using SpeechDatasets
using Test
@test true
## The following tests do not work on the Gitlab CI because the volumes are not mounted on the runner. TODO find better tests
# using JSON
# PATHS = JSON.parsefile(
# joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "DatasetsDocumentation", "corpora.json")
# )
# println("Testing TIMIT loading")
# ds = SpeechDatasets.dataset(:TIMIT, PATHS["TIMIT"]["path"], "/tmp/timit")
# @test isfile("/tmp/timit/recordings.jsonl")
# @test isfile("/tmp/timit/annotations.jsonl")
# println("Testing PFC_LISN loading")
# ds = SpeechDatasets.dataset(:PFC_LISN, PATHS["PFC_LISN"]["path"], "/tmp/pfc")
# @test isfile("/tmp/pfc/recordings.jsonl")
# @test isfile("/tmp/pfc/annotations.jsonl")
# rm("/tmp/pfc/recordings.jsonl")
# rm("/tmp/pfc/annotations.jsonl")
# rm("/tmp/timit/recordings.jsonl")
# rm("/tmp/timit/annotations.jsonl")