paulcc authored
GLR extension for Happy. GLR parsing allows parsing of ambiguous grammars, to produce a directed, acyclic, and-or graph which compactly represents possible alternative parses. This code has been built from scratch and tested on the examples. Documentation not yet ready - will check in soon NEW: * examples/ - some examples of using the parser * src/ProduceGLRCode.lhs - generates the GLR parser from templates and LR tables * templates/GLR_{Base,Lib} - driver components for the parser CHANGED: * src/GenUtils.lhs and src/ProduceCode.lhs - moved mapDollarDollar into GenUtils, and corrected bug on thd3(!) * src/Main.lhs - new flags added, and call the GLR parser if selected * LICENSE - added mention of this work.
921914dbpaulcc authoredGLR extension for Happy. GLR parsing allows parsing of ambiguous grammars, to produce a directed, acyclic, and-or graph which compactly represents possible alternative parses. This code has been built from scratch and tested on the examples. Documentation not yet ready - will check in soon NEW: * examples/ - some examples of using the parser * src/ProduceGLRCode.lhs - generates the GLR parser from templates and LR tables * templates/GLR_{Base,Lib} - driver components for the parser CHANGED: * src/GenUtils.lhs and src/ProduceCode.lhs - moved mapDollarDollar into GenUtils, and corrected bug on thd3(!) * src/Main.lhs - new flags added, and call the GLR parser if selected * LICENSE - added mention of this work.
This project is licensed under the BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License.
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