Optimization `PR#1` - Featured competitions
@ mention of reviewers`
A brief description of the purpose of the changes contained in this PR.
field added in competition modal (default = False) - This field is now used to show featured competitions on the home page
NOTE: participants count is still missing here, that will be handled by PR#2
How to make a competition featured?
There are two ways to do it
- User Django admin -> click the competition -> scroll down to is featured filed -> Check/Uncheck it
- Use competition id in the django bash to feature/unfeature a competitions
docker compose exec django ./manage.py shell_plus
>>> comp = Competition.objects.get(id=<ID>) # replace <ID> with competition id
>>> comp.is_featured = True # set to False if you want to unfeature a competition
>>> comp.save()
Issues this PR resolves
- #1327 -> Featured Competitions on home page
Code review by me -
Hand tested by me -
I'm proud of my work -
Code review by reviewer -
Hand tested by reviewer -
CircleCi tests are passing -
Ready to merge