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Commit 180a32ee authored by E. Madison Bray's avatar E. Madison Bray
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[testing] add several unit tests for the baseline recsystem itself

parent 7549264c
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......@@ -3,10 +3,14 @@
import asyncio
import contextlib
import itertools
import json
import logging
import random
import string
import sys
import threading
from datetime import datetime
import websockets
......@@ -15,6 +19,7 @@ from . import shutdown
from jsonrpcclient.clients.websockets_client import WebSocketsClient
from jsonrpcclient.response import Response
import lorem
except ImportError:
raise ImportError(__name__,
'renewal_recsystem[tests] must be installed to use this module')
......@@ -253,3 +258,96 @@ class WebSocketsMultiClient(WebSocketsClient):
for handler in log.handlers:
if isinstance(handler, logging.StreamHandler):
def generate_articles(start_id=1):
Iterator which returns random articles with increasing article_ids.
>>> from renewal_recsystem.utils.testing import generate_articles
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> import random
>>> random.seed(0)
>>> articles = generate_articles()
>>> pprint(next(articles))
{'article_id': 1,
'authors': ['Occaecat Mollit'],
'date': '...-...-...T...:...:...',
'image_url': '',
'keywords': ['proident', 'id', 'duis'],
'lang': 'en',
'metrics': {'bookmarks': 0, 'clicks': 0, 'dislikes': 0, 'likes': 0},
'site': {'icon_url': 'https://localhost/api/v1/images/icons/0123456789abcdef',
'name': 'Example',
'url': ''},
'summary': 'Ad aliquip ullamco pariatur...'
'fugiat commodo nostrud non incididunt nisi.',
'text': 'Eiusmod fugiat cupidatat elit esse ipsum do velit...'
'aliqua occaecat sed laborum.',
'title': 'Ad Nisi Ut Pariatur Voluptate',
'url': ''}
>>> pprint(next(articles))
{'article_id': 2,
'url': ''}
# NOTE: This should be kept in sync with the backend API implementation
template = {
'article_id': 0,
'authors': [],
'date': datetime.utcnow().isoformat(timespec='seconds'),
'image_url': '{article_id}/top_image.png',
'keywords': [],
'lang': 'en',
'metrics': {'bookmarks': 0, 'clicks': 0, 'dislikes': 0, 'likes': 0},
'site': {
'name': 'Example',
'url': ''
'summary': '',
'text': '',
'title': '',
'url': '{article_id}'
counter = itertools.count(start_id)
while True:
article = template.copy()
article_id = next(counter)
'article_id': article_id,
'authors': [lorem.get_word(2, func='capitalize')],
'image_url': article['image_url'].format(article_id=article_id),
'keywords': lorem.get_word(3).split(),
'summary': lorem.get_paragraph(),
'text': lorem.get_paragraph(),
'title': lorem.get_word(5, func='capitalize'),
'url': article['url'].format(article_id=article_id)
yield article
def random_user_id(length=28, chars=(string.ascii_letters + string.digits)):
Generate a random user ID in the format used by Firebase.
>>> from renewal_recsystem.utils.testing import random_user_id
>>> import random
>>> random.seed(0)
>>> random_user_id()
return ''.join(random.sample(chars, length))
......@@ -20,7 +20,10 @@ install_requires =
tests =
......@@ -30,3 +33,6 @@ doctest_optionflags = ELLIPSIS NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
filterwarnings =
# ignore warning from pkg_resources' vendored copy of pyparsing
ignore:Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections'
source = renewal_recsystem
"""Tests of `BaselineRecsystem`."""
import asyncio
import itertools
from urllib import parse as urlparse
# Python 3.8+ only
from unittest.mock import AsyncMock
except ImportError:
from asyncmock import AsyncMock
except ImportError:
raise ImportError(__name__,
'renewal_recsystem[tests] must be installed to run these tests')
import pytest
from renewal_recsystem.articles import ArticleCollection
from renewal_recsystem.baseline import BaselineRecsystem as _BaselineRecsystem
from renewal_recsystem.utils.testing import generate_articles, random_user_id
# It is not possible to use the monkeypatch fixture in a class-scoped fixture;
# see so we have to implement
# our own class-scoped monkeypatch
def monkeyclass(request):
from _pytest.monkeypatch import MonkeyPatch
mpatch = MonkeyPatch()
yield mpatch
class BaselineRecsystem(_BaselineRecsystem):
Subclass of the real class modified for testing.
The only difference is that it uses a lower number of initial articles.
def baseline(monkeyclass):
Test fixture to construct a `BaselineRecsystem` instance shared by all
tests in the class.
The `BaselineRecsystem.recommendation_mode` defaults to ``'random'`` but
can be changed by individual tests by using the monkeypatch fixture.
recsystem = BaselineRecsystem(api_base_uri='http://localhost/api/v1',
# mock the initial backend API requests
def get(self, url, *args, params={}, **kwargs):
if url.endswith('/articles'):
# For the purposes of this test max_id and since_id are currently
# ignored since they are not used by the code under test
limit = params.pop('limit', DEFAULT_ARTICLES_LIMIT)
json = list(itertools.islice(generate_articles(), limit))
elif url.endswith('/user_assignments'):
json = [random_user_id() for _ in range(N_ASSIGNED_USERS)]
json = None
response = AsyncMock()
response.__aenter__ = AsyncMock(return_value=response)
response.json = AsyncMock(return_value=json)
return response
monkeyclass.setattr('aiohttp.ClientSession.get', get)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
return recsystem
class TestBaselineRecsystem:
Unit tests of the `BaselineRecsystem`'s initialization and RPC methods.
For the purpose of these test we don't actually run the main client loop
(``) as its functionality is tested by tests of the
lower-level server code.
This just tests the results of calling the individual RPC methods directly
as though they were called by an RPC client.
def run(self, coro):
Run an async function call on the event loop and return the results.
return asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(coro)
def test_initialize(self, baseline):
assert isinstance(baseline.articles, ArticleCollection)
assert len(baseline.articles) == baseline.INITIAL_ARTICLES
assert isinstance(baseline.users, set)
assert len(baseline.users) == N_ASSIGNED_USERS
def test_ping(self, baseline):
"""Test the ping RPC endpoint."""
assert == 'pong'
def test_new_article(self, baseline):
"""Test the new_article RPC endpoint."""
# generate a few new articles with an IDs a little bit higher than the
# heighest article ID currently in the collection:
last_id = baseline.articles.article_ids[-1]
last_len = len(baseline.articles)
article_generator = generate_articles(last_id + 1)
new_articles = list(itertools.islice(article_generator, 5))
# push the new article with the highest ID; this will will create a
# "gap" in the article_ids of stored articles[-1]))
assert len(baseline.articles) == last_len + 1
# take a slice
slc = baseline.articles[last_id:]
assert len(slc) == 2
assert slc[0] == baseline.articles[last_id]
assert slc[1] == baseline.articles[new_articles[-1]['article_id']]
# insert an article with a lower article_id and ensure it gets sorted
# into the "gap" (e.g. testing new articles delivered out of order from
# their article_id[2]))
assert len(baseline.articles) == last_len + 2
# take a slice
slc = baseline.articles[last_id:]
assert len(slc) == 3
assert slc[0] == baseline.articles[last_id]
assert slc[1] == baseline.articles[new_articles[2]['article_id']]
assert slc[2] == baseline.articles[new_articles[-1]['article_id']]
def test_article_interaction(self, baseline):
"""Test the article_interaction RPC endpoint."""
# Test a basic sequence of interactions on a single article
article_id = baseline.articles.article_ids[-1]
# Template article_interaction object
template = {'user_id': random_user_id(), 'article_id': article_id}
# Shortcut method to generate an interaction object and pass it to
# the article_interaction RPC
def interaction(**kwargs):
interaction = template.copy()
# Each article_interaction will update the tally of article_metrics
# in-place, so we just need to make sure it is updated properly for
# each interaction type
metrics = baseline.articles[article_id]['metrics']
# The default we should be starting from
assert metrics == {'likes': 0, 'dislikes': 0, 'clicks': 0,
'bookmarks': 0}
interaction(rating=1, prev_rating=0)
assert metrics['likes'] == 1 and metrics['dislikes'] == 0
interaction(rating=1, prev_rating=0)
assert metrics['likes'] == 2 and metrics['dislikes'] == 0
interaction(rating=-1, prev_rating=1)
assert metrics['likes'] == 1 and metrics['dislikes'] == 1
interaction(rating=0, prev_rating=-1)
assert metrics['likes'] == 1 and metrics['dislikes'] == 0
interaction(rating=-1, prev_rating=0)
assert metrics['likes'] == 1 and metrics['dislikes'] == 1
assert metrics['bookmarks'] == 1
assert metrics['bookmarks'] == 2
assert metrics['bookmarks'] == 1
assert metrics['clicks'] == 1
@pytest.mark.parametrize('mode', ['random', 'popular'])
def test_recommend(self, mode, baseline, monkeypatch):
"""Test the recommend RPC endpoint."""
# TODO: This test is bare-bones right now. It needs to be fleshed out
# to ensure
# 1) The returned recommendations are according to the pattern expected
# by the active recommendation mode.
# 2) A specific user is not returned the same recommendations more than
# once.
user_id = random_user_id()
monkeypatch.setattr(baseline, 'recommendation_mode', mode)
recs =
assert len(recs) <= baseline.RECOMMEND_DEFAULT_LIMIT
assert len(recs) == len(set(recs))
assert sorted(recs, reverse=True) == recs
for rec in recs:
assert rec in baseline.articles
# The following two tests are pretty trivial
def test_assigned_user(self, baseline):
"""Test the assigned_user RPC endpoint."""
user_id = random_user_id()
assert user_id in baseline.users
def test_unassigned_user(self, baseline):
"""Test the unassigned_user RPC endpoint."""
user_id = random_user_id()
assert user_id in baseline.users
assert user_id not in baseline.users
# Try to unassign the user again--this results in a logged
# warning but should not otherwise be a problem:
assert user_id not in baseline.users
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