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@ mention of reviewers`
A brief description of the purpose of the changes contained in this PR.
Adding the ability to add/edit public_data and starting_kit in phase.
Starting Kit and Public Data need to be phase level objects. - DONE -
Need to see in Files list. - DONE -
Need to add phase edit ability to see datasets as options to be selected and associated to phase. - DONE -
Need to save to database on competition edit save. - DONE -
Then need to adjust unpacker to allow them through via yaml for both v1 and v2. - DONE - [FOR NEXT PR] Need to be able to decide what datasets are public. - NOT DONE DISCLAIMER NOT DONE --> separated PR
Issues this PR resolves
A checklist for hand testing
Make competition upload bundle
Upload a V1 bundle with starting kit and public data and check it's there -
Upload a V2 bundle with starting kit and public data as ZIP files and check it's there -
Upload a V2 bundle with starting kit and public data as folders and check it's there -
Add Phase with public_data and starting_kit with at least one task with other 4 datasets (id, rf, ip, sp) -
Add Phase with no public_data or starting_kit with at least one task with other 4 datasets (id, rf, ip, sp) -
Add Phase with public_data only with at least one task with other 4 datasets (id, rf, ip, sp) -
Add Phase with starting_kit only with at least one task with other 4 datasets (id, rf, ip, sp) -
Try with more than one phase as well with at least one task with other 4 datasets (id, rf, ip, sp) with both tasks with other 4 datasets (id, rf, ip, sp) -
Check competition has data you expect in Files list under Get Started and in Competition editor under phases
Make manual competition
* Add Phase with public_data and starting_kit with at least one task with other 4 datasets (id, rf, ip, sp) -
* Add Phase with no public_data or starting_kit with at least one task with other 4 datasets (id, rf, ip, sp) -
* Add Phase with public_data only with at least one task with other 4 datasets (id, rf, ip, sp) -
* Add Phase with starting_kit only with at least one task with other 4 datasets (id, rf, ip, sp) -
Try with more than one phase as well with at least one task with other 4 datasets (id, rf, ip, sp) with both tasks with other 4 datasets (id, rf, ip, sp) -
Save and check competition has data you expect in Files list under Get Started and in Competition editor under phases
Edit pre-existing competition
* Edit Phase with public_data and starting_kit and change both to none -
* Edit Phase with no public_data or starting_kit and change both to something -
* Edit Phase with public_data only and make starting_kit only -
* Edit Phase with starting_kit only and make public_data only -
Try with more than one phase as well -
Save and check competition has data you expect in Files list under Get Started and in Competition editor under phases
Double Check
In Competition go under Get Started \ Files and check that the files visible match the files in: -
* All datasets attached to each task -
* public_data and or starting_kit associated with each phase
Any relevant files for testing
...I can make a variation on classify wheat seeds for this testing
Code review by me -
Hand tested by me -
I'm proud of my work -
Code review by reviewer -
Hand tested by reviewer -
CircleCi tests are passing -
Ready to merge