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  • demo-hceres-2018
  • master default protected
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.024Sep111012Jun514May7123Apr171216Dec143Nov31Oct30292625242322191817161512111098432127Sep2621201918171576543131Aug30292827242322212017151413109876231Jul29272625241613121110932129Jun28272627262522212019181715141312118654130May29282524232221201817161514109743227Apr2624232019Add testsmastermasterFirst shot at supporting subset and mergeFixesAdd handling of RepeatNodeWorking mx for fastrFix one test for database compatibilityFix R in databases for functionsCache engine for external callsFix tests and translation of order data operatorFix TruffleNodes for QIRFix R deep embeddedImplement Average query operator.demo-hceres-2018demo-hceres-2018Add support for list("x1"=e1, ..., "xn"=en) inside queries.Remove sourceSection for generated QIRMerge remote-tracking branch 'fastr/master'[GR-2798] Some rlang ggplot3 fixes.Make internal pkgtest verboseChange RFFI variable R_MissingArg to be an empty symbolFix conversion between RMissing and missing symbol, i.e. "", when converting pairlist to language and backMinor fixes in internal error reporting and documentationFix: findVarInFrame returns missing symbol, i.e. "", for RMissing and empty RArgsAndValues[GR-11478] Implement rapply, few minor fixes, update CHANGELOG.Update CHANGELOGImplemented the rapply builtin function, and added some tests for it. Updated InheritsCheckNode to be able to create ClassHierarchyNode that contains implicit classes.Improve 'ignore suggests' configuration for pkgtestImprove error reporting when fast-path cannot be addedUpdateStorageMode: support NULL and show proper error messagesMinor fixes in MakeNames and S3 dispatchFix Rf_coerceVector for pairlists and NULLSupport formal parameter syntax: '..1', '..1=default', '...=default'[GR-11533] Seamless way to create data frame from Java and other languages - second round.[GR-12069] Implement eapply builtin.- create composed lists instead of lists with dimensions when converting heterogenous foreign arraysalways return dimension for foreign arrays, even if resulting in listMerge with fastrimplement eapplyfix "... = ..." in deparsed fun calls[GR-2798] A few smaller fixes in interop.[GR-9802] Implemented the RTypeValue interface for CharSXPWrapper.Remove hack on double values