Julien Lopez authored
- Query results are no longer simple lists of vectors but data frames - new.table builtin renamed to new.tableRef - Update to new version of QIR
Julien Lopez authored- Query results are no longer simple lists of vectors but data frames - new.table builtin renamed to new.tableRef - Update to new version of QIR
QueryLambda.R 390 B
emp = new.tableRef("emp", "PostgreSQL", "postgre.config", "public")
minsalary = 2500
q = select(function (x) {
res = new.env()
res$empno = x$empno
res$ename = x$ename
res$salary = (function (dol) dol * 89 / 100)(x$sal)
res },
where(function (x) x$sal >= minsalary,
results = query.force(q)