything", "na.or.complete" kendall = TRUE/FALSE)
+     */
+    public RDoubleVector corcov(RDoubleVector x, RDoubleVector y, int method, boolean kendall) throws RError {
+        int n, ncx, ncy;
+        /* Arg.1: x */
+        if (isFactorX.executeIsFactor(x)) {
+            error("'x' is a factor");
+            // maybe only warning: "Calling var(x) on a factor x is deprecated and will become an
+            // error.\n Use something like 'all(duplicated(x)[-1L])' to test for a constant vector."
+        }
+        /* length check of x -- only if(empty_err) --> below */
+        int[] xDims = getDimsXNode.getDimensions(x);
+        boolean ansmat = matrixProfile.profile(GetDimAttributeNode.isMatrix(xDims));
+        if ((ansmat)) {
+            n = xDims[0];
+            ncx = xDims[1];
+        } else {
+            n = x.getLength();
+            ncx = 1;
+        }
+        /* Arg.2: y */
+        if (y == null) {/* y = x : var() */
+            ncy = ncx;
+        } else {
+            if (isFactorY.executeIsFactor(y)) {
+                error("'y' is a factor");
+                // maybe only warning: "Calling var(x) on a factor x is deprecated and will become
+                // an error.\n Use something like 'all(duplicated(x)[-1L])' to test for a constant
+                // vector."
+            }
+            int[] yDims = getDimsYNode.getDimensions(y);
+            if (GetDimAttributeNode.isMatrix(yDims)) {
+                if (yDims[0] != n) {
+                    error("incompatible dimensions");
+                }
+                ncy = yDims[1];
+                ansmat = true;
+            } else {
+                if (y.getLength() != n) {
+                    error("incompatible dimensions");
+                }
+                ncy = 1;
+            }
+        }
+        /* "default: complete" */
+        boolean na_fail = false;
+        boolean everything = false;
+        boolean empty_err = true;
+        boolean pair = false;
+        switch (method) {
+            case 1: /* use all : no NAs */
+                na_fail = true;
+                break;
+            case 2: /* complete */
+                /* did na.omit in R */
+                if (x.getLength() == 0) {
+                    error("no complete element pairs");
+                }
+                break;
+            case 3: /* pairwise.complete */
+                pair = true;
+                break;
+            case 4: /* "everything": NAs are propagated */
+                everything = true;
+                empty_err = false;
+                break;
+            case 5: /* "na.or.complete": NAs are propagated */
+                empty_err = false;
+                break;
+            default:
+                error("invalid 'use' (computational method)");
+        }
+        if (empty_err && x.getLength() == 0) {
+            error("'x' is empty");
+        }
+        double[] xData = x.getDataWithoutCopying();
+        double[] ans = new double[ncx * ncy];
+        boolean[] sd_0 = new boolean[1];
+        evaluate(y, kendall, isCor, n, ncx, ncy, na_fail, everything, empty_err, pair, xData, ans, sd_0);
+        if (sd_0[0]) { /* only in cor() */
+            warning(RError.Message.SD_ZERO);
+        }
+        boolean seenNA = false;
+        for (int i = 0; i < ans.length; i++) {
+            if (RRuntime.isNA(ans[i])) {
+                naInRes.enter();
+                seenNA = true;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        if (ansmat) { /* set dimnames() when applicable */
+            RList newDimNames = null;
+            if (y == null) {
+                RList dimNames = getDimsNamesXNode.getDimNames(x);
+                if (dimNames != null) {
+                    Object names = dimNames.getDataAt(1);
+                    if (names != RNull.instance) {
+                        newDimNames = RDataFactory.createList(new Object[]{names, names});
+                    }
+                }
+            } else {
+                RList dimNamesX = getDimsNamesXNode.getDimNames(x);
+                RList dimNamesY = getDimsNamesYNode.getDimNames(y);
+                Object namesX = dimNamesX.getLength() >= 2 ? dimNamesX.getDataAt(1) : RNull.instance;
+                Object namesY = dimNamesY.getLength() >= 2 ? dimNamesY.getDataAt(1) : RNull.instance;
+                if (namesX != RNull.instance || namesY != RNull.instance) {
+                    newDimNames = RDataFactory.createList(new Object[]{namesX, namesY});
+                }
+            }
+            RDoubleVector result = RDataFactory.createDoubleVector(ans, !seenNA, new int[]{ncx, ncy});
+            if (newDimNames != null) {
+                setDimNamesNode.setDimNames(result, newDimNames);
+            }
+            return result;
+        } else {
+            return RDataFactory.createDoubleVector(ans, !seenNA);
+        }
+    }
+    @TruffleBoundary
+    private static void evaluate(RDoubleVector y, boolean kendall, boolean cor, int n, int ncx, int ncy, boolean na_fail, boolean everything, boolean empty_err, boolean pair, double[] xData,
+                    double[] ans, boolean[] sd_0) {
+        if (y == null) {
+            if (everything) { /* NA's are propagated */
+                double[] xm = new double[ncx];
+                boolean[] ind = new boolean[ncx];
+                find_na_1(n, ncx, xData, /* --> has_na[] = */ ind);
+                cov_na_1(n, ncx, xData, xm, ind, ans, sd_0, cor, kendall);
+            } else if (!pair) { /* all | complete "var" */
+                double[] xm = new double[ncx];
+                boolean[] ind = new boolean[n];
+                complete1(n, ncx, xData, ind, na_fail);
+                cov_complete1(n, ncx, xData, xm, ind, ans, sd_0, cor, kendall);
+                if (empty_err) {
+                    boolean indany = false;
+                    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+                        if (ind[i]) {
+                            indany = true;
+                            break;
-                    if (!checkNAs(sum)) {
-                        sum /= n1;
+                    if (!indany) {
+                        error("no complete element pairs");
-                } else { /* Kendall's tau */
-                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("kendall's unsupported");
-                xm[i] = checkNAs(sum) ? RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA : Math.sqrt(sum);
+            } else { /* pairwise "var" */
+                cov_pairwise1(n, ncx, xData, ans, sd_0, cor, kendall);
+            }
+        } else { /* Co[vr] (x, y) */
+            double[] yData = y.getDataWithoutCopying();
+            if (everything) {
+                double[] xm = new double[ncx];
+                double[] ym = new double[ncy];
+                boolean[] ind = new boolean[ncx];
+                boolean[] has_na_y = new boolean[ncy];
+                find_na_2(n, ncx, ncy, xData, yData, ind, has_na_y);
+                cov_na_2(n, ncx, ncy, xData, yData, xm, ym, ind, has_na_y, ans, sd_0, cor, kendall);
+            } else if (!pair) { /* all | complete */
+                double[] xm = new double[ncx];
+                double[] ym = new double[ncy];
+                boolean[] ind = new boolean[n];
+                complete2(n, ncx, ncy, xData, yData, ind, na_fail);
+                cov_complete2(n, ncx, ncy, xData, yData, xm, ym, ind, ans, sd_0, cor, kendall);
+                if (empty_err) {
+                    boolean indany = false;
+                    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+                        if (ind[i]) {
+                            indany = true;
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if (!indany) {
+                        error("no complete element pairs");
+                    }
+                }
+            } else { /* pairwise */
+                cov_pairwise2(n, ncx, ncy, xData, yData, ans, sd_0, cor, kendall);
-    private RuntimeException error(String message) {
-        throw error(Message.GENERIC, message);
+    private final boolean isCor;
+    public Covcor(boolean isCor) {
+        this.isCor = isCor;
-    private boolean checkNAs(double... xs) {
-        for (double x : xs) {
-            check.enable(x);
-            if (check.check(x)) {
-                return true;
-            }
-        }
-        return false;
+    static {
+        Casts casts = new Casts(Covcor.class);
+        casts.arg(0).mustNotBeMissing().mustBe(nullValue().not(), Message.IS_NULL, "x").asDoubleVector();
+        casts.arg(1).mustNotBeMissing().asDoubleVector();
+        casts.arg(2).asIntegerVector().findFirst();
+        casts.arg(3).asLogicalVector().findFirst().map(toBoolean());
-    private boolean checkNAs(double x) {
-        check.enable(x);
-        return check.check(x);
+    @Specialization
+    public Object call(RAbstractDoubleVector x, @SuppressWarnings("unused") RNull y, int method, boolean iskendall) {
+        return corcov(x.materialize(), null, method, iskendall);
+    @Specialization
+    public Object call(RAbstractDoubleVector x, RAbstractDoubleVector y, int method, boolean iskendall) {
+        return corcov(x.materialize(), y.materialize(), method, iskendall);
+    }
+    private final BranchProfile naInRes = BranchProfile.create();
+    private final ConditionProfile matrixProfile = ConditionProfile.createBinaryProfile();
+    @Child private GetDimAttributeNode getDimsXNode = GetDimAttributeNode.create();
+    @Child private GetDimAttributeNode getDimsYNode = GetDimAttributeNode.create();
+    @Child private GetDimNamesAttributeNode getDimsNamesXNode = GetDimNamesAttributeNode.create();
+    @Child private GetDimNamesAttributeNode getDimsNamesYNode = GetDimNamesAttributeNode.create();
+    @Child private SetDimNamesAttributeNode setDimNamesNode = SetDimNamesAttributeNodeGen.create();
+    @Child private IsFactorNode isFactorX = new IsFactorNode();
+    @Child private IsFactorNode isFactorY = new IsFactorNode();
diff --git a/ b/
index 22dadebc92..5db1157cc3 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -34,6 +34,13 @@ import;
 public final class RMath {
+    public static double sign(double x) {
+        if (Double.isNaN(x)) {
+            return x;
+        }
+        return ((x > 0) ? 1 : ((x == 0) ? 0 : -1));
+    }
     public static boolean mlValid(double d) {
         return !Double.isNaN(d);
diff --git a/ b/
index b9fc93b7a5..35e626cff2 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -148129,6 +148129,330 @@ Error: argument 'files' must be character
 Error in stats::complete.cases(data.frame(col1 = c(1, 2, NA), col2 = c(1,  :
   not all arguments have the same length
+#cor(1:4, c(1,7,1,-4), use='a', method='k')
+[1] -0.5477226
+#cor(1:4, c(1,7,1,-4), use='a', method='p')
+[1] -0.6024641
+#cor(1:4, c(1,7,1,-4), use='a', method='s')
+[1] -0.6324555
+#cor(1:4, c(1,7,1,-4), use='c', method='k')
+[1] -0.5477226
+#cor(1:4, c(1,7,1,-4), use='c', method='p')
+[1] -0.6024641
+#cor(1:4, c(1,7,1,-4), use='c', method='s')
+[1] -0.6324555
+#cor(1:4, c(1,7,1,-4), use='e', method='k')
+[1] -0.5477226
+#cor(1:4, c(1,7,1,-4), use='e', method='p')
+[1] -0.6024641
+#cor(1:4, c(1,7,1,-4), use='e', method='s')
+[1] -0.6324555
+#cor(1:4, c(1,7,1,-4), use='n', method='k')
+[1] -0.5477226
+#cor(1:4, c(1,7,1,-4), use='n', method='p')
+[1] -0.6024641
+#cor(1:4, c(1,7,1,-4), use='n', method='s')
+[1] -0.6324555
+#cor(1:4, c(1,7,1,-4), use='p', method='k')
+[1] -0.5477226
+#cor(1:4, c(1,7,1,-4), use='p', method='p')
+[1] -0.6024641
+#cor(1:4, c(1,7,1,-4), use='p', method='s')
+[1] -0.6324555
+#cor(mtcars[,1:4], use='a', method='k')
+            mpg        cyl       disp         hp
+mpg   1.0000000 -0.7953134 -0.7681311 -0.7428125
+cyl  -0.7953134  1.0000000  0.8144263  0.7851865
+disp -0.7681311  0.8144263  1.0000000  0.6659987
+hp   -0.7428125  0.7851865  0.6659987  1.0000000
+#cor(mtcars[,1:4], use='a', method='p')
+            mpg        cyl       disp         hp
+mpg   1.0000000 -0.8521620 -0.8475514 -0.7761684
+cyl  -0.8521620  1.0000000  0.9020329  0.8324475
+disp -0.8475514  0.9020329  1.0000000  0.7909486
+hp   -0.7761684  0.8324475  0.7909486  1.0000000
+#cor(mtcars[,1:4], use='a', method='s')
+            mpg        cyl       disp         hp
+mpg   1.0000000 -0.9108013 -0.9088824 -0.8946646
+cyl  -0.9108013  1.0000000  0.9276516  0.9017909
+disp -0.9088824  0.9276516  1.0000000  0.8510426
+hp   -0.8946646  0.9017909  0.8510426  1.0000000
+#cor(mtcars[,1:4], use='c', method='k')
+            mpg        cyl       disp         hp
+mpg   1.0000000 -0.7953134 -0.7681311 -0.7428125
+cyl  -0.7953134  1.0000000  0.8144263  0.7851865
+disp -0.7681311  0.8144263  1.0000000  0.6659987
+hp   -0.7428125  0.7851865  0.6659987  1.0000000
+#cor(mtcars[,1:4], use='c', method='p')
+            mpg        cyl       disp         hp
+mpg   1.0000000 -0.8521620 -0.8475514 -0.7761684
+cyl  -0.8521620  1.0000000  0.9020329  0.8324475
+disp -0.8475514  0.9020329  1.0000000  0.7909486
+hp   -0.7761684  0.8324475  0.7909486  1.0000000
+#cor(mtcars[,1:4], use='c', method='s')
+            mpg        cyl       disp         hp
+mpg   1.0000000 -0.9108013 -0.9088824 -0.8946646
+cyl  -0.9108013  1.0000000  0.9276516  0.9017909
+disp -0.9088824  0.9276516  1.0000000  0.8510426
+hp   -0.8946646  0.9017909  0.8510426  1.0000000
+#cor(mtcars[,1:4], use='e', method='k')
+            mpg        cyl       disp         hp
+mpg   1.0000000 -0.7953134 -0.7681311 -0.7428125
+cyl  -0.7953134  1.0000000  0.8144263  0.7851865
+disp -0.7681311  0.8144263  1.0000000  0.6659987
+hp   -0.7428125  0.7851865  0.6659987  1.0000000
+#cor(mtcars[,1:4], use='e', method='p')
+            mpg        cyl       disp         hp
+mpg   1.0000000 -0.8521620 -0.8475514 -0.7761684
+cyl  -0.8521620  1.0000000  0.9020329  0.8324475
+disp -0.8475514  0.9020329  1.0000000  0.7909486
+hp   -0.7761684  0.8324475  0.7909486  1.0000000
+#cor(mtcars[,1:4], use='e', method='s')
+            mpg        cyl       disp         hp
+mpg   1.0000000 -0.9108013 -0.9088824 -0.8946646
+cyl  -0.9108013  1.0000000  0.9276516  0.9017909
+disp -0.9088824  0.9276516  1.0000000  0.8510426
+hp   -0.8946646  0.9017909  0.8510426  1.0000000
+#cor(mtcars[,1:4], use='n', method='k')
+            mpg        cyl       disp         hp
+mpg   1.0000000 -0.7953134 -0.7681311 -0.7428125
+cyl  -0.7953134  1.0000000  0.8144263  0.7851865
+disp -0.7681311  0.8144263  1.0000000  0.6659987
+hp   -0.7428125  0.7851865  0.6659987  1.0000000
+#cor(mtcars[,1:4], use='n', method='p')
+            mpg        cyl       disp         hp
+mpg   1.0000000 -0.8521620 -0.8475514 -0.7761684
+cyl  -0.8521620  1.0000000  0.9020329  0.8324475
+disp -0.8475514  0.9020329  1.0000000  0.7909486
+hp   -0.7761684  0.8324475  0.7909486  1.0000000
+#cor(mtcars[,1:4], use='n', method='s')
+            mpg        cyl       disp         hp
+mpg   1.0000000 -0.9108013 -0.9088824 -0.8946646
+cyl  -0.9108013  1.0000000  0.9276516  0.9017909
+disp -0.9088824  0.9276516  1.0000000  0.8510426
+hp   -0.8946646  0.9017909  0.8510426  1.0000000
+#cor(mtcars[,1:4], use='p', method='k')
+            mpg        cyl       disp         hp
+mpg   1.0000000 -0.7953134 -0.7681311 -0.7428125
+cyl  -0.7953134  1.0000000  0.8144263  0.7851865
+disp -0.7681311  0.8144263  1.0000000  0.6659987
+hp   -0.7428125  0.7851865  0.6659987  1.0000000
+#cor(mtcars[,1:4], use='p', method='p')
+            mpg        cyl       disp         hp
+mpg   1.0000000 -0.8521620 -0.8475514 -0.7761684
+cyl  -0.8521620  1.0000000  0.9020329  0.8324475
+disp -0.8475514  0.9020329  1.0000000  0.7909486
+hp   -0.7761684  0.8324475  0.7909486  1.0000000
+#cor(mtcars[,1:4], use='p', method='s')
+            mpg        cyl       disp         hp
+mpg   1.0000000 -0.9108013 -0.9088824 -0.8946646
+cyl  -0.9108013  1.0000000  0.9276516  0.9017909
+disp -0.9088824  0.9276516  1.0000000  0.8510426
+hp   -0.8946646  0.9017909  0.8510426  1.0000000
+#cov(1:4, c(1,7,1,-4), use='a', method='k')
+[1] -6
+#cov(1:4, c(1,7,1,-4), use='a', method='p')
+[1] -3.5
+#cov(1:4, c(1,7,1,-4), use='a', method='s')
+[1] -1
+#cov(1:4, c(1,7,1,-4), use='c', method='k')
+[1] -6
+#cov(1:4, c(1,7,1,-4), use='c', method='p')
+[1] -3.5
+#cov(1:4, c(1,7,1,-4), use='c', method='s')
+[1] -1
+#cov(1:4, c(1,7,1,-4), use='e', method='k')
+[1] -6
+#cov(1:4, c(1,7,1,-4), use='e', method='p')
+[1] -3.5
+#cov(1:4, c(1,7,1,-4), use='e', method='s')
+[1] -1
+#cov(1:4, c(1,7,1,-4), use='n', method='k')
+[1] -6
+#cov(1:4, c(1,7,1,-4), use='n', method='p')
+[1] -3.5
+#cov(1:4, c(1,7,1,-4), use='n', method='s')
+[1] -1
+#cov(mtcars[,1:4], use='a', method='k')
+      mpg  cyl disp   hp
+mpg   978 -638 -752 -722
+cyl  -638  658  654  626
+disp -752  654  980  648
+hp   -722  626  648  966
+#cov(mtcars[,1:4], use='a', method='p')
+             mpg        cyl       disp        hp
+mpg    36.324103  -9.172379  -633.0972 -320.7321
+cyl    -9.172379   3.189516   199.6603  101.9315
+disp -633.097208 199.660282 15360.7998 6721.1587
+hp   -320.732056 101.931452  6721.1587 4700.8669
+#cov(mtcars[,1:4], use='a', method='s')
+           mpg       cyl      disp        hp
+mpg   87.88710 -74.54032 -79.87903 -78.56452
+cyl  -74.54032  76.20968  75.91935  73.74194
+disp -79.87903  75.91935  87.88710  74.73387
+hp   -78.56452  73.74194  74.73387  87.74194
+#cov(mtcars[,1:4], use='c', method='k')
+      mpg  cyl disp   hp
+mpg   978 -638 -752 -722
+cyl  -638  658  654  626
+disp -752  654  980  648
+hp   -722  626  648  966
+#cov(mtcars[,1:4], use='c', method='p')
+             mpg        cyl       disp        hp
+mpg    36.324103  -9.172379  -633.0972 -320.7321
+cyl    -9.172379   3.189516   199.6603  101.9315
+disp -633.097208 199.660282 15360.7998 6721.1587
+hp   -320.732056 101.931452  6721.1587 4700.8669
+#cov(mtcars[,1:4], use='c', method='s')
+           mpg       cyl      disp        hp
+mpg   87.88710 -74.54032 -79.87903 -78.56452
+cyl  -74.54032  76.20968  75.91935  73.74194
+disp -79.87903  75.91935  87.88710  74.73387
+hp   -78.56452  73.74194  74.73387  87.74194
+#cov(mtcars[,1:4], use='e', method='k')
+      mpg  cyl disp   hp
+mpg   978 -638 -752 -722
+cyl  -638  658  654  626
+disp -752  654  980  648
+hp   -722  626  648  966
+#cov(mtcars[,1:4], use='e', method='p')
+             mpg        cyl       disp        hp
+mpg    36.324103  -9.172379  -633.0972 -320.7321
+cyl    -9.172379   3.189516   199.6603  101.9315
+disp -633.097208 199.660282 15360.7998 6721.1587
+hp   -320.732056 101.931452  6721.1587 4700.8669
+#cov(mtcars[,1:4], use='e', method='s')
+           mpg       cyl      disp        hp
+mpg   87.88710 -74.54032 -79.87903 -78.56452
+cyl  -74.54032  76.20968  75.91935  73.74194
+disp -79.87903  75.91935  87.88710  74.73387
+hp   -78.56452  73.74194  74.73387  87.74194
+#cov(mtcars[,1:4], use='n', method='k')
+      mpg  cyl disp   hp
+mpg   978 -638 -752 -722
+cyl  -638  658  654  626
+disp -752  654  980  648
+hp   -722  626  648  966
+#cov(mtcars[,1:4], use='n', method='p')
+             mpg        cyl       disp        hp
+mpg    36.324103  -9.172379  -633.0972 -320.7321
+cyl    -9.172379   3.189516   199.6603  101.9315
+disp -633.097208 199.660282 15360.7998 6721.1587
+hp   -320.732056 101.931452  6721.1587 4700.8669
+#cov(mtcars[,1:4], use='n', method='s')
+           mpg       cyl      disp        hp
+mpg   87.88710 -74.54032 -79.87903 -78.56452
+cyl  -74.54032  76.20968  75.91935  73.74194
+disp -79.87903  75.91935  87.88710  74.73387
+hp   -78.56452  73.74194  74.73387  87.74194
 #.Call(stats:::C_cov, 1:5, 1:5, 4, FALSE)
 [1] 2.5
diff --git a/ b/
index 5f548a2355..fe08b63966 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2016, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -40,4 +40,15 @@ public class TestExternal_covcor extends TestBase {
         assertEval(".Call(stats:::C_cov, NULL, 1:5, 4, FALSE)");
         assertEval(".Call(stats:::C_cov, 1:3, 1:5, 4, FALSE)");
+    @Test
+    public void testCombinations() {
+        String[] useCor = new String[]{"e", "a", "c", "n", "p"};
+        String[] useCov = new String[]{"e", "a", "c", "n"};
+        String[] methods = new String[]{"p", "k", "s"};
+        assertEval(template("cor(mtcars[,1:4], use='%0', method='%1')", useCor, methods));
+        assertEval(template("cor(1:4, c(1,7,1,-4), use='%0', method='%1')", useCor, methods));
+        assertEval(template("cov(mtcars[,1:4], use='%0', method='%1')", useCov, methods));
+        assertEval(template("cov(1:4, c(1,7,1,-4), use='%0', method='%1')", useCov, methods));
+    }