Merge develop into master
Deployed at
Manual update
1. Re-build containers
docker compose build && docker compose up -d
2. Migration
docker compose exec django ./ migrate
3. Update counts for all competitions
Bash into django console
docker compose exec django ./ shell_plus
Import and call the function
from competitions.submission_participant_counts import compute_submissions_participants_counts
4. Feature some competitions in home page
There are two ways to do it:
- Use Django admin -> click the competition -> scroll down to is featured filed -> Check/Uncheck it
- Use competition ID in the django bash to feature / unfeature a competition
docker compose exec django ./ shell_plus
>>> comp = Competition.objects.get(id=<ID>) # replace <ID> with competition id
>>> comp.is_featured = True # set to False if you want to unfeature a competition
- #1682
- #1684
- #1678
- #1669
- #1687
- #1672
- #1689