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Commit caed34fa authored by Florian Angerer's avatar Florian Angerer
Browse files

Make package cache aware of package versions.

parent 8a426317
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......@@ -30,26 +30,34 @@ log.message <- function(..., level=0) {
cat(..., "\n")
pkg.cache.install <- function(pkg.cache.env, pkgname, lib.install, install.cmd) {
is.cached <- pkg.cache.get(pkg.cache.env, pkgname, lib.install)
pkg.cache.install <- function(pkg.cache.env, pkgname, pkg.version, lib.install, install.cmd) {
pkg <- list(Package=pkgname, Version=pkg.version)
is.cached <- pkg.cache.get(pkg.cache.env, pkg, lib.install)
if (!is.cached) {
res <- install.cmd()
# 0L stands for success
if (res == 0L) {
pkg.cache.insert(pkg.cache.env, pkgname, lib.install)
pkg.cache.insert(pkg.cache.env, pkg, lib.install)
pkg.cache.get <- function(pkg.cache.env, pkgname, lib) {
pkg.cache.entry.filename <- function(pkg) {
paste0(as.character(pkg["Package"]), "_", as.character(pkg["Version"]), ".gz")
pkg.cache.get <- function(pkg.cache.env, pkg, lib) {
version.dir <- pkg.cache.check(pkg.cache.env)
if(is.null(version.dir)) {
return (FALSE)
pkgname <- as.character(pkg["Package"])
pkg.version <- as.character(pkg["Version"])
log.message("using package cache directory ", version.dir, level=1) <- paste0(pkgname, ".gz") <- pkg.cache.entry.filename(pkg)
# lookup package dir
pkg.dirs <- list.files(version.dir, full.names=FALSE, recursive=FALSE)
......@@ -73,7 +81,7 @@ pkg.cache.get <- function(pkg.cache.env, pkgname, lib) {
pkg.cache.insert <- function(pkg.cache.env, pkgname, lib) {
pkg.cache.insert <- function(pkg.cache.env, pkg, lib) {
version.dir <- pkg.cache.check(pkg.cache.env)
if(is.null(version.dir)) {
return (FALSE)
......@@ -86,10 +94,12 @@ pkg.cache.insert <- function(pkg.cache.env, pkgname, lib) {
pkgname <- as.character(pkg["Package"])
pkg.version <- as.character(pkg["Version"])
fromPath <- file.path(lib, pkgname)
toPath <- file.path(version.dir, paste0(pkgname, ".gz"))
toPath <- file.path(version.dir, pkg.cache.entry.filename(pkg))
# to produce a TAR with relative paths, we need to change the working dir
# to produce a ZIP with relative paths, we need to change the working dir
prev.wd <- getwd()
if(zip(toPath, pkgname, flags="-r9Xq") != 0L) {
......@@ -261,9 +271,11 @@ base.packages <- c("base", "compiler", "datasets", "grDevices", "graphics", "gri
# the list of packages that will be excluded in the transitive dependecies
ignored.packages <- if (is.fastr()) recommended.base.packages else base.packages
package.dependencies <- function(pkg, lib, dependencies = c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo"), pl = available.packages()) {
# Computes the direct dependencies of a package.
# Returns a data frame containing the with rows c("Package", "Version")
package.dependencies <- function(pkg, lib, dependencies = c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo"), pl =, stringAsFactors=FALSE)) {
if (!(pkg %in% rownames(pl))) {
log.message("Package", pkg, "not on CRAN\n", level=1)
log.message("Package", as.character(pkg), "not on CRAN\n", level=1)
return (NULL)
fields <- pl[pkg, dependencies]
......@@ -272,32 +284,39 @@ package.dependencies <- function(pkg, lib, dependencies = c("Depends", "Imports"
# remove newline artefacts '\n' and split by ','
deps <- unlist(strsplit(gsub("\\n", " ", fields), ","))
# remove version
# remove version constraints like '(>= 3.4.0)'
deps <- trimws(sub("\\(.*\\)", "", deps))
# ignore dependency to "R" and ignore already installed packages
installed.pkgs.list <- tryCatch({
# query base and recommended packages
ip <- available.packages(lib.loc=lib)
ip[as.logical(match(ip[,"Priority"], c("base", "recommended"), nomatch=0L)),"Package"]
installed.pkgs.table <- tryCatch({[,c("Package", "Version")], stringAsFactors=FALSE)
}, error = function(e) {
data.frame(Package=character(0), Version=character(0))
}, warning = function(e) {
data.frame(Package=character(0), Version=character(0))
setdiff(deps, c("R", installed.pkgs.list, ignored.packages))
# Remove ignored packages from dependencies vector
non.ignored.names <- setdiff(deps, c("R", ignored.packages))
# Convert vector to data frame (query from package list data frame)
non.ignored.deps <- pl[pl$Package %in% non.ignored.names,]
# Remove any installed packages
non.ignored.deps[!(non.ignored.deps$Package %in% installed.pkgs.table$Package & non.ignored.deps$Version %in% installed.pkgs.table$Version),c("Package", "Version")]
transitive.dependencies <- function(pkg, lib, pl = available.packages(), deptype=c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo"), suggests=FALSE) {
deps <- c()
# Computes the transitive dependencies of a package by ignoring installed packages and 'ignored.packages'.
# The result is a data frame with columns named "Package" and "Version".
# Every row represents a package by the name and its version.
transitive.dependencies <- function(pkg, lib, pl =, stringAsFactors=FALSE), deptype=c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo"), suggests=FALSE) {
deps <- data.frame(Package=character(0), Version=character(0))
more <- pkg
# Also add "Suggests" to dependencies but do not recurse
if (suggests) {
this.suggests <- package.dependencies(pkg, dependencies = "Suggests", pl = pl)
if (!is.null(this.suggests)) {
more <- c(more, this.suggests)
more <- c(more, as.character(this.suggests$Package))
......@@ -318,8 +337,8 @@ transitive.dependencies <- function(pkg, lib, pl = available.packages(), deptype
processed <- unique(c(processed, this))
this.deps <- package.dependencies(this, lib, dependencies = deptype, pl = pl)
if (!is.null(this.deps)) {
deps <- c(deps, this.deps)
more <- c(more, this.deps[!(this.deps %in% processed)])
deps <- rbind(deps, this.deps)
more <- c(more, as.character(this.deps[!(this.deps$Package %in% processed), "Package"]))
......@@ -333,25 +352,29 @@ pkg.cache.internal.install <- function(pkg.cache.env, pkgname, contriburl, lib.i
if (pkg.cache.env$enabled) {
# determine available packages
pkg.list <- available.packages(contriburl=contriburl)
pkg.list <-, stringAsFactors=FALSE)
# query version of the package
#pkg.version <- as.character(pkg.list[pkg.list$Package == pkgname, "Version"])
pkg <- pkg.list[pkgname, c("Package", "Version")]
# compute transitive dependencies of the package to install
log.message("Computing transitive package dependencies for ", pkgname, level=1)
transitive.pkg.list <- c(transitive.dependencies(pkgname, lib=lib.install, pl=pkg.list), pkgname)
log.message("transitive deps: ", transitive.pkg.list, level=1)
log.message("Computing transitive package dependencies for ", paste0(pkgname, "_", as.character(pkg$Version)), level=1)
transitive.pkg.list <- rbind(transitive.dependencies(pkgname, lib=lib.install, pl=pkg.list), pkg)
log.message("transitive deps: ", as.character(transitive.pkg.list$Package), level=1)
# apply pkg cache to fetch cached packages first
cached.pkgs <- sapply(transitive.pkg.list, function(pkgname) pkg.cache.get(pkg.cache.env, pkgname, lib.install))
log.message("Number of uncached packages:", length(transitive.pkg.list[!cached.pkgs]), level=1)
cached.pkgs <- apply(transitive.pkg.list, 1, function(pkg) pkg.cache.get(pkg.cache.env, pkg, lib.install))
log.message("Number of uncached packages:", nrow(transitive.pkg.list[!cached.pkgs, ]), level=1)
# if there was at least one non-cached package
if (any(!cached.pkgs) || length(cached.pkgs) == 0L) {
# install the package (and the transitive dependencies implicitly)
install.packages(pkgname, contriburl=contriburl, type="source", lib=lib.install, INSTALL_opts="--install-tests")
install.packages(as.character(transitive.pkg.list[!cached.pkgs, "Package"]), contriburl=contriburl, type="source", lib=lib.install, INSTALL_opts="--install-tests")
# cache packages that were not in the cache before
log.message("Caching uncached dependencies:", transitive.pkg.list[!cached.pkgs], level=1)
lapply(transitive.pkg.list[!cached.pkgs], function(pkgname) pkg.cache.insert(pkg.cache.env, pkgname, lib.install))
log.message("Caching uncached dependencies:", as.character(transitive.pkg.list[!cached.pkgs, "Package"]), level=1)
apply(transitive.pkg.list[!cached.pkgs, ], 1, function(pkg) pkg.cache.insert(pkg.cache.env, pkg, lib.install))
} else {
install.packages(pkgname, contriburl=contriburl, type="source", lib=lib.install, INSTALL_opts="--install-tests")
......@@ -742,20 +742,6 @@ fastr_error_log_size <- function() {
install.pkg <- function(pkgname) {
error_log_size <- fastr_error_log_size()
if (run.mode == "system") {
#system.install.wrapper <- function() {
#, error = function(e) {
#return (1L)
#}, warning = function(e) {
## According to the documentation of 'system2', a warning will provide a status field.
#return (e$status)
#pkg.cache.install(pkg.cache, pkgname, lib.install, system.install.wrapper)
, error = function(e) {
......@@ -767,15 +753,6 @@ install.pkg <- function(pkgname) {
} else if (run.mode == "internal") {
#internal.install.wrapper <- function() {
#install.packages(pkgname, type="source", lib=lib.install, INSTALL_opts="--install-tests")
#, error = function(e) {
#return (1)
#pkg.cache.install(pkg.cache, pkgname, lib.install, internal.install.wrapper)
pkg.cache.internal.install(pkg.cache.env=pkg.cache, pkgname=pkgname, lib.install=lib.install)
} else if (run.mode == "context") {
stop("context run-mode not implemented\n")
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