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Verified Commit aedfc1c6 authored by Lucas Ondel Yang's avatar Lucas Ondel Yang
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added more documentation

parent 4c1f18ee
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1 merge request!66Resolve "document operations + complexity"
......@@ -96,10 +96,10 @@ md"""
# ╔═╡ 28ae4fcf-3c4f-4f4f-aec2-01455568fb96
draw(project(A; dims = 2), latin)
draw(fsmproject(A; dims = 2), latin)
# ╔═╡ d5572c90-b5b7-49e4-8c24-5193b8f03196
draw(project(A; dims = 1), latin)
draw(fsmproject(A; dims = 1), latin)
# ╔═╡ 8fc36715-a764-4f86-a848-c28a05179bd2
......@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ md"""
# ╔═╡ d3a71d55-ce4a-42ea-aab0-80e76ad6802d
draw(permutelabels(A, (2, 1)), latin)
draw(fsmpermute(A, (2, 1)), latin)
# ╔═╡ 06a69aa8-493b-4fda-974b-4685105be711
......@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ md"""
# ╔═╡ 1943822d-3512-4778-9042-680208b149ee
draw(reverse(A), latin)
draw(fsmreverse(A), latin)
# ╔═╡ e2c851dc-ab98-49fa-853d-f9c3a2b1b8f2
notes = Dict(
......@@ -26,13 +26,12 @@ export SparseTensorFSM
export closure,
export fsmcat,
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ Base.:*(A::AbstractFSM, B::AbstractFSM) = fsmcat(A, B)
A^+ # equivalent to fsmclosure(A; closure_plus = true)
Compute the Kleene closure (also denoted *star*) of a weighted automaton `A`
or the Kleene plus operation if `closure_plus = true`.
or the Kleene plus operation if `closure_plus` is `true`.
The Kleene closure of a ``N``-order weighted automaton ``A`` over the
semiring ``(S, \\oplus, \\otimes, \\bar{0}, \\bar{1})``, denoted ``A^*``, is defined
......@@ -134,39 +134,84 @@ Base.:^(A::AbstractFSM, ::typeof(*)) = fsmclosure(A; closure_plus = false)
project(fsm; dims)
fsmpermute(A::AbstractFSM, p)
Project machine onto a subset of labels by summing over all the label dimension
Permute the label dimensions of the automaton `A` according to the permutation
_project(fsm::AbstractFSM{T,N}, dims::Dims{M}) where {T,N,M} =
SparseTensorFSM{T,N-M}(dropdims(sum(fsm.M; dims); dims), fsm.α, fsm.ω)
The permutation of the arcs' label of a ``N``-order weighted automaton ``A``
over the semiring ``(S, \\oplus, \\otimes, \\bar{0}, \\bar{1})`` given a
permutation ``p = (p_1, \\dots, p_N)`` is defined such that for all
``x \\in (\\Sigma^*_1 \\times \\dots \\times \\Sigma^*_N)``:
\\text{permute}_p(A)(x) = A(x')
where ``x' = (x_{p_1}, \\dots, x_{p_N})`` is the permutation of ``x`` given ``p``.
_project(fsm::AbstractFSM, dims::Integer) = _project(fsm, tuple(dims))
## Complexity
* Time: ``O(E)``
* Depth: ``O(1)``
where ``E`` is the number of arcs of the automaton ``A``.
project(fsm; dims) = _project(fsm, dims)
See also [`fsmproject`](@ref) and [`fsmreverse`](@ref).
fsmpermute(A::AbstractFSM, p) = typeof(A)(permutedims(A.M, p), A.α, A.ω)
permutelabels(fsm, p)
fsmproject(A::AbstractFSM; dims)
Project the label dimensions `dims` of the automaton `A` onto the other label
The projection of a ``N``-order weighted automaton ``A`` over the
semiring ``(S, \\oplus, \\otimes, \\bar{0}, \\bar{1})`` of the label dimensions
``I \\subset \\{1, \\dots, N\\}`` onto ``I^{\\complement}`` is defined such that for all
``x \\in (\\Sigma^*_1 \\times \\dots \\times \\Sigma^*_N)``:
\\text{project}_I(A)(x_{\\setminus I}) = \\bigoplus_{\\{ z \\: : \\: z_{\\setminus I} = x_{\\setminus I} \\}} A(z)
where ``x_{\\setminus I} = (x_i \\: : \\: i \\notin I)`` is the tuple of
elements in ``x`` with index not in ``I``.
## Complexity
* Time: ``O(E)``
* Depth: ``O(1)``
where ``E`` is the number of arcs of the automaton ``A``.
Permute the labels dimension according to the permutation `p`.
See also [`fsmpermute`](@ref) and [`fsmreverse`](@ref).
_project(fsm::AbstractFSM{T,N}, dims::Dims{M}) where {T,N,M} =
SparseTensorFSM{T,N-M}(dropdims(sum(fsm.M; dims); dims), fsm.α, fsm.ω)
_project(fsm::AbstractFSM, dims::Integer) = _project(fsm, tuple(dims))
permutelabels(fsm::AbstractFSM{T,N}, p) where {T,N} =
SparseTensorFSM{T,N}(permutedims(fsm.M, p), fsm.α, fsm.ω)
fsmproject(fsm; dims) = _project(fsm, dims)
Reverse the direction of the transitions in `fsm`
Reverse the direction of the arcs in the automaton `A`.
The reversal of a ``N``-order weighted automaton ``A`` over the semiring
``(S, \\oplus, \\otimes, \\bar{0}, \\bar{1})``, denoted ``A^R``, is defined
such that for all ``x \\in (\\Sigma^*_1 \\times \\dots \\times \\Sigma^*_N)``:
A^R(x) = A(x^R)
where ``x' = (x_1^R, \\dots, x_{N}^R)`` is the tuple of reversed sequences
## Complexity
* Time: ``O(E)``
* Depth: ``O(1)``
where ``E`` is the number of arcs of the automaton ``A``.
See also [`fsmpermute`](@ref) and [`fsmproject`](@ref).
Base.reverse(fsm::AbstractFSM{T,N}) where {T,N} =
SparseTensorFSM{T,N}(transpose.(fsm.M), fsm.ω, fsm.α)
fsmreverse(A::AbstractFSM) = typeof(A)(transpose.(A.M), A.ω, A.α)
#@enum FSTPush toinitial tofinal
......@@ -239,14 +284,23 @@ Base.reverse(fsm::AbstractFSM{T,N}) where {T,N} =
compose(A, B)
fsmcompose(A::AbstractFSM{T}, B::AbstractFSM{T}) where T
A ∘ B
Compute the composition of the automata ``A`` and ``B``.
Compute the composition ``A \\circ B`` defined as
The composition of a ``M``-order weighted automaton ``A`` and a ``N``-order
weighted automaton ``B`` over the semiring ``(S, \\oplus, \\otimes, \\bar{0}, \\bar{1})``,
denoted ``A \\circ B``, is defined such that for all
``x \\in (\\Sigma^*_1 \\times \\dots \\times \\Sigma^*_{N-1})`` and
``y \\in (\\Omega^*_2, \\dots, \\Omega^*_N)``:
\\forall (x, y) \\in \\Sigma^* \\times \\Omega^*, \\; (A \\circ B)(x, y) = \\bigoplus_{z \\in \\Delta^*} A(x,z) \\otimes B(z,y)
(A \\circ B)(x, y) = \\bigoplus_{\\delta \\in \\Delta^*} A(x, \\delta) \\otimes B(\\delta, y)
where ``\\Delta`` is the set of symbols for the last label dimension of ``A``
and the first label dimension of ``B``.
function _compose_M_leftϵ_first(
......@@ -260,6 +314,7 @@ function _compose_M_leftϵ_first(
coordinates = Dims{N}[]
values = MatrixSemiring{P*Q,Tm}[]
# sum(X[:,ϵ])
= zero(eltype(y))
for ynzi in y.ptr[1]:y.ptr[2]-1
yval = y.values[ynzi]
......@@ -297,7 +352,7 @@ function _compose_M_leftϵ_first(
sparse(coordinates, values, size(x)[1:end-1]..., size(y)[2:end]...)
function compose(A::AbstractFSM{T,Na}, B::AbstractFSM{T,Nb}) where {T,Na,Nb}
function fsmcompose(A::AbstractFSM{T,Na}, B::AbstractFSM{T,Nb}) where {T,Na,Nb}
M = _compose_M_leftϵ_first(A.M, B.M)
SparseTensorFSM{T,Na+Nb - 2}(M, kron(A.α, B.α), kron(A.ω, B.ω))
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