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Manual Migration

Placeholder Jimmy Keith requested to merge manual_migration into develop

@ mention of reviewers`


A brief description of the purpose of the changes contained in this PR.

updated competition header to be built using semantic grid instead of flexbox. removed admin dropdown from competition header, added row of admin buttons in place of old dropdown. added the ability to manually migrate a phase as long as it is not the last phase in the competition.

Known issues to be addressed in a separate PR

There are some styling inconsistencies between the different management modals.

A checklist for hand testing

  • admin buttons do not show up on competitions you are not an organizer/collaborator of (unless you are superuser)
  • every new button in the admin portion of the competition detail page opens the correct modal.
  • each modal's functionality is unchanged Migration specific:
  • the migration button opens the migration modal
  • the modal contains a table with each phase of the competition present as a row
  • a "Migrate" button does not appear on the row of the last phase of the competition (since there is nothing to migrate to.
  • clicking the migrate button will start migrating the phase to the next phase
  • only submissions that have not already been migrated will be migrated again.
  • only parent submissions will be migrate (for the supplied competition, that means that if you have made one submission, only one submission should start running on the next phase. It should not kick off a new submission for every child submission, too)
  • migration works for normal, single task phases, too

Any relevant files for testing

competition w/ multiple phases submission


  • Code review by me
  • Hand tested by me
  • I'm proud of my work
  • Code review by reviewer
  • Hand tested by reviewer
  • Ready to merge

Merge request reports
