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URGENT - Optimize Home page: Featured and popular comps and counters made static

Placeholder Ihsan Ullah requested to merge home_page_speed into develop

1. Home page Competitions are static now

Now you will see specific competitions in popular and featured competitions as a temporary fix to not use count participants. We should put this back as a dynamic feature when we optimize the code.

  • Popular: competition with many participants and submissions
  • Featured: we should be able to manually feature a competition from django admin/django bash

Solves: part of #1648 (closed) -> Home page popular and featured competitions

TODO: show the competitions again after fixing the queries

2. Home page static counters

Now we will see static number of comps, users and submissions to unblock users from using codabench. We want to update these numbers in a db or a file once a day and then fetch from there to not run expensive queries all the time when someone loads the home page

Solves: part of #1648 (closed) -> Global counters

TODO: show real counters from file/db when implemented

We should add the TODOs to #1647 (closed)

Merge request reports
