From da6e3171051124569d4ff4b90e918578006c3cb3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: stepan <>
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2017 10:19:35 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Implemented max.col builtin

 .../r/nodes/builtin/base/     |   1 +
 .../truffle/r/nodes/builtin/base/  | 166 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../r/runtime/data/model/ |   1 +
 .../truffle/r/test/ExpectedTestOutput.test    |  54 +++++-
 .../r/test/builtins/   |  22 ++-
 .../        |  11 ++
 .../  |   1 +
 mx.fastr/copyrights/overrides                 |   1 +
 8 files changed, 246 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644
 create mode 100644 mx.fastr/copyrights/
 create mode 100644 mx.fastr/copyrights/

diff --git a/ b/
index 2d7a58097a..e12bd7d4d0 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -361,6 +361,7 @@ public class BasePackage extends RBuiltinPackage {
         add(CumMin.class, CumMinNodeGen::create);
         add(CumProd.class, CumProdNodeGen::create);
         add(CumSum.class, CumSumNodeGen::create);
+        add(MaxCol.class, MaxCol::create);
         add(CacheClass.class, CacheClassNodeGen::create);
         add(CurlDownload.class, CurlDownloadNodeGen::create);
         add(Date.class, DateNodeGen::create);
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..17ffb3ef22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+ * This material is distributed under the GNU General Public License
+ * Version 2. You may review the terms of this license at
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1994-9 W. N. Venables and B. D. Ripley
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2017, The R Core Team
+ * Copyright (c) 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates
+ *
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+@RBuiltin(name = "max.col", kind = INTERNAL, parameterNames = {"x", "tie"}, behavior = PURE)
+public abstract class MaxCol extends RBuiltinNode.Arg2 {
+    private static final int TIE_RANDOM = 1;
+    private static final int TIE_LAST = 3;
+    private static final double EPSILON_FACTOR = 1e-5;
+    static {
+        Casts casts = new Casts(MaxCol.class);
+        casts.arg("x").mustBe(abstractVectorValue().and(matrix()));
+        casts.arg("tie").mustBe(integerValue()).asIntegerVector().findFirst().mustBe(gte(TIE_RANDOM).and(lte(TIE_LAST)));
+    }
+    public static MaxCol create() {
+        return MaxColNodeGen.create();
+    }
+    private final ValueProfile tieProfile = ValueProfile.createEqualityProfile();
+    @Specialization(guards = "xAccess.supports(x)")
+    RAbstractIntVector findMaxCol(RAbstractContainer x, int tieArg,
+                    @Cached("x.access()") VectorAccess xAccess,
+                    @Cached("create()") VectorFactory vectorFactory,
+                    @Cached("create()") GetDimAttributeNode getDimNode) {
+        int nrows = getDimNode.nrows(x);
+        int tie = tieProfile.profile(tieArg);
+        // in the first iteration we do TIE_FIRST even for TIE_RANDOM to find out the maxima for
+        // epsilon calculation. TIE_RANDOM ignores NAs and Inf when calculating the maxima
+        boolean tieLast = tie == TIE_LAST;
+        boolean tieRandom = tie == TIE_RANDOM;
+        double[] maxVals = new double[nrows];
+        Arrays.fill(maxVals, Double.MIN_VALUE);
+        int[] cols = new int[nrows];
+        int resultIdx = 0;
+        int colIdx = 1; // R indexing
+        int naCount = 0;
+        try (SequentialIterator it = xAccess.access(x)) {
+            while ( {
+                double value = xAccess.getDouble(it);
+                // skip rows for which we already got NA
+                if (![resultIdx])) {
+                    if ( {
+                        maxVals[resultIdx] = RRuntime.DOUBLE_NA;
+                        cols[resultIdx] = RRuntime.INT_NA;
+                        naCount++;
+                        if (naCount == nrows) {
+                            // all NAs we're done
+                            return vectorFactory.createIntVector(cols, RDataFactory.INCOMPLETE_VECTOR);
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        double prevValue = maxVals[resultIdx];
+                        boolean isLastTie = tieLast && prevValue == value;
+                        boolean ignoreInf = tieRandom && Double.isInfinite(value);
+                        if (!ignoreInf && (isLastTie || prevValue < value)) {
+                            maxVals[resultIdx] = value;
+                            cols[resultIdx] = colIdx;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                resultIdx++;
+                if (resultIdx == maxVals.length) {
+                    resultIdx = 0;
+                    colIdx++;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (tie == TIE_RANDOM) {
+            // tie random:
+            // 1) tie is when two elements differ by no more than epsilon, which is relative to the
+            // largest element.
+            // 2) tie is broken randomly using pseudo-random numbers generator
+            double[] epsilons = maxVals;
+            for (int i = 0; i < epsilons.length; i++) {
+                epsilons[i] *= EPSILON_FACTOR;
+            }
+            maxColRandom(cols, x, xAccess, getDimNode.ncols(x), nrows, epsilons);
+        }
+        return vectorFactory.createIntVector(cols, naCount == 0);
+    }
+    @Specialization(replaces = "findMaxCol")
+    RAbstractIntVector findMaxColGeneric(RAbstractContainer x, int tie,
+                    @Cached("create()") VectorFactory vectorFactory,
+                    @Cached("create()") GetDimAttributeNode getDimNode) {
+        return findMaxCol(x, tie, x.slowPathAccess(), vectorFactory, getDimNode);
+    }
+    private static void maxColRandom(int[] cols, RAbstractContainer x, VectorAccess xAccess, int ncols, int nrows, double[] epsilons) {
+        // To be really compatible, because we use random numbers, we have to do this in the same
+        // order as GNU R, which is row by row
+        int colIdx;
+        boolean usedRandom = false;
+        try (RandomIterator it = xAccess.randomAccess(x)) {
+            for (int rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < nrows; rowIdx++) {
+                if ([rowIdx])) {
+                    // this row contains NA
+                    continue;
+                }
+                double max = xAccess.getDouble(it, rowIdx);
+                cols[rowIdx] = 1; // R indexing
+                int ntie = 1;
+                for (colIdx = 1; colIdx < ncols; colIdx++) {
+                    double value = xAccess.getDouble(it, rowIdx + colIdx * nrows);
+                    if (value > max + epsilons[rowIdx]) {
+                        max = value;
+                        cols[rowIdx] = colIdx + 1;
+                        ntie = 1;
+                    } else if (value >= max - epsilons[rowIdx]) {
+                        ntie++;
+                        if (!usedRandom) {
+                            RRNG.getRNGState();
+                            usedRandom = true;
+                        }
+                        if (ntie * RRNG.unifRand() < 1.) {
+                            cols[rowIdx] = colIdx + 1;
+                            // NOTE: GNU R also does not update the actual value
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (usedRandom) {
+            RRNG.putRNGState();
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/ b/
index 73637118f3..2edde3cff3 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -121,6 +121,7 @@ public interface RAbstractVector extends RAbstractContainer {
         if (vector.isComplete()) {
             // check all vectors for completeness
+  ;
             try (SequentialIterator iter = access.access(vector)) {
                 while ( {
                     assert !access.isNA(iter) : "element " + iter.getIndex() + " of vector " + vector + " is NA";
diff --git a/ b/
index eff3d08836..860b0c7c53 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -39297,16 +39297,64 @@ In max() : no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
 #argv <- list(structure(list(x = c(-1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1), y = c(-0.701149425287356, -0.701149425287356, -0.701149425287356, -0.701149425287356, 0.701149425287356, 0.701149425287356, 0.701149425287356, 0.701149425287356), z = c(-0.4, -0.4, 0.4, 0.4, -0.4, -0.4, 0.4, 0.4)), .Names = c('x', 'y', 'z'), row.names = c(NA, -8L), class = 'data.frame'));max(argv[[1]][[1]],argv[[1]][[2]], na.rm = FALSE);
 [1] 1
+#max.col(structure(c(-Inf, 2, 3, NA, 4, Inf, 6, NA, -2), .Dim = c(3L, 3L)), 'first');
+[1] NA NA  2
+#max.col(structure(c(-Inf, 2, 3, NA, 4, Inf, 6, NA, -2), .Dim = c(3L, 3L)), 'last');
+[1] NA NA  2
+#max.col(structure(c(1, 2, 3, NA, 4, 5, 6, NA, -2), .Dim = c(3L, 3L)), 'first');
+[1] NA NA  2
+#max.col(structure(c(1, 2, 3, NA, 4, 5, 6, NA, -2), .Dim = c(3L, 3L)), 'last');
+[1] NA NA  2
+#max.col(structure(c(1, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 4, 0, 2, 2, 3, 0, 4, 7, 2, 5, 3, 2, 2, 4, 1, 4, 5, 1, 5, 4, 0, 1, 1, 0, 3, 7, -1, 1, 5), .Dim = c(3L, 12L)), 'first');
+[1] 4 6 5
+#max.col(structure(c(1, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 4, 0, 2, 2, 3, 0, 4, 7, 2, 5, 3, 2, 2, 4, 1, 4, 5, 1, 5, 4, 0, 1, 1, 0, 3, 7, -1, 1, 5), .Dim = c(3L, 12L)), 'last');
+[1]  7  9 11
+#max.col(structure(c(1, NA, NA, Inf), .Dim = c(2L, 2L)), 'first');
+[1] NA NA
+#max.col(structure(c(1, NA, NA, Inf), .Dim = c(2L, 2L)), 'last');
+[1] NA NA
+#{ set.seed(1); max.col(structure(c(-Inf, 2, 3, NA, 4, Inf, 6, NA, -2), .Dim = c(3L, 3L)), 'random'); }
+[1] NA NA  2
+#{ set.seed(1); max.col(structure(c(1, 2, 3, NA, 4, 5, 6, NA, -2), .Dim = c(3L, 3L)), 'random'); }
+[1] NA NA  2
+#{ set.seed(1); max.col(structure(c(1, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 4, 0, 2, 2, 3, 0, 4, 7, 2, 5, 3, 2, 2, 4, 1, 4, 5, 1, 5, 4, 0, 1, 1, 0, 3, 7, -1, 1, 5), .Dim = c(3L, 12L)), 'random'); }
+[1] 4 6 5
+#{ set.seed(1); max.col(structure(c(1, NA, NA, Inf), .Dim = c(2L, 2L)), 'random'); }
+[1] NA NA
 #argv <- list(structure(c(80.2, 17, 15, 12, 9.96, 22.2, 83.1, 45.1, 6, 9, 84.84, 22.2, 92.5, 39.7, 5, 5, 93.4, 20.2, 85.8, 36.5, 12, 7, 33.77, 20.3, 76.9, 43.5, 17, 15, 5.16, 20.6, 76.1, 35.3, 9, 7, 90.57, 26.6, 83.8, 70.2, 16, 7, 92.85, 23.6, 92.4, 67.8, 14, 8, 97.16, 24.9, 82.4, 53.3, 12, 7, 97.67, 21, 82.9, 45.2, 16, 13, 91.38, 24.4, 87.1, 64.5, 14, 6, 98.61, 24.5, 64.1, 62, 21, 12, 8.52, 16.5, 66.9, 67.5, 14, 7, 2.27, 19.1, 68.9, 60.7, 19, 12, 4.43, 22.7, 61.7, 69.3, 22, 5, 2.82, 18.7, 68.3, 72.6, 18, 2, 24.2, 21.2, 71.7, 34, 17, 8, 3.3, 20, 55.7, 19.4, 26, 28, 12.11, 20.2, 54.3, 15.2, 31, 20, 2.15, 10.8, 65.1, 73, 19, 9, 2.84, 20, 65.5, 59.8, 22, 10, 5.23, 18, 65, 55.1, 14, 3, 4.52, 22.4, 56.6, 50.9, 22, 12, 15.14, 16.7, 57.4, 54.1, 20, 6, 4.2, 15.3, 72.5, 71.2, 12, 1, 2.4, 21, 74.2, 58.1, 14, 8, 5.23, 23.8, 72, 63.5, 6, 3, 2.56, 18, 60.5, 60.8, 16, 10, 7.72, 16.3, 58.3, 26.8, 25, 19, 18.46, 20.9, 65.4, 49.5, 15, 8, 6.1, 22.5, 75.5, 85.9, 3, 2, 99.71, 15.1, 69.3, 84.9, 7, 6, 99.68, 19.8, 77.3, 89.7, 5, 2, 100, 18.3, 70.5, 78.2, 12, 6, 98.96, 19.4, 79.4, 64.9, 7, 3, 98.22, 20.2, 65, 75.9, 9, 9, 99.06, 17.8, 92.2, 84.6, 3, 3, 99.46, 16.3, 79.3, 63.1, 13, 13, 96.83, 18.1, 70.4, 38.4, 26, 12, 5.62, 20.3, 65.7, 7.7, 29, 11, 13.79, 20.5, 72.7, 16.7, 22, 13, 11.22, 18.9, 64.4, 17.6, 35, 32, 16.92, 23, 77.6, 37.6, 15, 7, 4.97, 20, 67.6, 18.7, 25, 7, 8.65, 19.5, 35, 1.2, 37, 53, 42.34, 18, 44.7, 46.6, 16, 29, 50.43, 18.2, 42.8, 27.7, 22, 29, 58.33, 19.3), .Dim = c(6L, 47L), .Dimnames = list(c('Fertility', 'Agriculture', 'Examination', 'Education', 'Catholic', 'Infant.Mortality'), c('Courtelary', 'Delemont', 'Franches-Mnt', 'Moutier', 'Neuveville', 'Porrentruy', 'Broye', 'Glane', 'Gruyere', 'Sarine', 'Veveyse', 'Aigle', 'Aubonne', 'Avenches', 'Cossonay', 'Echallens', 'Grandson', 'Lausanne', 'La Vallee', 'Lavaux', 'Morges', 'Moudon', 'Nyone', 'Orbe', 'Oron', 'Payerne', 'Paysd\'enhaut', 'Rolle', 'Vevey', 'Yverdon', 'Conthey', 'Entremont', 'Herens', 'Martigwy', 'Monthey', 'St Maurice', 'Sierre', 'Sion', 'Boudry', 'La Chauxdfnd', 'Le Locle', 'Neuchatel', 'Val de Ruz', 'ValdeTravers', 'V. De Geneve', 'Rive Droite', 'Rive Gauche'))), 1L); .Internal(max.col(argv[[1]], argv[[2]]))
 [1]  3 33 45 45 33  6
 #argv <- list(structure(c(0.0140185568997224, 0.0152950000405453, 0.013933189413423, 0.0141545247888734, 0.0144656253644622, 0.0138841285101751, 0.014995293880605, 0.0135531935867069, 0.0136464824425927, 0.0139216121812551, 0.0150015663096977, 0.0141230892456885, 0.013614290948012, 0.0169498879707739, 0.0167919904349555, 0.0164281655519131, 0.0145450130659148, 0.0154935322596005, 0.0140566103751186, 0.0137862479562347, 0.0138916844301758, 0.0144143878263478, 0.0153699249520618, 0.0156955405518398, 0.0143684930741837, 0.991123944314599, 0.772371856665358, 0.998388573397845, 0.997744681008954, 0.935000528851613, 0.995759465226583, 0.998319991897437, 0.998446741491899, 0.997291233910865, 0.998453850443283, 0.449550979690061, 0.99765492178392, 0.0744670889060699, 0.997953251276348, 0.998367231220745, 0.998303801028119, 0.996490251221358, 0.987068752837462, 0.963362766144961, 0.997745619693091, 0.998180187351627, 0.995230116685749, 0.99834615324817, 0.998224606721368, 0.998138182928866, 0.000101796455995556, 0.0169548122668949, 0.00010041243364593, 0.994976075194857, 0.000116262428296307, 0.000266333816370553, 0.000213420942072358, 0.000150164062855871, 9.91852669694001e-05, 0.962237984681016, 0.000109709045973819, 0.363503438381572, 0.000165884012322677, 0.000404227768170316, 0.000101407372837694, 0.000138346452367636, 0.76867700377653, 0.000101067307394145, 0.000798310678132636, 0.439735407970107, 0.000105640126458538, 0.000103729730504055, 0.000157422658078269, 0.00062878104546921, 0.000140302481934868, 0.987636544924171, 0.986762198204236, 0.987695606647598, 0.987542563977846, 0.987328468487257, 0.987729584212166, 0.986966061808917, 0.987959390267427, 0.987894530108167, 0.987703622276188, 0.986961786481457, 0.987564327481863, 0.987916920251847, 0.98565103396999, 0.98575611086066, 0.985998830615913, 0.98727397408636, 0.986627618096195, 0.987610242071539, 0.987797448350422, 0.987724349638781, 0.987363673212559, 0.986711269247982, 0.986491053812255, 0.987395229430566, 0.0127450421932153, 0.00673790924500044, 0.0168765170487183, 0.015797380803532, 0.00875985277873091, 0.0142537568101031, 0.0172964637554702, 0.0177648866573519, 0.0158550778308362, 0.0172334564486378, 0.00522951225361075, 0.016267073149734, 0.00347221059583105, 0.0218803200901225, 0.0183403081414579, 0.0180163362514856, 0.0146261930363668, 0.0119682371438135, 0.00971509310832369, 0.0157071233034631, 0.017455515535567, 0.0139105878597395, 0.0174050248646065, 0.0173796025035352, 0.0168918350504782, 0.00106971573173608, 0.0026383344434856, 0.00106703814487522, 0.0135614845327103, 0.0010949673490627, 0.00126684800065677, 0.0012190851300456, 0.00114670950680761, 0.00106469628452917, 0.00946684926508704, 0.00108427378412549, 0.00489096395354091, 0.00116581741675497, 0.00136406369196257, 0.00106938597766297, 0.00112914854449728, 0.00664571845549644, 0.00106837166942789, 0.00153810249624049, 0.0051794966429432, 0.00107683746869901, 0.00107356047093305, 0.00115632815053843, 0.001475874716352, 0.00113310775095649, 0.000705529701133523, 0.000706190813132159, 0.000705483416292851, 0.000705607277564461, 0.000705767694047911, 0.000705456690994395, 0.000706040550884142, 0.000705277731844386, 0.000705325918720134, 0.00070547711802582, 0.000706043725519247, 0.000705586003991082, 0.000705308033747408, 0.000706976814055453, 0.000706900888924168, 0.000706734153004456, 0.000705809204506355, 0.000706288779684405, 0.000705550244606539, 0.000705403095546089, 0.000705460812978617, 0.000705740784771567, 0.000706233802920496, 0.000706387215078423, 0.000705716602186515, 0.00537527373619432, 0.193553056279976, 0.000869791621482113, 0.00126068143747944, 0.0477132994644455, 0.00247011263414166, 0.000876993026210466, 0.000793804652755058, 0.00147446124252569, 0.000818798505743392, 0.527720370257185, 0.0012613575859543, 0.931485133910046, 0.000794860447953985, 0.000799403966921179, 0.000843774285071599, 0.00203097055872496, 0.00804383321163345, 0.0255537088264535, 0.00126855734163029, 0.000930853589102135, 0.00281671019786704, 0.000858777960111907, 0.000915470358337216, 0.000986308498091386, 0.999944492377256, 0.98624753604171, 0.999945310582066, 0.00303527549384713, 0.999935958318038, 0.99984366374275, 0.999876760118408, 0.999915533835607, 0.999946031942947, 0.0270168111120999, 0.999939809617296, 0.622685795280626, 0.999906081646851, 0.999754847875723, 0.999944697838299, 0.999922757726417, 0.198924025871316, 0.99994491987507, 0.99948964681356, 0.539122196215121, 0.999942224996369, 0.999943338667082, 0.999911124821608, 0.999605022779117, 0.999921489451661), .Dim = c(75L, 3L), .Dimnames = list(    NULL, c('c', 's', 'v'))), 1L); .Internal(max.col(argv[[1]], argv[[2]]))
  [1] 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3
 [39] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
 #argv <- list(structure(list(), .Dim = 0:1), 1L); .Internal(max.col(argv[[1]], argv[[2]]))
diff --git a/ b/
index 7d71d0e507..aeac9c420f 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -19,21 +19,27 @@ public class TestBuiltin_maxcol extends TestBase {
     public void testmaxcol1() {
-        // FIXME RInternalError: not implemented: .Internal max.col
-        assertEval(Ignored.Unimplemented,
-                        "argv <- list(structure(c(80.2, 17, 15, 12, 9.96, 22.2, 83.1, 45.1, 6, 9, 84.84, 22.2, 92.5, 39.7, 5, 5, 93.4, 20.2, 85.8, 36.5, 12, 7, 33.77, 20.3, 76.9, 43.5, 17, 15, 5.16, 20.6, 76.1, 35.3, 9, 7, 90.57, 26.6, 83.8, 70.2, 16, 7, 92.85, 23.6, 92.4, 67.8, 14, 8, 97.16, 24.9, 82.4, 53.3, 12, 7, 97.67, 21, 82.9, 45.2, 16, 13, 91.38, 24.4, 87.1, 64.5, 14, 6, 98.61, 24.5, 64.1, 62, 21, 12, 8.52, 16.5, 66.9, 67.5, 14, 7, 2.27, 19.1, 68.9, 60.7, 19, 12, 4.43, 22.7, 61.7, 69.3, 22, 5, 2.82, 18.7, 68.3, 72.6, 18, 2, 24.2, 21.2, 71.7, 34, 17, 8, 3.3, 20, 55.7, 19.4, 26, 28, 12.11, 20.2, 54.3, 15.2, 31, 20, 2.15, 10.8, 65.1, 73, 19, 9, 2.84, 20, 65.5, 59.8, 22, 10, 5.23, 18, 65, 55.1, 14, 3, 4.52, 22.4, 56.6, 50.9, 22, 12, 15.14, 16.7, 57.4, 54.1, 20, 6, 4.2, 15.3, 72.5, 71.2, 12, 1, 2.4, 21, 74.2, 58.1, 14, 8, 5.23, 23.8, 72, 63.5, 6, 3, 2.56, 18, 60.5, 60.8, 16, 10, 7.72, 16.3, 58.3, 26.8, 25, 19, 18.46, 20.9, 65.4, 49.5, 15, 8, 6.1, 22.5, 75.5, 85.9, 3, 2, 99.71, 15.1, 69.3, 84.9, 7, 6, 99.68, 19.8, 77.3, 89.7, 5, 2, 100, 18.3, 70.5, 78.2, 12, 6, 98.96, 19.4, 79.4, 64.9, 7, 3, 98.22, 20.2, 65, 75.9, 9, 9, 99.06, 17.8, 92.2, 84.6, 3, 3, 99.46, 16.3, 79.3, 63.1, 13, 13, 96.83, 18.1, 70.4, 38.4, 26, 12, 5.62, 20.3, 65.7, 7.7, 29, 11, 13.79, 20.5, 72.7, 16.7, 22, 13, 11.22, 18.9, 64.4, 17.6, 35, 32, 16.92, 23, 77.6, 37.6, 15, 7, 4.97, 20, 67.6, 18.7, 25, 7, 8.65, 19.5, 35, 1.2, 37, 53, 42.34, 18, 44.7, 46.6, 16, 29, 50.43, 18.2, 42.8, 27.7, 22, 29, 58.33, 19.3), .Dim = c(6L, 47L), .Dimnames = list(c('Fertility', 'Agriculture', 'Examination', 'Education', 'Catholic', 'Infant.Mortality'), c('Courtelary', 'Delemont', 'Franches-Mnt', 'Moutier', 'Neuveville', 'Porrentruy', 'Broye', 'Glane', 'Gruyere', 'Sarine', 'Veveyse', 'Aigle', 'Aubonne', 'Avenches', 'Cossonay', 'Echallens', 'Grandson', 'Lausanne', 'La Vallee', 'Lavaux', 'Morges', 'Moudon', 'Nyone', 'Orbe', 'Oron', 'Payerne', 'Paysd\\'enhaut', 'Rolle', 'Vevey', 'Yverdon', 'Conthey', 'Entremont', 'Herens', 'Martigwy', 'Monthey', 'St Maurice', 'Sierre', 'Sion', 'Boudry', 'La Chauxdfnd', 'Le Locle', 'Neuchatel', 'Val de Ruz', 'ValdeTravers', 'V. De Geneve', 'Rive Droite', 'Rive Gauche'))), 1L); .Internal(max.col(argv[[1]], argv[[2]]))");
+        assertEval("argv <- list(structure(c(80.2, 17, 15, 12, 9.96, 22.2, 83.1, 45.1, 6, 9, 84.84, 22.2, 92.5, 39.7, 5, 5, 93.4, 20.2, 85.8, 36.5, 12, 7, 33.77, 20.3, 76.9, 43.5, 17, 15, 5.16, 20.6, 76.1, 35.3, 9, 7, 90.57, 26.6, 83.8, 70.2, 16, 7, 92.85, 23.6, 92.4, 67.8, 14, 8, 97.16, 24.9, 82.4, 53.3, 12, 7, 97.67, 21, 82.9, 45.2, 16, 13, 91.38, 24.4, 87.1, 64.5, 14, 6, 98.61, 24.5, 64.1, 62, 21, 12, 8.52, 16.5, 66.9, 67.5, 14, 7, 2.27, 19.1, 68.9, 60.7, 19, 12, 4.43, 22.7, 61.7, 69.3, 22, 5, 2.82, 18.7, 68.3, 72.6, 18, 2, 24.2, 21.2, 71.7, 34, 17, 8, 3.3, 20, 55.7, 19.4, 26, 28, 12.11, 20.2, 54.3, 15.2, 31, 20, 2.15, 10.8, 65.1, 73, 19, 9, 2.84, 20, 65.5, 59.8, 22, 10, 5.23, 18, 65, 55.1, 14, 3, 4.52, 22.4, 56.6, 50.9, 22, 12, 15.14, 16.7, 57.4, 54.1, 20, 6, 4.2, 15.3, 72.5, 71.2, 12, 1, 2.4, 21, 74.2, 58.1, 14, 8, 5.23, 23.8, 72, 63.5, 6, 3, 2.56, 18, 60.5, 60.8, 16, 10, 7.72, 16.3, 58.3, 26.8, 25, 19, 18.46, 20.9, 65.4, 49.5, 15, 8, 6.1, 22.5, 75.5, 85.9, 3, 2, 99.71, 15.1, 69.3, 84.9, 7, 6, 99.68, 19.8, 77.3, 89.7, 5, 2, 100, 18.3, 70.5, 78.2, 12, 6, 98.96, 19.4, 79.4, 64.9, 7, 3, 98.22, 20.2, 65, 75.9, 9, 9, 99.06, 17.8, 92.2, 84.6, 3, 3, 99.46, 16.3, 79.3, 63.1, 13, 13, 96.83, 18.1, 70.4, 38.4, 26, 12, 5.62, 20.3, 65.7, 7.7, 29, 11, 13.79, 20.5, 72.7, 16.7, 22, 13, 11.22, 18.9, 64.4, 17.6, 35, 32, 16.92, 23, 77.6, 37.6, 15, 7, 4.97, 20, 67.6, 18.7, 25, 7, 8.65, 19.5, 35, 1.2, 37, 53, 42.34, 18, 44.7, 46.6, 16, 29, 50.43, 18.2, 42.8, 27.7, 22, 29, 58.33, 19.3), .Dim = c(6L, 47L), .Dimnames = list(c('Fertility', 'Agriculture', 'Examination', 'Education', 'Catholic', 'Infant.Mortality'), c('Courtelary', 'Delemont', 'Franches-Mnt', 'Moutier', 'Neuveville', 'Porrentruy', 'Broye', 'Glane', 'Gruyere', 'Sarine', 'Veveyse', 'Aigle', 'Aubonne', 'Avenches', 'Cossonay', 'Echallens', 'Grandson', 'Lausanne', 'La Vallee', 'Lavaux', 'Morges', 'Moudon', 'Nyone', 'Orbe', 'Oron', 'Payerne', 'Paysd\\'enhaut', 'Rolle', 'Vevey', 'Yverdon', 'Conthey', 'Entremont', 'Herens', 'Martigwy', 'Monthey', 'St Maurice', 'Sierre', 'Sion', 'Boudry', 'La Chauxdfnd', 'Le Locle', 'Neuchatel', 'Val de Ruz', 'ValdeTravers', 'V. De Geneve', 'Rive Droite', 'Rive Gauche'))), 1L); .Internal(max.col(argv[[1]], argv[[2]]))");
     public void testmaxcol2() {
-        // FIXME RInternalError: not implemented: .Internal max.col
-        assertEval(Ignored.Unimplemented,
-                        "argv <- list(structure(c(0.0140185568997224, 0.0152950000405453, 0.013933189413423, 0.0141545247888734, 0.0144656253644622, 0.0138841285101751, 0.014995293880605, 0.0135531935867069, 0.0136464824425927, 0.0139216121812551, 0.0150015663096977, 0.0141230892456885, 0.013614290948012, 0.0169498879707739, 0.0167919904349555, 0.0164281655519131, 0.0145450130659148, 0.0154935322596005, 0.0140566103751186, 0.0137862479562347, 0.0138916844301758, 0.0144143878263478, 0.0153699249520618, 0.0156955405518398, 0.0143684930741837, 0.991123944314599, 0.772371856665358, 0.998388573397845, 0.997744681008954, 0.935000528851613, 0.995759465226583, 0.998319991897437, 0.998446741491899, 0.997291233910865, 0.998453850443283, 0.449550979690061, 0.99765492178392, 0.0744670889060699, 0.997953251276348, 0.998367231220745, 0.998303801028119, 0.996490251221358, 0.987068752837462, 0.963362766144961, 0.997745619693091, 0.998180187351627, 0.995230116685749, 0.99834615324817, 0.998224606721368, 0.998138182928866, 0.000101796455995556, 0.0169548122668949, 0.00010041243364593, 0.994976075194857, 0.000116262428296307, 0.000266333816370553, 0.000213420942072358, 0.000150164062855871, 9.91852669694001e-05, 0.962237984681016, 0.000109709045973819, 0.363503438381572, 0.000165884012322677, 0.000404227768170316, 0.000101407372837694, 0.000138346452367636, 0.76867700377653, 0.000101067307394145, 0.000798310678132636, 0.439735407970107, 0.000105640126458538, 0.000103729730504055, 0.000157422658078269, 0.00062878104546921, 0.000140302481934868, 0.987636544924171, 0.986762198204236, 0.987695606647598, 0.987542563977846, 0.987328468487257, 0.987729584212166, 0.986966061808917, 0.987959390267427, 0.987894530108167, 0.987703622276188, 0.986961786481457, 0.987564327481863, 0.987916920251847, 0.98565103396999, 0.98575611086066, 0.985998830615913, 0.98727397408636, 0.986627618096195, 0.987610242071539, 0.987797448350422, 0.987724349638781, 0.987363673212559, 0.986711269247982, 0.986491053812255, 0.987395229430566, 0.0127450421932153, 0.00673790924500044, 0.0168765170487183, 0.015797380803532, 0.00875985277873091, 0.0142537568101031, 0.0172964637554702, 0.0177648866573519, 0.0158550778308362, 0.0172334564486378, 0.00522951225361075, 0.016267073149734, 0.00347221059583105, 0.0218803200901225, 0.0183403081414579, 0.0180163362514856, 0.0146261930363668, 0.0119682371438135, 0.00971509310832369, 0.0157071233034631, 0.017455515535567, 0.0139105878597395, 0.0174050248646065, 0.0173796025035352, 0.0168918350504782, 0.00106971573173608, 0.0026383344434856, 0.00106703814487522, 0.0135614845327103, 0.0010949673490627, 0.00126684800065677, 0.0012190851300456, 0.00114670950680761, 0.00106469628452917, 0.00946684926508704, 0.00108427378412549, 0.00489096395354091, 0.00116581741675497, 0.00136406369196257, 0.00106938597766297, 0.00112914854449728, 0.00664571845549644, 0.00106837166942789, 0.00153810249624049, 0.0051794966429432, 0.00107683746869901, 0.00107356047093305, 0.00115632815053843, 0.001475874716352, 0.00113310775095649, 0.000705529701133523, 0.000706190813132159, 0.000705483416292851, 0.000705607277564461, 0.000705767694047911, 0.000705456690994395, 0.000706040550884142, 0.000705277731844386, 0.000705325918720134, 0.00070547711802582, 0.000706043725519247, 0.000705586003991082, 0.000705308033747408, 0.000706976814055453, 0.000706900888924168, 0.000706734153004456, 0.000705809204506355, 0.000706288779684405, 0.000705550244606539, 0.000705403095546089, 0.000705460812978617, 0.000705740784771567, 0.000706233802920496, 0.000706387215078423, 0.000705716602186515, 0.00537527373619432, 0.193553056279976, 0.000869791621482113, 0.00126068143747944, 0.0477132994644455, 0.00247011263414166, 0.000876993026210466, 0.000793804652755058, 0.00147446124252569, 0.000818798505743392, 0.527720370257185, 0.0012613575859543, 0.931485133910046, 0.000794860447953985, 0.000799403966921179, 0.000843774285071599, 0.00203097055872496, 0.00804383321163345, 0.0255537088264535, 0.00126855734163029, 0.000930853589102135, 0.00281671019786704, 0.000858777960111907, 0.000915470358337216, 0.000986308498091386, 0.999944492377256, 0.98624753604171, 0.999945310582066, 0.00303527549384713, 0.999935958318038, 0.99984366374275, 0.999876760118408, 0.999915533835607, 0.999946031942947, 0.0270168111120999, 0.999939809617296, 0.622685795280626, 0.999906081646851, 0.999754847875723, 0.999944697838299, 0.999922757726417, 0.198924025871316, 0.99994491987507, 0.99948964681356, 0.539122196215121, 0.999942224996369, 0.999943338667082, 0.999911124821608, 0.999605022779117, 0.999921489451661), .Dim = c(75L, 3L), .Dimnames = list(    NULL, c('c', 's', 'v'))), 1L); .Internal(max.col(argv[[1]], argv[[2]]))");
+        assertEval("argv <- list(structure(c(0.0140185568997224, 0.0152950000405453, 0.013933189413423, 0.0141545247888734, 0.0144656253644622, 0.0138841285101751, 0.014995293880605, 0.0135531935867069, 0.0136464824425927, 0.0139216121812551, 0.0150015663096977, 0.0141230892456885, 0.013614290948012, 0.0169498879707739, 0.0167919904349555, 0.0164281655519131, 0.0145450130659148, 0.0154935322596005, 0.0140566103751186, 0.0137862479562347, 0.0138916844301758, 0.0144143878263478, 0.0153699249520618, 0.0156955405518398, 0.0143684930741837, 0.991123944314599, 0.772371856665358, 0.998388573397845, 0.997744681008954, 0.935000528851613, 0.995759465226583, 0.998319991897437, 0.998446741491899, 0.997291233910865, 0.998453850443283, 0.449550979690061, 0.99765492178392, 0.0744670889060699, 0.997953251276348, 0.998367231220745, 0.998303801028119, 0.996490251221358, 0.987068752837462, 0.963362766144961, 0.997745619693091, 0.998180187351627, 0.995230116685749, 0.99834615324817, 0.998224606721368, 0.998138182928866, 0.000101796455995556, 0.0169548122668949, 0.00010041243364593, 0.994976075194857, 0.000116262428296307, 0.000266333816370553, 0.000213420942072358, 0.000150164062855871, 9.91852669694001e-05, 0.962237984681016, 0.000109709045973819, 0.363503438381572, 0.000165884012322677, 0.000404227768170316, 0.000101407372837694, 0.000138346452367636, 0.76867700377653, 0.000101067307394145, 0.000798310678132636, 0.439735407970107, 0.000105640126458538, 0.000103729730504055, 0.000157422658078269, 0.00062878104546921, 0.000140302481934868, 0.987636544924171, 0.986762198204236, 0.987695606647598, 0.987542563977846, 0.987328468487257, 0.987729584212166, 0.986966061808917, 0.987959390267427, 0.987894530108167, 0.987703622276188, 0.986961786481457, 0.987564327481863, 0.987916920251847, 0.98565103396999, 0.98575611086066, 0.985998830615913, 0.98727397408636, 0.986627618096195, 0.987610242071539, 0.987797448350422, 0.987724349638781, 0.987363673212559, 0.986711269247982, 0.986491053812255, 0.987395229430566, 0.0127450421932153, 0.00673790924500044, 0.0168765170487183, 0.015797380803532, 0.00875985277873091, 0.0142537568101031, 0.0172964637554702, 0.0177648866573519, 0.0158550778308362, 0.0172334564486378, 0.00522951225361075, 0.016267073149734, 0.00347221059583105, 0.0218803200901225, 0.0183403081414579, 0.0180163362514856, 0.0146261930363668, 0.0119682371438135, 0.00971509310832369, 0.0157071233034631, 0.017455515535567, 0.0139105878597395, 0.0174050248646065, 0.0173796025035352, 0.0168918350504782, 0.00106971573173608, 0.0026383344434856, 0.00106703814487522, 0.0135614845327103, 0.0010949673490627, 0.00126684800065677, 0.0012190851300456, 0.00114670950680761, 0.00106469628452917, 0.00946684926508704, 0.00108427378412549, 0.00489096395354091, 0.00116581741675497, 0.00136406369196257, 0.00106938597766297, 0.00112914854449728, 0.00664571845549644, 0.00106837166942789, 0.00153810249624049, 0.0051794966429432, 0.00107683746869901, 0.00107356047093305, 0.00115632815053843, 0.001475874716352, 0.00113310775095649, 0.000705529701133523, 0.000706190813132159, 0.000705483416292851, 0.000705607277564461, 0.000705767694047911, 0.000705456690994395, 0.000706040550884142, 0.000705277731844386, 0.000705325918720134, 0.00070547711802582, 0.000706043725519247, 0.000705586003991082, 0.000705308033747408, 0.000706976814055453, 0.000706900888924168, 0.000706734153004456, 0.000705809204506355, 0.000706288779684405, 0.000705550244606539, 0.000705403095546089, 0.000705460812978617, 0.000705740784771567, 0.000706233802920496, 0.000706387215078423, 0.000705716602186515, 0.00537527373619432, 0.193553056279976, 0.000869791621482113, 0.00126068143747944, 0.0477132994644455, 0.00247011263414166, 0.000876993026210466, 0.000793804652755058, 0.00147446124252569, 0.000818798505743392, 0.527720370257185, 0.0012613575859543, 0.931485133910046, 0.000794860447953985, 0.000799403966921179, 0.000843774285071599, 0.00203097055872496, 0.00804383321163345, 0.0255537088264535, 0.00126855734163029, 0.000930853589102135, 0.00281671019786704, 0.000858777960111907, 0.000915470358337216, 0.000986308498091386, 0.999944492377256, 0.98624753604171, 0.999945310582066, 0.00303527549384713, 0.999935958318038, 0.99984366374275, 0.999876760118408, 0.999915533835607, 0.999946031942947, 0.0270168111120999, 0.999939809617296, 0.622685795280626, 0.999906081646851, 0.999754847875723, 0.999944697838299, 0.999922757726417, 0.198924025871316, 0.99994491987507, 0.99948964681356, 0.539122196215121, 0.999942224996369, 0.999943338667082, 0.999911124821608, 0.999605022779117, 0.999921489451661), .Dim = c(75L, 3L), .Dimnames = list(    NULL, c('c', 's', 'v'))), 1L); .Internal(max.col(argv[[1]], argv[[2]]))");
     public void testmaxcol3() {
-        // FIXME RInternalError: not implemented: .Internal max.col
-        assertEval(Ignored.Unimplemented, "argv <- list(structure(list(), .Dim = 0:1), 1L); .Internal(max.col(argv[[1]], argv[[2]]))");
+        assertEval("argv <- list(structure(list(), .Dim = 0:1), 1L); .Internal(max.col(argv[[1]], argv[[2]]))");
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testmaxcol() {
+        String matrix1 = "structure(c(1, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 4, 0, 2, 2, 3, 0, 4, 7, 2, 5, 3, 2, 2, 4, 1, 4, 5, 1, 5, 4, 0, 1, 1, 0, 3, 7, -1, 1, 5), .Dim = c(3L, 12L))";
+        String matrixNA = "structure(c(1, 2, 3, NA, 4, 5, 6, NA, -2), .Dim = c(3L, 3L))";
+        String matrixInfNA = "structure(c(-Inf, 2, 3, NA, 4, Inf, 6, NA, -2), .Dim = c(3L, 3L))";
+        String matrixAllNA = "structure(c(1, NA, NA, Inf), .Dim = c(2L, 2L))";
+        assertEval(template("max.col(%0, '%1');", new String[]{matrix1, matrixNA, matrixInfNA, matrixAllNA}, new String[]{"first", "last"}));
+        assertEval(template("{ set.seed(1); max.col(%0, 'random'); }", new String[]{matrix1, matrixNA, matrixInfNA, matrixAllNA}));
diff --git a/mx.fastr/copyrights/ b/mx.fastr/copyrights/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..61cd95bfc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mx.fastr/copyrights/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ * This material is distributed under the GNU General Public License
+ * Version 2. You may review the terms of this license at
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1994-9 W. N. Venables and B. D. Ripley
+ * Copyright (c) 1995-2015, The R Core Team
+ * Copyright (c) 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates
+ *
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
diff --git a/mx.fastr/copyrights/ b/mx.fastr/copyrights/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d25cbe7fa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mx.fastr/copyrights/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/\*\n \* This material is distributed under the GNU General Public License\n \* Version 2. You may review the terms of this license at\n \*\n \*\n \* Copyright \([cC]\) (?:[1-2][09][0-9][0-9]--?)?(:?[1-2][09])?[0-9]?[0-9] W\. N\. Venables and B\. D\. Ripley\n \* Copyright \(c\) (?:[1-2][09][0-9][0-9]--?)?(:?[1-2][09])?[0-9]?[0-9], The R Core Team\n \* Copyright \(c\) (?:(20[0-9][0-9]), )?(20[0-9][0-9]), Oracle and/or its affiliates\n \*\n \* All rights reserved.\n \*/\n.*
diff --git a/mx.fastr/copyrights/overrides b/mx.fastr/copyrights/overrides
index 6ebcb40641..ed71e02369 100644
--- a/mx.fastr/copyrights/overrides
+++ b/mx.fastr/copyrights/overrides
@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@,oracle_bash.copyright,oracle_bash.copyright,oracle_bash.copyright,gnu_r_gentleman_ihaka2.copyright,gnu_r.core.venables.copyright,gnu_r.core.copyright,purdue.copyright,gnu_r_ihaka.copyright