## [0.7.0](https:// 14/12/2023
## Changed
* refactored API, TIMIT dataset working (but not Librispeech anymore)
## [0.6.0](https:// 28/09/2023
## [0.5.0](https:// 25/09/2023
## Added
- can load the data directly from an audio source with the `load`
## [0.4.1](https:// 25/09/2023
## Added
* HTML display of AudioSource rather than recording
## Fixed
* creating Recording from audio source without specifying the channels
and the sampling rate
## [0.4.0](https:// 08/03/2023
## Removed
* `play` function and dependcy to PortAudio
* dependency with Fast
## Added
* HTML display of recording used in pluto notebook for instance
* `setrootdir` function to specify the location of the corpora
## [0.3.0](https:// 03/03/2023
## Added
* user do not need to specify the output directory -> relying on
Fast.jl to provide the default directory
* MiniLibriSpeech
## [0.2.0](https:// 03/03/2023
## [0.1.1](https:// 17/02/2023
## Fixed
* do not regenerate the manifest if they have been already created
## [0.1.0](https:// 17/02/2023
## Added
* download and preparation of the multilingual Librispeech corpus