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Commit 30adbacc authored by Tomas Stupka's avatar Tomas Stupka
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rJava rewrite - initial commit

parent 04eaa6a4
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with 2721 additions and 36 deletions
Package: rJava Package: rJava
Type: Package Version: (populated by mkdist!)
Title: FastR rJava compatibility layer Title: Low-Level R to Java Interface
Version: 1.0 Author: Simon Urbanek <>
Date: 2017-05-18 Maintainer: Simon Urbanek <>
Author: Tomas Stupka Depends: R (>= 2.5.0), methods
Maintainer: Tomas Stupka <> Description: Low-level interface to Java VM very much like .C/.Call and friends. Allows creation of objects, calling methods and accessing fields.
Description: Provides rJava R interface backed by FastR interoperability builtins.
License: GPL-2 License: GPL-2
Suggests: testthat URL:
RoxygenNote: 6.0.1 SystemRequirements: Java JDK 1.2 or higher (for JRI/REngine JDK 1.4 or higher), GNU make
# Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand exportPattern("^\\.j")
export( "J" )
export(.jaddClassPath) export( "%instanceof%" )
export(.jarray) export( clone )
export(.jbyte) S3method( clone, default )
export(.jcall) export(is.jnull, .r2j, .rJava.base.path, toJava)
export(.jcast) exportClasses(jobjRef, jarrayRef, jrectRef, jfloat, jlong, jbyte, jchar, jclassName)
export(.jchar) exportMethods(show, "$", "$<-",
export(.jcheck) "==", "!=", "<", ">", "<=", ">=",
export(.jclear) names, new, as.character, length, head, tail,
export(.jevalArray) "[", "[[", "[[<-", str, "dim<-",
export(.jfield) unique, duplicated, anyDuplicated,
export(.jfindClass) sort, rev,
export(.jfloat) min, max, range,
export(.jgetEx) rep,
export(.jinit) clone )
export(.jlong) import(methods)
export(.jnew) importFrom(utils,head)
export(.jnull) importFrom(utils,tail)
export(.jpackage) importFrom(utils,str)
export(.jshort) importFrom(utils, assignInNamespace)
export(.jstrVal) S3method(with, jobjRef)
export(.jthrow) S3method(with, jarrayRef)
export(J) S3method(with, jclassName)
S3method(within, jobjRef)
S3method(within, jarrayRef)
S3method(within, jclassName)
# within requires that with.jobjRef is visible outside
if( exists( ".DollarNames", asNamespace("utils") ) ) importFrom( utils, .DollarNames )
S3method(.DollarNames, jobjRef)
S3method(.DollarNames, jarrayRef)
S3method(.DollarNames, jrectRef)
S3method(.DollarNames, jclassName)
S3method( as.list, jobjRef )
S3method( as.list, jarrayRef )
S3method( as.list, jrectRef )
S3method( "$", "Throwable" )
S3method( "$<-", "Throwable" )
export( javaImport )
This diff is collapsed.
## S4 classes (jobjRef is re-defined in .First.lib to contain valid jobj)
#' java object reference
setClass("jobjRef", representation(jobj="externalptr", jclass="character"),
prototype=list(jobj=NULL, jclass="java/lang/Object"))
#' rugged arrays
setClass("jarrayRef", representation("jobjRef", jsig="character"))
#' rectangular java arrays double[][] d = new double[m][n]
representation("jarrayRef", dimension="integer" ) )
# we extend array here so that we can keep dimensions
# in the helper functions below, the storage mode is
# set when the objects are built
# TODO: maybe an initialize method is needed here
# TODO: maybe a validate method is needed here as well
setClass("jfloat", representation("array" ) )
setClass("jlong", representation("array" ) )
setClass("jbyte", representation("array" ) )
setClass("jshort", representation("array" ) )
setClass("jchar", representation("array" ) )
# there is no way to distinguish between double and float in R, so we need to mark floats specifically
.jfloat <- function(x) {
storage.mode( x ) <- "double"
new("jfloat", x )
# the same applies to long
.jlong <- function(x) {
storage.mode( x ) <- "double"
new("jlong", x)
# and byte
.jbyte <- function(x) {
storage.mode( x ) <- "integer"
new("jbyte", x)
# and short
.jshort <- function(x){
storage.mode( x ) <- "integer"
new("jshort", x)
# and char (experimental)
.jchar <- function(x){
storage.mode( x ) <- "integer"
new("jchar", as.integer(x))
setClass("jclassName", representation(name="character", jobj="jobjRef"))
jclassName <- function(class){
if( is( class, "jobjRef" ) && .jinherits(class, "java/lang/Class" ) ){
jobj <- class
name <- .jcall( class, "Ljava/lang/String;", "getName", evalString = TRUE )
} else{
name <- gsub("/",".",as.character(class))
jobj <- .jfindClass(as.character(class))
new("jclassName", name=name, jobj=jobj)
setMethod("new", signature(Class="jclassName"), function(Class, ...) .J(Class@name, ...))
setMethod("$", c(x="jclassName"), function(x, name) {
if( name == "class" ){
} else if (classHasField(x@jobj, name, TRUE)){
.jfield(x@name, , name)
} else if (classHasMethod(x@jobj, name, TRUE)){
function(...) .jrcall(x@name, name, ...)
} else if( classHasClass(x@jobj, name, FALSE) ){ <- .jcall( "RJavaTools", "Ljava/lang/Class;", "getClass", x@jobj, name, FALSE )
new("jclassName", name=.jcall(, "S", "getName"),
} else {
stop("no static field, method or inner class called `", name, "' in `", x@name, "'")
setMethod("$<-", c(x="jclassName"), function(x, name, value) .jfield(x@name, name) <- value)
setMethod("show", c(object="jclassName"), function(object) invisible(show(paste("Java-Class-Name:",object@name))))
setMethod("as.character", c(x="jclassName"), function(x, ...) x@name)
## the magic `J'
J<-function(class, method, ...) if (nargs() == 1L && missing(method)) jclassName(class) else .jrcall(class, method, ...)
This diff is collapsed.
## This file is part of the rJava package - low-level R/Java interface
## (C)2006 Simon Urbanek <>
## For license terms see DESCRIPTION and/or LICENSE
## $Id$
# create a new object
.jnew <- function(class, ..., check=TRUE, silent=!check, class.loader=NULL) {
class <- gsub("\\.", "/", as.character(class)) # allow non-JNI specifiation
# TODO: should this do "S" > "java/lang/String", ... like .jcall
if (check) .jcheck(silent=TRUE)
o<-.External(RcreateObject, class, ..., silent=silent, class.loader=class.loader)
if (check) .jcheck(silent=silent)
if (is.null(o)) {
if (!silent) {
stop("Failed to create object of class `",class,"'")
} else {
o <- .jzeroRef
new("jobjRef", jobj=o, jclass=class)
# create a new object reference manually (avoid! for backward compat only!)
# the problem with this is that you need a valid `jobj' which
# is implementation-dependent so it is undefined outside rJava internals
# it is now used by JRI.createRJavaRef, though
.jmkref <- function(jobj, jclass="java/lang/Object") {
new("jobjRef", jobj=jobj, jclass=gsub('\\.','/',as.character(jclass)))
# evaluates an array reference. If rawJNIRefSignature is set, then obj is not assumed to be
# jarrayRef, but rather direct JNI reference with the corresponding signature
.jevalArray <- function(obj, rawJNIRefSignature=NULL, silent=FALSE, simplify=FALSE) {
if (is.null(rawJNIRefSignature)) {
if(!inherits(obj,"jarrayRef")) {
if (!inherits(obj,"jobjRef"))
stop("object is not a Java object reference (jobjRef/jarrayRef).")
cl <- gsub("\\.","/",.jclass(obj))
if (is.null(cl) || !isJavaArraySignature(cl) )
stop("object is not a Java array.")
sig <- cl
} else sig <- obj@jsig
} else if (is(obj, "jobjRef")) jobj<-obj@jobj
if (sig=="[I")
return(.Call(RgetIntArrayCont, jobj))
else if (sig=="[J")
return(.Call(RgetLongArrayCont, jobj))
else if (sig=="[Z")
return(.Call(RgetBoolArrayCont, jobj))
else if (sig=="[B")
return(.Call(RgetByteArrayCont, jobj))
else if (sig=="[D")
return(.Call(RgetDoubleArrayCont, jobj))
else if (sig=="[S")
return(.Call(RgetShortArrayCont, jobj))
else if (sig=="[C")
return(.Call(RgetCharArrayCont, jobj))
else if (sig=="[F")
return(.Call(RgetFloatArrayCont, jobj))
else if (sig=="[Ljava/lang/String;")
return(.Call(RgetStringArrayCont, jobj))
else if (sig=="[Ljava/lang/Double;" && simplify) {
obj@jclass <- sig; return(.jcall("RJavaArrayTools", "[D", "unboxDoubles", obj)) }
else if (sig=="[Ljava/lang/Integer;" && simplify) {
obj@jclass <- sig; return(.jcall("RJavaArrayTools", "[I", "unboxIntegers", obj)) }
else if (sig=="[Ljava/lang/Boolean;" && simplify) {
obj@jclass <- sig; return(as.logical(.jcall("RJavaArrayTools", "[I", "unboxBooleans", obj))) }
else if (substr(sig,1,2)=="[L")
return(lapply(.Call(RgetObjectArrayCont, jobj),
function(x) new("jobjRef", jobj=x, jclass=substr(sig, 3, nchar(sig)-1)) ))
else if (substr(sig,1,2)=="[[") {
if (simplify) { # try to figure out if this is a rectangular array in which case we can do better
o <- newArray(simplify=TRUE, jobj=jobj, signature=sig)
# if o is not a reference then we were able to simplify it
if (!is(o, "jobjRef")) return(o)
# otherwise simplify has no effect
return(lapply(.Call(RgetObjectArrayCont, jobj),
function(x) newArray(jobj=x, signature=substr(sig, 2, 999), simplify=simplify)))
# if we don't know how to evaluate this, issue a warning and return the jarrayRef
if (!silent)
warning(paste("I don't know how to evaluate an array with signature",sig,". Returning a reference."))
newArray(jobj = jobj, signature = sig, simplify = FALSE)
.jcall <- function(obj, returnSig="V", method, ..., evalArray=TRUE,
evalString=TRUE, check=TRUE, interface="RcallMethod",
simplify=FALSE, use.true.class = FALSE) {
if (check) .jcheck()
iaddr <- .env[[interface]]
interface <- if (is.null(iaddr)) getNativeSymbolInfo(interface, "rJava", TRUE, FALSE)$address else iaddr
# S is a shortcut for Ljava/lang/String;
if (returnSig=="S")
if (returnSig=="[S")
# original S (short) is now mapped to T so we need to re-map it (we don't really support short, though)
if (returnSig=="T") returnSig <- "S"
if (returnSig=="[T") returnSig <- "[S"
if (inherits(obj,"jobjRef") || inherits(obj,"jarrayRef") || inherits(obj,"jrectRef") )
r<-.External(interface, obj@jobj, returnSig, method, ...)
r<-.External(interface, as.character(obj), returnSig, method, ...)
if (returnSig=="V") return(invisible(NULL))
if( use.true.class && !is.null( r ) ){
if( ! ( isPrimitiveTypeName(returnSig) || isArraySignature(returnSig) ) ){
# avoid calling .jcall since we work on external pointers directly here
clazz <- .External(interface, r , "Ljava/lang/Class;", "getClass")
clazzname <- .External(interface, clazz, "Ljava/lang/String;", "getName")
clazzname <- .External(RgetStringValue, clazzname)
returnSig <- tojniSignature( clazzname )
if (isJavaArraySignature(returnSig)) {
# eval or return a reference
r <- if (evalArray) .jevalArray(r, rawJNIRefSignature=returnSig, simplify=simplify) else newArray(jobj = r, signature = returnSig, simplify = FALSE)
} else if ( substr(returnSig,1,1)=="L") {
if (is.null(r)){
if( check ) .jcheck( silent = FALSE )
if (returnSig=="Ljava/lang/String;" && evalString){
if( check ) .jcheck( silent = FALSE )
return(.External(RgetStringValue, r))
r <- new("jobjRef", jobj=r, jclass=substr(returnSig,2,nchar(returnSig)-1))
if (check) .jcheck()
if ($.) else r
.jstrVal <- function(obj) {
# .jstrVal(.jstrVal(...)) = .jstrVal(...)
if (is.character(obj))
if (!is(obj,"jobjRef"))
stop("can get value of Java objects only")
if (!is.null(obj@jclass) && obj@jclass=="lang/java/String")
r<-.External(RgetStringValue, obj@jobj)
r<-.External(RtoString, obj@jobj)
#' casts java object into new.class
#' @param obj a java object reference
#' @param new.class the new class (in JNI or Java)
#' @param check logical. If TRUE the cast if checked
#' @param convert.array logical. If TRUE and the new class represents an array, then a jarrayRef object is made
.jcast <- function(obj, new.class="java/lang/Object", check = FALSE, convert.array = FALSE) {
if (!is(obj,"jobjRef"))
stop("cannot cast anything but Java objects")
if( check && !.jinstanceof( obj, new.class) ){
stop( sprintf( "cannot cast object to '%s'", new.class ) )
new.class <- gsub("\\.","/", as.character(new.class)) # allow non-JNI specifiation
if( convert.array && !is( obj, "jarrayRef" ) && isJavaArray( obj ) ){
r <- .jcastToArray( obj, signature = new.class)
} else {
r <- obj
r@jclass <- new.class
# makes sure that a given object is jarrayRef
.jcastToArray <- function(obj, signature=NULL, class="", quiet=FALSE) {
if (!is(obj, "jobjRef"))
if (is.null(signature)) {
# TODO: factor out these two calls into a separate function
cl <- .jcall(obj, "Ljava/lang/Class;", "getClass")
cn <- .jcall(cl, "Ljava/lang/String;", "getName")
if ( !isJavaArraySignature(cn) ) {
if (quiet)
stop("cannot cast to array, object signature is unknown and class name is not an array")
signature <- cn
} else{
if( !isJavaArraySignature(signature) ){
if( quiet ) {
return( obj )
} else{
stop( "cannot cast to array, signature is not an array signature" )
signature <- gsub('\\.', '/', signature)
if (inherits(obj, "jarrayRef")) {
obj@jsig <- signature
newArray(obj, simplify=FALSE)
# creates a new "null" object of the specified class
# although it sounds weird, the class is important when passed as
# a parameter (you can even cast the result)
.jnull <- function(class="java/lang/Object") {
new("jobjRef", jobj=.jzeroRef, jclass=as.character(class))
.jcheck <- function(silent=FALSE) invisible(.Call(RJavaCheckExceptions, silent))
.jproperty <- function(key) {
if (length(key)>1)
sapply(key, .jproperty)
.jcall("java/lang/System", "S", "getProperty", as.character(key)[1])
#' gets the dim of an array, or its length if it is just a vector
getDim <- function(x){
dim <- dim(x)
if( is.null( dim ) ) dim <- length(x)
.jarray <- function(x, contents.class = NULL, dispatch = FALSE) {
# this already is an array, so don't bother
if( isJavaArray( x ) ) return( newArray( x, simplify = FALSE) )
# this is a two stage process, first we need to convert into
# a flat array using the jni code
# TODO: but this needs to move to the internal jni world to avoid
# too many copies
# common mistake is to not specify a list but just a single Java object
# but, well, people just keep doing it so we may as well support it
dim <- if (inherits(x,"jobjRef")) {
x <- list(x)
} else getDim(x)
# the jni call
array <- .Call(RcreateArray, x, contents.class)
if (!dispatch) return( array )
if( is.list( x ) ){
# if the input of RcreateArray was a list, we need some more care
# because we cannot be sure the array is rectangular so we have to
# check it
newArray( array, simplify = FALSE )
} else {
# then we transform this to a rectangular array of the proper dimensions
if( length( dim ) == 1L ) {
# single dimension array
new( "jrectRef", jobj = array@jobj, jsig = array@jsig,
jclass = array@jclass, dimension = dim )
} else {
builder <- .jnew( "RectangularArrayBuilder", .jcast(array), dim )
clazz <- .jcall( builder, "Ljava/lang/String;", "getArrayClassName" )
# we cannot use .jcall here since it will try to simplify the array
# or go back to java to calculate its dimensions, ...
r <- .External( "RcallMethod", builder@jobj,
"Ljava/lang/Object;", "getArray", PACKAGE="rJava")
new( "jrectRef", jobj = r, dimension = dim,
jclass = clazz, jsig = tojni( clazz ) )
# works on EXTPTR or jobjRef or NULL. NULL is always silently converted to .jzeroRef
.jidenticalRef <- function(a,b) {
if (is(a,"jobjRef")) a<-a@jobj
if (is(b,"jobjRef")) b<-b@jobj
if (is.null(a)) a <- .jzeroRef
if (is.null(b)) b <- .jzeroRef
if (!inherits(a,"externalptr") || !inherits(b,"externalptr")) stop("Invalid argument to .jidenticalRef, must be a pointer or jobjRef")
# returns TRUE only for NULL or jobjRef with jobj=0x0
is.jnull <- function(x) {
(is.null(x) || (is(x,"jobjRef") && .jidenticalRef(x@jobj,.jzeroRef)))
# should we move this to C?
.jclassRef <- function(x, silent=FALSE) {
if (is.jnull(x)) {
if (silent) return(NULL) else stop("null reference has no class")
if (!is(x, "jobjRef")) {
if (silent) return(NULL) else stop("invalid object")
cl <- NULL
try(cl <- .jcall(x, "Ljava/lang/Class;", "getClass", check=FALSE))
if (is.jnull(cl) && !silent) stop("cannot get class object")
# return class object for a given class name; silent determines whether
# an error should be thrown on failure (FALSE) or just null reference (TRUE)
.jfindClass <- function(cl, silent=FALSE) {
if (inherits(cl, "jclassName")) return(cl@jobj)
if (!is.character(cl) || length(cl)!=1)
stop("invalid class name")
a <- NULL
if (!is.jnull(.rJava.class.loader))
try(a <- .jcall("java/lang/Class","Ljava/lang/Class;","forName",cl,TRUE,.jcast(.rJava.class.loader,"java.lang.ClassLoader"), check=FALSE))
try(a <- .jcall("java/lang/Class","Ljava/lang/Class;","forName",cl,check=FALSE))
# this is really .jcheck but we don't want it to appear on the call stack
.Call(RJavaCheckExceptions, silent)
if (!silent && is.jnull(a)) stop("class not found")
# Java-side inheritance check; NULL inherits from any class, because
# it can be cast to any class type; cl can be a class name or a jobjRef to a class object
.jinherits <- function(o, cl) {
if (is.jnull(o)) return(TRUE)
if (!is(o, "jobjRef")) stop("invalid object")
if (is.character(cl)) cl <- .jfindClass(cl) else if (inherits(cl, "jclassName")) cl <- cl@jobj
if (!is(cl, "jobjRef")) stop("invalid class object")
ocl <- .jclassRef(o)
.Call(RisAssignableFrom, ocl@jobj, cl@jobj)
# compares two things which may be Java objects. invokes Object.equals if applicable and thus even different pointers can be equal. if one parameter is not Java object, but scalar string/int/number/boolean then a corresponding Java object is created for comparison
# strict comparison returns FALSE if Java-reference is compared with non-reference. otherwise conversion into Java scalar object is attempted
.jequals <- function(a, b, strict=FALSE) {
if (is.null(a)) a <- new("jobjRef")
if (is.null(b)) b <- new("jobjRef")
if (is(a,"jobjRef")) o <- a else
if (is(b,"jobjRef")) { o <- b; b <- a } else
if (!is(b,"jobjRef")) {
if (strict) return(FALSE)
if (length(b)!=1) { warning("comparison of non-scalar values is always FALSE"); return(FALSE) }
if (is.character(b)) b <- .jnew("java/lang/String",b) else
if (is.integer(b)) b <- .jnew("java/lang/Integer",b) else
if (is.numeric(b)) b <- .jnew("java/lang/Double",b) else
if (is.logical(b)) b <- .jnew("java/lang/Boolean", b) else
{ warning("comparison of non-trivial values to Java objects is always FALSE"); return(FALSE) }
if (is.jnull(a))
.jcall(o, "Z", "equals", .jcast(b, "java/lang/Object"))
.jfield <- function(o, sig=NULL, name, true.class=is.null(sig), convert=TRUE) {
if (length(sig)) {
if (sig=='S') sig<-"Ljava/lang/String;"
if (sig=='T') sig<-"S"
if (sig=='[S') sig<-"[Ljava/lang/String;"
if (sig=='[T') sig<-"[S"
r <- .Call(RgetField, o, sig, as.character(name), as.integer(true.class))
if (inherits(r, "jobjRef")) {
if (isJavaArraySignature(r@jclass)) {
r <- if (convert) .jevalArray(r, rawJNIRefSignature=r@jclass, simplify=TRUE) else newArray(r, simplify=FALSE)
if (convert && inherits(r, "jobjRef")) {
if (r@jclass == "java/lang/String")
return(.External(RgetStringValue, r@jobj))
if ($.) return(
".jfield<-" <- function(o, name, value)
.Call(RsetField, o, name, value)
#' if a and b are compatable,
#' in the sense of the java.util.Comparable interface
#' then the result of the compareTo method is returned
#' otherwise an error message is generated
.jcompare <- function(a, b) {
if (is.null(a)) a <- new("jobjRef")
if (is.null(b)) b <- new("jobjRef")
if( isJavaArray(a) || isJavaArray(b) ){
stop( "comparison (<,>,<=,>=) is not implemented for java arrays yet" )
if( !is(a, "jobjRef" ) ) a <- ._java_valid_object( a )
if( !is(b, "jobjRef" ) ) b <- ._java_valid_object( b )
.jcall( "RJavaComparator", "I", "compare", .jcast(a), .jcast(b) )
._lower <- function(e1, e2){
.jcompare( e1, e2 ) <= 0L
._greater <- function(e1, e2 ){
.jcompare( e1, e2 ) >= 0L
._strictly_lower <- function(e1, e2 ){
.jcompare( e1, e2 ) < 0L
._strictly_greater <- function(e1, e2 ){
.jcompare( e1, e2 ) > 0L
setMethod("<" , c(e1="jobjRef",e2="jobjRef"), ._strictly_lower )
setMethod("<" , c(e1="jobjRef") , ._strictly_lower )
setMethod("<" , c(e2="jobjRef") , ._strictly_lower )
setMethod(">" , c(e1="jobjRef",e2="jobjRef"), ._strictly_greater )
setMethod(">" , c(e1="jobjRef") , ._strictly_greater )
setMethod(">" , c(e2="jobjRef") , ._strictly_greater )
setMethod("<=", c(e1="jobjRef",e2="jobjRef"), ._lower )
setMethod("<=", c(e1="jobjRef") , ._lower )
setMethod("<=", c(e2="jobjRef") , ._lower )
setMethod(">=", c(e1="jobjRef",e2="jobjRef"), ._greater )
setMethod(">=", c(e1="jobjRef") , ._greater )
setMethod(">=", c(e2="jobjRef") , ._greater )
# :tabSize=4:indentSize=4:noTabs=false:folding=explicit:collapseFolds=1:
# S4 dispatch does not work for .DollarNames, so we'll use S3
# {{{ bring .DollarNames from the future if necessary
if( !exists( ".DollarNames", envir = asNamespace("utils") ) ){
.DollarNames <- function(x, pattern)
# }}}
# {{{ support function to retrieve completion names from RJavaTools
### get completion names from RJavaTools
classNamesMethod <- function (cl, static.only = TRUE ) {
# TODO: return both from java instead of two java calls
fieldnames <- .jcall( "RJavaTools", "[Ljava/lang/String;",
"getFieldNames", cl, static.only )
methodnames <- .jcall( "RJavaTools", "[Ljava/lang/String;",
"getMethodNames", cl, static.only )
c(fieldnames, methodnames)
# }}}
# {{{ jclassName
._names_jclassName <- function(x){
c( "class", classNamesMethod(x@jobj, static.only = TRUE ) )
.DollarNames.jclassName <- function(x, pattern = "" ){
grep( pattern, ._names_jclassName(x), value = TRUE )
setMethod("names", c(x="jclassName"), ._names_jclassName )
# }}}
# {{{ jobjRef
._names_jobjRef <- function(x){
classNamesMethod(.jcall(x, "Ljava/lang/Class;", "getClass"), static.only = FALSE )
.DollarNames.jobjRef <- function(x, pattern = "" ){
grep( pattern, ._names_jobjRef(x), value = TRUE )
setMethod("names", c(x="jobjRef"), ._names_jobjRef )
# }}}
# {{{ jarrayRef and jrectRef
._names_jarrayRef <- function(x ){
c("length", classNamesMethod(.jcall(x, "Ljava/lang/Class;", "getClass"), static.only = FALSE ) )
.DollarNames.jarrayRef <- .DollarNames.jrectRef <- function(x, pattern = ""){
grep( pattern, ._names_jarrayRef(x), value = TRUE )
setMethod("names", c(x="jarrayRef"), ._names_jarrayRef )
setMethod("names", c(x="jrectRef"), ._names_jarrayRef )
# }}}
# in: Java -> R <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())$. <- FALSE
# out: R -> Java
.conv.out <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
.conv.out$. <- FALSE
# --- internal fns <- function(jobj, verify.class=TRUE) {
jcl <- if (verify.class) .jclass(jobj) else gsub("/",".",jobj@jclass)
cv <-[[jcl]]
if (!is.null(cv)) jobj else cv$fn(jobj)
.convert.out <- function(robj) {
for (cl in class(robj)) {
cv <- .conv.out[[cl]]
if (!is.null(cv)) return(cv$fn(robj))
# external fns
.jsetJConvertor <- function(java.class, fn) {
if (is.null(fn)) {
if (!length(ls($. <- FALSE
} else {$. <- TRUE[[java.class]] <- list(fn=fn)
.jsetRConvertor <- function(r.class, fn) {
if (is.null(fn)) {
rm(list=r.class, envir=.conv.out)
if (!length(ls(.conv.out))) .conv.out$. <- FALSE
} else {
.conv.out$. <- TRUE
.conv.out[[r.class]] <- list(fn=fn)
## functions for some basic exception handling
# FIXME: should all these actually be deprecated or defunct
## poll for an exception
.jgetEx <- function(clear=FALSE) {
exo <- .Call(RpollException)
if (is.null(exo)) return(NULL)
x <- new("jobjRef", jobj=exo, jclass="java/lang/Throwable")
if (clear) .jclear()
## explicitly clear any pending exceptions
.jclear <- function() {
## throw an exception
.jthrow <- function(exception, message=NULL) {
if (is.character(exception))
exception <- .jnew(exception, as.character(message))
if (is(exception, "jobjRef"))
.Call(RthrowException, exception)
stop("Invalid exception.")
"$.Throwable" <- function( x, name ){
if( name %in% names(c(x)) ){
c(x)[[ name ]]
} else{
._jobjRef_dollar( x[["jobj"]], name )
"$<-.Throwable" <- function( x, name, value ){
if( name %in% names(x) ){
x[[ name ]] <- value
} else{
._jobjRef_dollargets( x[["jobj"]], name, value )
IMPORTER <- ".__rjava__import"
java_class_importers <- new.env()
assign( ".namespaces", NULL, envir = java_class_importers )
getImporterFromNamespace <- function( nm, create = TRUE ){
.namespaces <- get(".namespaces", envir = java_class_importers )
if( !is.null( .namespaces ) ){
for( item in .namespaces ){
if( identical( item$nm, nm ) ){
return( item$importer )
if( create ){
addImporterNamespace <- function( nm ){
importer <- .jnew( "RJavaImport", .jcast( .rJava.class.loader, "java/lang/ClassLoader" ) )
assign( ".namespaces",
append( list( list( nm = nm, importer = importer ) ), get(".namespaces", envir = java_class_importers ) ),
envir = java_class_importers )
getImporterFromEnvironment <- function(env, create = TRUE){
if( isNamespace( env ) ){
getImporterFromNamespace( env )
} else if( exists(IMPORTER, envir = env ) ){
get( IMPORTER, envir = env )
} else if( create ){
getImporterFromGlobalEnv <- function( ){
if( exists( "global", envir = java_class_importers ) ){
get( "global", envir = java_class_importers )
} else{
initGlobalEnvImporter <- function(){
importer <- .jnew( "RJavaImport", .jcast( .rJava.class.loader, "java/lang/ClassLoader" ) )
assign( "global", importer , envir = java_class_importers )
import <- function( package = "java.util", env = sys.frame(sys.parent()) ){
if( missing(env) ){
caller <- sys.function(-1)
env <- environment( caller )
if( isNamespace( env ) ){
importer <- getImporterFromNamespace( env )
} else{
if( !is.environment( env ) ){
stop( "env is not an environment" )
if( ! exists( IMPORTER, env ) || is.jnull( get( IMPORTER, envir = env ) ) ){
importer <- .jnew( "RJavaImport", .jcast( .rJava.class.loader, "java/lang/ClassLoader" ) )
if( isNamespace(env) ){
unlockBinding( IMPORTER, env = env )
assignInNamespace( IMPORTER, importer, envir = env )
assign( IMPORTER, importer, envir = env )
} else{
importer <- get( IMPORTER, envir = env )
mustbe.importer( importer )
.jcall( importer, "V", "importPackage", package )
is.importer <- function(x){
is( x, "jobjRef" ) && .jinherits( x, "RJavaImport" )
mustbe.importer <- function(x){
if( !is.importer(x) ){
stop( "object not a suitable java package importer" )
#' collect importers
getAvailableImporters <- function( frames = TRUE, namespace = TRUE,
global = TRUE, caller = sys.function(-1L) ){
importers <- .jnew( "java/util/HashSet" )
addImporter <- function( importer ){
if( is.importer( importer ) ){
.jcall( importers, "Z", "add", .jcast(importer) )
if( isTRUE( global ) ){
addImporter( getImporterFromGlobalEnv() )
if( isTRUE( frames ) ){
frames <- sys.frames()
if( length(frames) > 1L ){
sapply( head( frames, -1L ), function(env) {
if( !identical( env, .GlobalEnv ) ){
addImporter( getImporterFromEnvironment( env ) )
} )
if( isTRUE( namespace ) ){
env <- environment( caller )
if( isNamespace( env ) ){
addImporter( getImporterFromNamespace( env ) )
#' lookup for a class name in the available importers
lookup <- function( name = "Object", ..., caller = sys.function(-1L) ){
importers <- getAvailableImporters(..., caller = caller)
.jcall( "RJavaImport", "Ljava/lang/Class;", "lookup",
name, .jcast( importers, "java/util/Set" ) )
javaImport <- function( packages = "java.lang" ){
importer <- .jnew( "RJavaImport", .jcast( .rJava.class.loader, "java/lang/ClassLoader" ) )
.jcall( importer, "V", "importPackage", packages )
.Call( "newRJavaLookupTable" , importer,
PACKAGE = "rJava" )
`%instanceof%` <- .jinstanceof <- function( o, cl ){
if( !inherits( o, "jobjRef" ) ){
stop( "o is not a java object" )
# first get the class object that represents cl
if( inherits( cl, "jobjRef" ) ){
if( .jclass( cl ) == "java.lang.Class" ){
clazz <- cl
} else {
clazz <- .jcall( cl, "Ljava/lang/Class;", "getClass" )
} else if( inherits( cl, "jclassName" ) ) {
clazz <- cl@jobj
} else if( inherits( cl, "character" ) ){
clazz <- .jfindClass(cl)
} else {
# then find out if o is an instance of the class
.jcall( clazz , "Z", "isInstance", .jcast(o, "java/lang/Object" ) )
# this part is common to all platforms and must be invoked
# from .First.lib after library.dynam
# actual namespace environment of this package
.env <- environment()
# variables in the rJava environment that will be initialized *after* the package is loaded
# they need to be pre-created at load time and populated later by .jinit
.delayed.export.variables <- c(".jniInitialized", ".jclassObject", ".jclassString", ".jclassClass",
"", ".jclass.double", ".jclass.float", ".jclass.boolean",
".jclass.void", ".jinit.merge.error")
# variables that are delayed but not exported are added here
.delayed.variables <- c(.delayed.export.variables, ".rJava.class.loader")
# C entry points to register
.register.addr <- c( # .Call
"PushToREXP", "RJava_checkJVM", "RJava_needs_init", "RJava_new_class_loader",
"RJava_primary_class_loader", "RJava_set_class_loader", "RJava_set_memprof", "RJavaCheckExceptions",
"RcreateArray", "RgetBoolArrayCont", "RgetByteArrayCont", "RgetCharArrayCont",
"RgetDoubleArrayCont", "RgetField", "RgetFloatArrayCont", "RgetIntArrayCont",
"RgetLongArrayCont", "RgetNullReference", "RgetObjectArrayCont",
"RgetShortArrayCont", "RgetStringArrayCont", "RidenticalRef",
"RisAssignableFrom", "RpollException", "RsetField", "RthrowException",
# .External
"RcreateObject", "RgetStringValue", "RinitJVM", "RtoString",
# .C
"RclearException", "RuseJNICache"
.jfirst <- function(libname, pkgname) {
# register all C entry points
addr <- getNativeSymbolInfo(.register.addr, pkgname)
for (name in .register.addr)
.env[[name]] <- addr[[name]]$address
assign(".rJava.base.path", paste(libname, pkgname, sep=.Platform$file.sep), .env)
assign(".jzeroRef", .Call(RgetNullReference), .env)
for (x in .delayed.variables) assign(x, NULL, .env)
assign(".jniInitialized", FALSE, .env)
# default JVM initialization parameters
if (is.null(getOption("java.parameters")))
## S4 classes update - all classes are created earlier in classes.R, but jobjRef's prototype is only valid after the dylib is loaded
setClass("jobjRef", representation(jobj="externalptr", jclass="character"), prototype=list(jobj=.jzeroRef, jclass="java/lang/Object"), where=.env)
## This file is part of the rJava package - low-level R/Java interface
## (C)2006 Simon Urbanek <>
## For license terms see DESCRIPTION and/or LICENSE
## $Id$
.check.JVM <- function()
.need.init <- function()
## initialization
.jinit <- function(classpath=NULL, parameters=getOption("java.parameters"), ..., silent=FALSE, force.init=FALSE) {
running.classpath <- character()
if (!.need.init()) {
running.classpath <- .jclassPath()
if (!force.init) {
if (length(classpath)) {
cpc <- unique(unlist(strsplit(classpath, .Platform$path.sep)))
if (length(cpc)) .jaddClassPath(cpc)
## determine path separator
path.sep <- .Platform$path.sep
if (!is.null(classpath)) {
classpath <- as.character(classpath)
if (length(classpath))
classpath <- paste(classpath,collapse=path.sep)
# merge CLASSPATH environment variable if present
if (!is.null(cp)) {
if (is.null(classpath))
# set rJava/java/boot for boostrap (so we can get RJavaClassLoader)
boot.classpath <- file.path(.rJava.base.path,"java","boot")
# if running in a sub-arch, append -Dr.arch in case someone gets the idea to start JRI
if (is.character(.Platform$r_arch) && nzchar(.Platform$r_arch) && length(grep("-Dr.arch", parameters, fixed=TRUE)) == 0L)
parameters <- c(paste("-Dr.arch=/", .Platform$r_arch, sep=''), as.character(parameters))
## unfortunately Sys/setlocale()/Sys.getlocale() have incompatible interfaces so there
## is no good way to get/set locales -- so we have to hack around it ...
locales <- sapply(locale.list, Sys.getlocale)
loc.sig <- Sys.getlocale()
#cat(">> init CLASSPATH =",classpath,"\n")
#cat(">> boot class path: ", boot.classpath,"\n")
# call the corresponding C routine to initialize JVM
xr <- .External(RinitJVM, boot.classpath, parameters)
## we have to re-set the locales right away
suppressWarnings(try(if (!identical(Sys.getlocale(), loc.sig)) for (i in names(locales)) try(Sys.setlocale(i, locales[i]), silent=TRUE),
if (xr==-1) stop("Unable to initialize JVM.")
if (xr==-2) stop("Another VM is already running and rJava was unable to attach to that VM.")
# we'll handle xr==1 later because we need fully initialized rJava for that
# this should remove any lingering .jclass objects from the global env
# left there by previous versions of rJava
pj <- grep("^\\.jclass",ls(1,all.names=TRUE),value=TRUE)
if (length(pj)>0) {
if (exists(".jniInitialized",1)) rm(list=".jniInitialized",pos=1)
if (!silent) warning("rJava found hidden Java objects in your workspace. Internal objects from previous versions of rJava were deleted. Please note that Java objects cannot be saved in the workspace.")
##--- HACK-WARNING: we're operating directly on the namespace environment
## this could be dangerous.
for (x in .delayed.variables) unlockBinding(x, .env)
assign(".jniInitialized", TRUE, .env)
# get cached class objects for reflection
assign(".jclassObject", .jcall("java/lang/Class","Ljava/lang/Class;","forName","java.lang.Object"), .env)
assign(".jclassClass", .jcall("java/lang/Class","Ljava/lang/Class;","forName","java.lang.Class"), .env)
assign(".jclassString", .jcall("java/lang/Class","Ljava/lang/Class;","forName","java.lang.String"), .env)
ic <- .jcall("java/lang/Class","Ljava/lang/Class;","forName","java.lang.Integer")
f<-.jcall(ic,"Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;","getField", "TYPE")
assign("", .jcast(.jcall(f,"Ljava/lang/Object;","get",.jcast(ic,"java/lang/Object")),"java/lang/Class"), .env)
ic <- .jcall("java/lang/Class","Ljava/lang/Class;","forName","java.lang.Double")
f<-.jcall(ic,"Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;","getField", "TYPE")
assign(".jclass.double", .jcast(.jcall(f,"Ljava/lang/Object;","get",.jcast(ic,"java/lang/Object")),"java/lang/Class"), .env)
ic <- .jcall("java/lang/Class","Ljava/lang/Class;","forName","java.lang.Float")
f<-.jcall(ic,"Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;","getField", "TYPE")
assign(".jclass.float", .jcast(.jcall(f,"Ljava/lang/Object;","get",.jcast(ic,"java/lang/Object")),"java/lang/Class"), .env)
ic <- .jcall("java/lang/Class","Ljava/lang/Class;","forName","java.lang.Boolean")
f<-.jcall(ic,"Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;","getField", "TYPE")
assign(".jclass.boolean", .jcast(.jcall(f,"Ljava/lang/Object;","get",.jcast(ic,"java/lang/Object")),"java/lang/Class"), .env)
ic <- .jcall("java/lang/Class","Ljava/lang/Class;","forName","java.lang.Void")
f<-.jcall(ic,"Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;","getField", "TYPE")
assign(".jclass.void", .jcast(.jcall(f,"Ljava/lang/Object;","get",.jcast(ic,"java/lang/Object")),"java/lang/Class"), .env)
## if NOAWT is set, set AWT to headless
if (nzchar(Sys.getenv("NOAWT"))) .jcall("java/lang/System","S","setProperty","java.awt.headless","true")
lib <- "libs"
if (nchar(.Platform$r_arch)) lib <- file.path("libs", .Platform$r_arch)
rjcl <- NULL
if (xr==1) { # && nchar(classpath)>0) {
# ok, so we're attached to some other JVM - now we need to make sure that
# we can load our class loader. If we can't then we have to use our bad hack
# to be able to squeeze our loader in
# first, see if this is actually JRIBootstrap so we have a loader already
rjcl <- .Call(RJava_primary_class_loader)
if (is.null(rjcl) || .jidenticalRef(rjcl,.jzeroRef)) rjcl <- NULL
else rjcl <- new("jobjRef", jobj=rjcl, jclass="RJavaClassLoader")
if (is.jnull(rjcl))
rjcl <- .jnew("RJavaClassLoader", .rJava.base.path,
file.path(.rJava.base.path, lib), check=FALSE)
if (is.jnull(rjcl)) {
## it's a hack, so we run it in try(..) in case BadThings(TM) happen ...
cpr <- try(.jmergeClassPath(boot.classpath), silent=TRUE)
if (inherits(cpr, "try-error")) {
if (!silent) warning("Another VM is running already and the VM did not allow me to append paths to the class path.")
assign(".jinit.merge.error", cpr, .env)
if (length(parameters)>0 && any(parameters!=getOption("java.parameters")) && !silent)
warning("Cannot set VM parameters, because VM is running already.")
if (is.jnull(rjcl))
rjcl <- .jnew("RJavaClassLoader", .rJava.base.path,
file.path(.rJava.base.path, lib), check=FALSE )
if (!is.jnull(rjcl)) {
## init class loader
assign(".rJava.class.loader", rjcl, .env)
##-- set the class for native code
.Call(RJava_set_class_loader, .env$.rJava.class.loader@jobj)
## now it's time to add any additional class paths
cpc <- unique(strsplit(classpath, .Platform$path.sep)[[1]])
if (length(cpc)) .jaddClassPath(cpc)
} else stop("Unable to create a Java class loader.")
##.Call(RJava_new_class_loader, .rJava.base.path, file.path(.rJava.base.path, lib))
## lock namespace bindings
for (x in .delayed.variables) lockBinding(x, .env)
## now we need to update the attached namespace (package env) as well
m <- match(paste("package", getNamespaceName(.env), sep = ":"), search())[1]
if (! { ## only is it is attached
pe <- as.environment(m)
for (x in .delayed.export.variables) {
unlockBinding(x, pe)
pe[[x]] <- .env[[x]]
lockBinding(x, pe)
# FIXME: is this the best place or should this be done
# internally right after the RJavaClassLoader is instanciated
# init the cached RJavaTools class in the jni side
.Call( "initRJavaTools", PACKAGE = "rJava" )
# not yet
# import( c( "java.lang", "java.util") )
# FIXME: this is not always true: osgi, eclipse etc use a different
# class loader strategy, we should add some sort of hook to let people
# define how they want this to be done
.jmergeClassPath <- function(cp) {
ccp <- .jcall("java/lang/System","S","getProperty","java.class.path")
ccpc <- strsplit(ccp, .Platform$path.sep)[[1]]
cpc <- strsplit(cp, .Platform$path.sep)[[1]]
rcp <- unique(cpc[!(cpc %in% ccpc)])
if (length(rcp) > 0) {
# the loader requires directories to include trailing slash
# Windows: need / or \ ? (untested)
dirs <- which($isdir)
for (i in dirs)
if (substr(rcp[i],nchar(rcp[i]),nchar(rcp[i]))!=.Platform$file.sep)
rcp[i]<-paste(rcp[i], .Platform$file.sep, sep='')
## this is a hack, really, that exploits the fact that the system class loader
## is in fact a subclass of URLClassLoader and it also subverts protection
## of the addURL class using reflection - yes, bad hack, but we use it
## only if the boot class path doesn't contain our own class loader so
## we cannot replace the system loader with our own (this will happen when we
## need to attach to an existing VM)
## The original discussion and code for this hack was at:
## it should probably be run in try(..) because chances are that it will
## break if Sun changes something...
cl <- .jcall("java/lang/ClassLoader", "Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;", "getSystemClassLoader")
urlc <- .jcall("java/lang/Class", "Ljava/lang/Class;", "forName", "")
clc <- .jcall("java/lang/Class", "Ljava/lang/Class;", "forName", "")
ar <- .jcall("java/lang/reflect/Array", "Ljava/lang/Object;",
"newInstance", .jclassClass, 1:1)
.jcall("java/lang/reflect/Array", "V", "set",
.jcast(ar, "java/lang/Object"), 0:0,
.jcast(urlc, "java/lang/Object"))
m<-.jcall(clc, "Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;", "getDeclaredMethod", "addURL", .jcast(ar,"[Ljava/lang/Class;"))
.jcall(m, "V", "setAccessible", TRUE)
ar <- .jcall("java/lang/reflect/Array", "Ljava/lang/Object;",
"newInstance", .jclassObject, 1:1)
for (fn in rcp) {
f <- .jnew("java/io/File", fn)
url <- .jcall(f, "Ljava/net/URL;", "toURL")
.jcall("java/lang/reflect/Array", "V", "set",
.jcast(ar, "java/lang/Object"), 0:0,
.jcast(url, "java/lang/Object"))
.jcall(m, "Ljava/lang/Object;", "invoke",
.jcast(cl, "java/lang/Object"), .jcast(ar, "[Ljava/lang/Object;"))
# also adjust the java.class.path property to not confuse others
if (length(ccp)>1 || (length(ccp)==1 && nchar(ccp[1])>0))
rcp <- c(ccp, rcp)
acp <- paste(rcp, collapse=.Platform$path.sep)
} # if #rcp>0
## bindings into JRI
## warning: JRI REXP class has currently no finalizers! (RReleaseREXP must be used manually for now)
## warning: this produces JRI-API pbjects - that should go away! use toJava below
.r2j <- function(x, engine = NULL, convert = TRUE) {
if (is.null(engine)) engine <- .jcall("org/rosuda/JRI/Rengine","Lorg/rosuda/JRI/Rengine;","getMainEngine")
if (!is(engine, "jobjRef")) stop("invalid or non-existent engine")
toJava <- function(x, engine = NULL) {
## this is really the wrong place for all this REngine checking stuff, but so far .jengine uses JRI API only and legacy code may rely on that
## so this is the only place that assumes REngine API and thus will load it ...
ec <- .jfindClass("org.rosuda.JRI.Rengine", silent=TRUE)
if (is.jnull(ec)) {
stop("JRI is not loaded. Please start JRI first - see ?.jengine")
ec <- .jfindClass("org.rosuda.REngine.REngine", silent=TRUE)
if (is.jnull(ec)) {
fn <- system.file("jri","REngine.jar",package="rJava")
if (nzchar(fn)) .jaddClassPath(fn)
fn <- system.file("jri","JRIEngine.jar",package="rJava")
if (nzchar(fn)) .jaddClassPath(fn)
ec <- .jfindClass("org.rosuda.REngine.REngine", silent=TRUE)
if (is.jnull(ec)) {
stop("Cannot find REngine API classes. Please make sure you have installed and loaded the REngine API")
if (is.null(engine)) engine <- .jcall("org/rosuda/REngine/REngine","Lorg/rosuda/REngine/REngine;","getLastEngine")
if (is.jnull(engine)) { # no last engine, but there may be JRI engine already running ...
me <- .jcall("org/rosuda/JRI/Rengine","Lorg/rosuda/JRI/Rengine;","getMainEngine", check=FALSE)
if (is.jnull(me)) stop("JRI is not running. Please start JRI first - see ?.jengine")
engine <- .jnew("org/rosuda/REngine/JRI/JRIEngine", me)
if (!is(engine, "jobjRef")) stop("invalid or non-existent engine")
.setupJRI <- function(new=TRUE) {
ec <- .jfindClass("org.rosuda.JRI.Rengine", silent=TRUE)
if (is.jnull(ec)) {
ec <- .jfindClass("org.rosuda.JRI.Rengine", silent=TRUE)
if (is.jnull(ec))
stop("Cannot find JRI classes")
me <- .jcall("org/rosuda/JRI/Rengine","Lorg/rosuda/JRI/Rengine;","getMainEngine", check=FALSE)
if (!is.jnull(me)) {
if (!new) return(TRUE)
warning("JRI engine is already running.")
e <- .jnew("org/rosuda/JRI/Rengine")
.jengine <- function(start=FALSE, silent=FALSE) {
me <- NULL
ec <- .jfindClass("org.rosuda.JRI.Rengine", silent=TRUE)
if (!is.jnull(ec)) {
me <- .jcall("org/rosuda/JRI/Rengine","Lorg/rosuda/JRI/Rengine;","getMainEngine", check=FALSE)
if (is.jnull(me)) {
if (!start) {
if (silent) return(NULL)
stop("JRI engine is not running.")
me <- .jcall("org/rosuda/JRI/Rengine","Lorg/rosuda/JRI/Rengine;","getMainEngine", check=FALSE)
if (is.jnull(me) && !silent)
stop("JRI engine is not running.")
.jaddClassPath <- function(path) {
if (!length(path)) return(invisible(NULL))
if (!is.jnull(.rJava.class.loader))
else {
cpr <- try(.jmergeClassPath(paste(path,collapse=.Platform$path.sep)), silent=TRUE)
invisible(!inherits(cpr, "try-error"))
.jclassPath <- function() {
if (is.jnull(.rJava.class.loader)) {
cp <- .jcall("java/lang/System", "S", "getProperty", "java.class.path")
unlist(strsplit(cp, .Platform$path.sep))
} else {
.jaddLibrary <- function(name, path) {
if (!is.jnull(.rJava.class.loader))
invisible(.jcall(.rJava.class.loader, "V", "addRLibrary", as.character(name)[1], as.character(path)[1]))
.jrmLibrary <- function(name) {
## FIXME: unimplemented
.jclassLoader <- function() {
.jpackage <- function(name, jars='*', morePaths='', nativeLibrary=FALSE, lib.loc=NULL) {
if (!.jniInitialized) .jinit()
classes <- system.file("java", package=name, lib.loc=lib.loc)
if (nchar(classes)) {
if (length(jars)) {
if (length(jars)==1 && jars=='*') {
jars <- grep(".*\\.jar",list.files(classes,full.names=TRUE),TRUE,value=TRUE)
if (length(jars)) .jaddClassPath(jars)
} else .jaddClassPath(paste(classes,jars,sep=.Platform$file.sep))
if (any(nchar(morePaths))) {
cl <- as.character(morePaths)
cl <- cl[nchar(cl)>0]
if (is.logical(nativeLibrary)) {
if (nativeLibrary) {
libs <- "libs"
if (nchar(.Platform$r_arch)) lib <- file.path("libs", .Platform$r_arch)
lib <- system.file(libs, paste(name, .Platform$dynlib.ext, sep=''), package=name, lib.loc=lib.loc)
if (nchar(lib))
.jaddLibrary(name, lib)
warning("Native library for `",name,"' could not be found.")
} else {
.jaddLibrary(name, nativeLibrary)
.jmemprof <- function(file = "-") {
if (is.null(file)) file <- ""
invisible(.Call(RJava_set_memprof, as.character(file)))
## methods for jobjRef class
## additional methods ($ and $<-) are defined in reflection.R
# show method
# FIXME: this should show the class of the object instead of Java-Object
setMethod("show", c(object="jobjRef"), function(object) {
if (is.jnull(object)) show("Java-Object<null>") else show(paste("Java-Object{", .jstrVal(object), "}", sep=''))
setMethod("show", c(object="jarrayRef"), function(object) {
show(paste("Java-Array-Object",object@jsig,":", .jstrVal(object), sep=''))
# map R comparison operators to .jequals
setMethod("==", c(e1="jobjRef",e2="jobjRef"), function(e1,e2) .jequals(e1,e2))
setMethod("==", c(e1="jobjRef"), function(e1,e2) .jequals(e1,e2))
setMethod("==", c(e2="jobjRef"), function(e1,e2) .jequals(e1,e2))
setMethod("!=", c(e1="jobjRef",e2="jobjRef"), function(e1,e2) !.jequals(e1,e2))
setMethod("!=", c(e1="jobjRef"), function(e1,e2) !.jequals(e1,e2))
setMethod("!=", c(e2="jobjRef"), function(e1,e2) !.jequals(e1,e2))
# other operators such as <,> are defined in comparison.R
.joptions <- function(...) {
l <- list(...)
if (length(l)==0) return(list())
if ("jni.cache" %in% names(l)) {
v <- l[["jni.cache"]]
if (!is.logical(v) || length(v)!=1)
stop("jni.cache must be a logical vector of length 1")
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