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349 submission child ordering

Placeholder Jimmy Keith requested to merge 349_submission_child_ordering into develop

@ mention of reviewers`


A brief description of the purpose of the changes contained in this PR.

adds a test verifying that submission children ids and task ids are always created in ascending order ie: child id: 24 => task id: 12 child id: 25 => task id: 22

so that the nth child is always run against the nth task as sorted by PKs

Issues this PR resolves

resolves #349 (closed)

A checklist for hand testing

  • upload supplied competition
  • run a submission through the competition
  • the child submission with the lowest pk should be run against the task w/ the lowest pk
  • this should stay the same across multiple runs.
  • when viewing the submission details (by clicking a row in the submission table) the order of submissions there should be the same as it was in the streaming output

Any relevant files for testing

competition file submission file


  • Code review by me
  • Hand tested by me
  • I'm proud of my work
  • Code review by reviewer
  • Hand tested by reviewer
  • Ready to merge

Merge request reports
